Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March Break Soon!

Hey guys,
So I am excited because March break is in a week! Awesome!
I am looking forward to a break... My birthday is on Monday, and two things are happening... I am presenting the Science Fair Project (ugh...), and there is a comedy festival for Middle School... All right, its not really a comedy festival, its like a 45 minute- 1 hour thing, and a couple people get up do a domedy routine. This was suppossed to happen a while back, but not enough people showed up. Basically, in English class, we studied comedy. At the end of this unit we had to get into groups of two or three and write a 2-3 comedy skit. Some of them were good, some were... Um, less good. Haha.

So, with the coming of March Break, also comes third term and all its glory and fury.
One good thing about third term is picking new sports. I am once again, playing Rugby, the greatest sport (gonna get some hate for that, no doubt).
I`m pretty sure we pick the sports before March Break starts, so anytime next week. Last year we had one or two practises of Rugby before the March Break. Mind you, it was inside (because there was still snow), and we were not tackling. We were learning the basic rules of the game, we were learning passing, and we were doing different drills. My favorite (which is a bit hard to explain) is the very first drill we did. Basically, Everyone gathered in a somewhat large circle, facing each other, but each person had two or three people in a line behind them. The first person of each line has a rugby ball, everyone who has a ball has to run to the person facing them across the circle. You basically have to dodge all the people and get to the other side somewhat quickly. Very fun, and at the beginning, very chaotic.

So, last night was the Cadets in Concert at my school. Its an Upper School thing mainly, but I still went, and let me tell you... It was awesome!
It started with the Upper School Band, they did a couple really good songs, and at the end of their performance they did something unexpected... The did a Journey medley, it was actually OK.
Then, the head drummer and the kinda second in comman of the Drum Corps came out and rocked out! The second in command messed up a little bit, but they were both really great! There was also a sort of dance routine with basketballs... Yeah, its as weird as it sounds. But it was pretty good.
Then the entire Drum Corps came out and each guy played a different percussion instrument, and they did this cover of a song that was actuall really good! My favorite part was anytime the Drum Corps was playing. They did this one thing where they were playing, the everyone started playing quietly, and the head drummer and second in command came to the front of the stage and had a drum duel, then they started sword fighting with their drum sticks, eventaully one of their sticks broke (planned of course), and then it got crazy. They went of stage and came back with lightsabers... Yeah, awesome! They fought with lightsabers, the second in command won, and they picked up their drums and started playing again.
The Bagpipes were awesome (as always) as well.
It was an amazing night!

So, in Music Class, we had to pick a band and do a PowerPoint project one them (my band was MUSE).
One guy did their project on Bob Marley... I now love Bob Marley!

So here are some of my favorite songs right now.

Buffalo Soldier- Bob Marley
When The Levee Breaks- Led Zeppelin
One Love- Bob Marley
I Shot The Sheriff- Bob Marley
Three Little Birds- Bob Marley
Sleepyhead- Passion Pit (This is the original version, I prefer the version by Ellie Goulding and Starsmith)
De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da- The Police
Walking On The Moon- The Police
Killing In The Name- Rage Against The Machine

Thats it, will post again soon.

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