Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Hey guys
This is called "Lately" because it is about what I have done lately. I`ve done quite a bit lately.
So, there is something bugging me, I`m not gonna tell you what it is, but its scaring me a bit.
Also, another thing thats bugging me is that I can`t write. Songs and stuff, I can`t write songs or stories or anything. I don`t know why I am complaining about this because I never have been able, and what I do write, it isn`t that good. So, I have decided to think of a name for a song, a silly funny name. One person who has helped me with songs is Nice Peter, he is on YouTube.
He is awesome, he has songs that are really good, funny. He made a song for ShayCarl, called ShayCarl and The ShayTards. He is awesome, so please, check him out. So yeah, I am gonna make a name for a song, and write lyrics. This is gonna be a silly song about something I`m just thinking. And eventually, once I get back to school, hopefully I can team up with a friend.

So, I`m happy because I have a music room! Not really, its a little room with a table and some room. I put three of my four guitars in there, and I have some paper on the table for music.

K, thats it for now.

Song of the Day:
21st Century Schitzoid Man by King Crimson

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Holiday Soon!

Hey guys,
So yeah, I`m going on holiday soon and I am so excited! I can`t wait, its gonna be awesome.
I am going to YellowKnife, which is in Norhtern Canada, then Calgary, Edmonton, then back home, well actually I am gonna be at my dads house for two weeks, cause my mom is going on holiday. So yeah, 10 days travelling, 2 weeks at my dads house in Toronto. Its gonna be awesome. I love living in the city so this is gonna be really fun.

So, lately I have been wanting to film things, and make skits and stuff, I talked about this briefly in the last post. So yeah, I want to films things. Porbably gonna start out with some little skits, and put them on YouTube. I was trying to think of some skit ideas, so far I have one idea. But I was going around it in the wrong way. I wrote down the idea, but then went on to write every detail in it, and the script. So I decided I would just make the idea, then later make a script.
If you have any ideas for skits, leave me a message on FaceBook.

Lately I have been on YouTube a lot, so I have made a list of my favorite YouTuber`s.
Here you go,

1. ShaneDawsonTV/ShaneDawsonTV2/Shane`s Iphone Channel
2. KassemG/KassemGTwo
3. TheStation/TheStation2
4. RayWilliamJohnson
5. ShayCarl
6. BenPowellDrummer

So yeah, thats it for now, here are the favorite songs for today.

1. Epitath by King Crimson
2. Tumbling Dice by The Rolling Stones
3. Exo-Politics by MUSE
4. MellowShip Slinky In B Major by The Rolling Stones
5. Adam`s Apple by Aeromsith