Monday, December 13, 2010

More Stuff

Hey everyone,
I haven`t made a post in a long time, so I thought I`d update it now.
So first of all, I`ve started listening a bunch of new bands, so here is a list of some of my favorite right now.
1. Klaatu
2. Supertramp
3. Weezer
4. Buddy Holly (And The Crickets)
5. Sam Cooke

And also here is a list of awesome Canadian bands.
1. Rush
2. Klaatu
3. Neil Young
4. The Guess Who
5. Steppenwolf (Canadian/American)

Yeah, so um... Catching up on what I wrote on my last post, a lot has happened...
I have one more day of school left until Christmas Break, the day after the last day, I am on a plane flying to good ol' Scotland! I haven`t been there in almost four years, so I can`t wait to get back.
That Geography assignment that I was talking about, we presented that last week, I think I got a 80% on it, so not bad.
My overall average for the first term was 73%, not bad, but tons of room for improvement.

I am finished IT by Stephen King, it was amazing! Beautiful, truly extraordinary! I am now reading The Shining, by Stephen King as well. I am about a quarter qay through it, I am bringing The Shining, The Stand (both of them by Stephen King), and Life: Keith Richards Biography.
I am reading the last one cause he is awesome, my dad gave it to me, and it give`s me something else to read on the plane (a seven and a half hour flight, followed by a one hour flight).

I spent the weekend in the city with my dad, awesome time once again!
On Saturday nightm there was an awesome party, I met an oldboy from SAC, that was cool, I heard some funny stories of back in the day, I met someone who saw me 12 years ago, and I also saw a kid, it was really cool seeing him, because the last time I saw him, he a few months old (and his parents didn`t tell us they had a baby, so it was a surprise), he is now almost four! It was really cool to see how he has grown.
Then on Sunday, we had a very quiet day, we had a Christmas dinner, because we won`t see my dad until the new year. So yeah, quiet Christmas dinner, presents, and then we went out on the town and saw a film that I thought was really good. The King`s Speech. I takes place from I think 1929 to the late 1930`s. It is about the Duke of York, his dad (the king) dies, and his older brother become`s King, but he abdicates. So the Duke of York has to be King, but he has a severe stuttering problem (not a great thing for a King to have). He seeks the help of a highly recommended speech therapist, who has un-orthadox and contreversial methods. After many fights and struggles, the King is able to make the openening War Time speech without stuttering. It was a very good film, it also had three actors from Harry Potter: Dumbledore, Belletrix Lestrange (Hellen Bonham Carter is a really good actress) and Wormtail. There were also some other familiar actors.
So yeah, three days left, and then I am going to Scotland!
Anyway, thats it, here are the songs for today:

Howl At The Moon by Klaatu
Goodbye Stranger by Supertramp
Reptilia by The Strokes
Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft by Klaatu
Hands by The Raconteurs

See you, next time

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