Sunday, April 25, 2010

Rugby, Rolling Stones, and Pick-Up Lines

Hey guys,
So, I`m slowly getting back into blogging, haven`t done as much as I would like to, but oh well, I am back!
So this weekend I was in a Rugby tournement for my school team. We had two games on Friday and two games on Saturday. We destroyed every team, we were awesome. We faced two teams from Montreal, we faced Country Day (the tournement was at Country Day) and we faced one other team, which we are playing again on Wednesday. And one thing that was surprising was that Country Day`s team had a girl on it, which is cool, but this girl was scary, she was mean, competitive and she complained a lot. And she was pretty strong, so that shocked us for a bit but we still destroyed them.
So that was the Rugby part of the post, here is the Rolling Stones part.
Today I saw the Rolling Stones Movie, Shine A Light. It is a concert of their and a bit of a documentury. It was actually really good. I heard some songs in it that I hadn`t heard before, like She Was Hot, Tumbling Dice, Shattered, All Down The Line, Loving Cup, Some Girls, Just My Imagination, Far Away Eyes, You Got The Silver, Connection, and Live With Me. There was alos a song they did with Buddy Guy called Champaigne And Reefer by Muddy Waters. That was good, Buddy Guy is really good at guitar.
I would love to see The Rolling Stones in concert, they are my favorite band.

So anyway, I was on FaceBook earlier and I found this page, its called Hilarious Pick-Up Lines. There is like 70 of them, but here are some of my favorites.
1. Have I seen you before? Oh yeah, I saw you in the Dictionary next to the word KABLAM!!!
2. Are you are a parking ticket? Cause you have fine written all over you.
3. Excuse me, did you happen to find my Nobel Peace Prize?
4. Here`s $10, drink until I look good then come talk to me.
5. You know what? Your eyes are the same colour as my Porsche.
6. Are you from Tennessea? Cause you`re the only 10 I see.
7. Screw me if I`m wrong, but haven`t we met before?
8. Do you sleep on your belly at night? If no, then can I?

So yeah, those are some of my favorite one`s, there is a lot more though.
So I finally picked what song to play for the final playing exam in music class. I picked Time Is Running Out by Muse. My music teacher transposed it cause I couldn`t find any books for it, so he wrote it out for me. So it is a really good song, and I went on YouTube and looked up drum covers for the song, so here is one I found that is really good.
If that doesn`t work then just look up Time Is Running Out Drum Cover, it is the 4th one, it is by benpowellfforddlas

Oh, and another cool thing is I had a major French test a couple days ago, and I got it back on Friday, and I got 94% on it. Hell YEAH!!!!!!!!! It brought my French average up 6% and my overall average up 1%. For me in French that is awesome!!! I also gto pretty good on a History Test and it brought history up 2%
That is awesome.
Right now I am addicted to one mission in Modern Warfare 2. I forget what it is called but this is what it is. You are in Favela and its you and 4 other people. Basically all you do is run around guns a blazin, killing all the militia people, then you have to jump from one rooftop to another and everyone makes it except you, and you fall and wake up a couple minutes later. You have to run through a bunch of buildings with no weapons and a bunch of people chasing you, then you have to run across a bunch or rooftops and jump on to the helicopter. Anyway, its a really fun mission, I`ve done it like three times today.
All right, time for my favorite songs, here you go

1. Tumbling Dice by The Rolling Stones
2. Tales by Wolfmother
3. Time Is Running Out by Muse
4. Shine A Light by The Rolling Stones
5. She Was Hot by The Rolling Stones
6. Kids by MGMT
7. Uprising by Muse
8. Cocaine by Eric Clapton
9. Wonderfull Tonight by Erci Clapton
10. You Got The Silver by The Rolling Stones

Actually I just thought of something, here is a list of my favorite movies at the time
1. Help!
2. Shine A Light
3. Grease

I can`t think of any more right now.
So all right guys, thats it
Talk to you soon


Monday, April 19, 2010

Oh Hormones...

Hey guys,
So I quickly want to apologize for not updating this in quite a while.
So the last two week or so have been interesting, to say the least...
As you know, I am a teenager now, and I have been going through puberty for around two years already, but now the hormones have kicked in. So far, it is the only bad thing about puberty. And it definitely bad. And the thing is, I cope with things, including hormones, with music. I listen and play music, and around a week ago, my IPod broke. That sucks!!! So my dads girlfreind gave me her old IPod (Thank you very much!!!) its pretty good, its an old nano. The bad thing is it doesn`t nearly all my songs, I have just over 2,000, this IPod is suppossed to hold around 2,000. It is only holding around 400. That sucks, I should have just kept the music she had on it, cause she had a lot of good music on it, some songs I listened to on it a lot were Cocaine by Eric Clapton, Wonderfull Tonight by Eric Clapton, My Best Freinds Girl by The Cars and some other stuf by The Cars and The Rolling Stones.
But I have gotten into a lot of music lately, right now my favorite band is The Rolling Stones.
Here is a list of my favorite songs by them, there is quite a few. These are not in order.
1. Shine A Light
2. Streets Of Love
3. Time Is On My Side
4. 19th Nervous Breakdown
5. Waiting For A Freind
6. Beast Of Burden
7. Under My Thumb
8. Start Me Up
9. Angie
10. Honky Tonk Woman
11. Miss You
12. Saint Of Me
13. Rough Justice
14. This Place Is Empty
15. Rain Fall Down
16. Sympathy For The Devil
17. Ruby Tuesday
18. Brown Sugar
19. Gimme Shelter
20. You Can`t Always Get What You Want

Yeah, I love them. And in French class we got a project,we have to pick a place that we have always wanted to go. Then we basically make a slide show of pictures and sentances in the future tense in french. I picked... London, England. I have always wanted to go to London.

I just noticed I was going to start talking about my last week, and then started talking about a bunch of other stuff.
So yeah, I liked Rugby then I hated it, now I like it again. And I didn`t go to the dance, and a bunch of other stuff, and it just piled up and lead to an akward meal with my dad.
I had Rugby today and it really fun. I am in a Rugby tournement on Friday and Saturday. I have to games each day.

And I just started assembling a band. So far I have me and one other person in it, and I e-mailed another guy to play base, just the thing is, the basist lives pretty far away. So if he joins, then there will be Lead Guitarist, Rythm Guitaris and Basist, and I might play drums sometimes.

Al right, guys, thats it for now. See you

Friday, April 9, 2010

Last Dance

Hey guys,
So today is the last dance of the school year, and I am not there.
I was going, my name was on the list, but then I decided not to go. I have been feeling sick for the last couple days, and I just didn`t want to go, I don`t know why, I just didn`t want to go.
The bad thing is everybody has been giving me shit because of it, and I`m sick of it.
So now I have to wait till like October or something. Hopefully there are more dances next year, there were only five this year.
Another bad thing is that I can`t write anything, musically. I can`t write anything for guitar, lyrics or anything. The thing is I have a bunch of lyrics I have made for different songs but none of them are what I am trying to write right now.
Also today I had to present a project for French. We had to either make a pizza (fake or real) with our favorite ingredients. So yeah, I presented that today, that went ok.
I also had Jazz Band today, that was fun, we played Take The "A" Train and Play That Funky Music. Out of those songs, Play That Funky Music Is My Favorite. We are also doing Thriller but we didn`t practise it today.

And also I don`t know if I want to stick with rugby, I just don`t like it that much anymore, I like the sport but not playing it, so I don`t know what I should do, the only other sport available is Soft Ball. Should I stay with Rugby or go to Soft Ball. So yeah, I`m not to happy right now, with everything going on.
On a brighter note, I had an awesome long weekend. I went over to my moms best freinds house, it was awesome, my brother paid her nine year old daughter to chase me around and try to kill me, so it was fun hangin out there for the day.
Two days ago I watched a movie I have wanted to see for a long time, The Shining, based on the book by Stephen King. It was really good, scary, but not nearly as scary as I thought it would be. Jack Nicholsan (I don`t know if that is the way it is spelled) is such a great actor.

And apperently because of my moms freind, there were five girls there going to be looking for me. Wonderfull. I am pissed off.

People talk about me as if I`m not in the room, and I am sick of it.