Saturday, October 22, 2011

Last House on the Left

Review #6: Last House on the Left
Wes Craven`s very first film, before the Nightmare on Elm Street films, Before Scream, before all that, he started with this. Made in 1972, and for its time, it was probably one of the most graphic, harsh films made. There is a lot of nudity, a lot of blood, and a lot of just very dark things going on.

Basically, it is about two young girls; the main girl is called Mari. They are going into the city to see a concert; they get kidnapped by a group of four people and are raped, abused and eventually horribly killed. The four people clean up and need a place to stay and they end up staying Mari`s parents house. That night her parents find out that Mari is dead and that the people staying in their house killed them. Mari`s parents aren`t happy and start their revenge. I`m not going to give away anything else, but it gets pretty crazy.

Now, this film was awesome. I only had two really problems with, and they were small things. One of them was I thought that the parents handled finding out their daughter is dead pretty well. They kind of found, found her body, and showed very little emotion. The other problem was something that bugged me personally, I don`t think it would apply to lot of people. I wanted the scenes with the bad guys hurting the girls to be more extreme. I was expecting all out hell with those scenes and I was kind of let down with, I wanted it to be brutal.

The things I did like, was the acting (for most of the time), especially the two girls and the villains. The villains were cruel, harsh and crazy. The two girls were innocent (to a degree), sweet and just got caught in a horrible thing.

Now, this is not Wes Craven`s best film, but of course it isn`t, it’s his first, and very rarely is the first films a person’s best films. Other than this film, I haven`t seen a whole lot of his films. I`ve seen Nightmare on Elm Street, all four Scream films, and that’s it. This was still very good.

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