Sunday, February 20, 2011

Long Weekend

Hey everyone,
So, unfortunately the long weekend is almost done, just tomorrow left, and tomorrow I`ve got some homework so, yeah. Its been a pretty fun weekend. I`ve seen a lot of great movies, which are:
One Flew Over The Cuckoo`s Nest
Raging Bull
The Godfather
The Evil Dead
The Godfather Part 2

I`d seen The Godfather and Part 2 before but didn`t remember much, and I`d obviously seen Ghostbusters before. And I am going to watch The Godfather Part 3 tomorrow.

Now, a little bit about each movie...
One Flew Over The Cuckoo`s Nest:
I really enjoyed this movie, it was interesting, had a good story and great acting! It is about a man in jail (Jack Nicholson) who pretends to be mentally handicapped so he can get out of jail. So he goes to a mental institution where he makes chaos among the staff and patients. It has got a nurse in it that is just evil... But, yeah great movie, really liked it.

Raging Bull:
This was also a really good film. It is about a boxer, who was really good at boxing, he became a champion, it goes through his problems with his family, and then shows where he ends up after boxing. It stars Robert De Niro, who was great in it, so was Joe Pesci, who played his brother.
It was violent, interesting and intense.

The Godfather:
I really enjoyed this film. It is about a family, and this family is the leading mafia family in America. Its stars Marlon Brando and Al Pacino, it also has James Caan and many others.
Marlon Brando is the head of the family (people call him Godfather), and is almost killed in an assasination attempt. At the end Al Pacino becomes the head of the family, even though he never wanted anything to do with it. This movie won best Best Picture, Best Actor, and Best Adapted Screenplay. A really good movie.

The Evil Dead:
Now, I was a bit weary about watching this film. I`m not a huge fan of horror, especially modern horror. I watched it anyway, and I loved it! It was very, very bloody. But when they did anything other than blood, like actual gore, the effects were honestly laughable. Now, keep in mind that they had only $375,000 to make this entire film. That is pretty impressive.
It is about these five college students who go to a cabin in the woods, they find a book, The Book of the Dead, and then they find a recording of a man saying the incantations in the book. This brings evil spirits, their actual names are Deadites. Everyone is possesed and killed except for Ash (Bruce Cambell). This is the first film of the trilogy. There was Evil Dead 2, and Evil Dead 3: Army of Darkness. The first film is horror, the second is horror with a bit of comedy, the third one is an adventure/action with comedy. But, I really enjoyed it.

I`m not going to say much about this film, almost everyone has seen this. It is a classic film about three guys who are amateur ghost hunters, they start their own company and become very popular and busy with catching ghosts. One of the main characters` (Bill Murray) girlfriend (Sigourney Weaver) is possesed by an evil spirit to prepare for the coming of an evil god. This film is funny, interesting, and has some awesome actors.

The Godfather Part 2:
Now, me personally, I liked this film better than the first. Sure, the first one had Marlon Brando in it, but I liked this one better. I really liked Michael (Al Pacino) as the Godfather. I liked how they went into his marital problems and problems with his siblings. I also really liked that they told the story of Vito Corleone(original Godfather) as a young man, and I loved Robert De Niro playing Vito Corleone. I didn`t even notice how long this film was, and it was a long film! This movie is 3 hours and 20 minutes! But when it finished I felt like it was no where near that long, I actually wanted it to go on more. This was nominated for 11 Acadamy Awards, and it won 6, including Best Picture and Best Supporting Actor. I love the acting, I love the story, I really love the film.

So yeah, tomorrow I am watching The Godfather Part 3, and if I have any time in between work, I will try to squeeze in another movie.

So, thats it for tonight, hope you guys enjoyed, and if you haven`t seen those movies, you should check them out.

Song of the day:
Bridge Over Troubled Water by Simon and Garfunkel

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