Sunday, December 11, 2011

American Psycho

Umm, wow. Yeah, that sums it up, wow.

This movie was insane. It was scary, intense, and sometimes it bordered on comedic, and the fact that I found a movie about an insane killer comedic worries me.
Christian Bale stars as Patrick Bateman, which right away makes me think about Norman Bates from Alfred Hitchcock`s Psycho. This movie is based off a 1991 book, with the same title.
So yeah, it’s about Patrick Bateman, a 27 year old man with a very prestigious job on Wall Street. The film chronicles his will power weakening as his lust for violence grows more and more uncontrollable. Right from the start you can see he is insane, but in a slightly subtle way, like when he is describing his morning routine, and it’s got around 20-30 steps to it as he is talking about how he has to keep fit and be young. You see how gets furious when he sees that other people have nicer business cards then him, but he hides when in front of them.

I went into this film looking for a lot of violence and gore, and sure, I got it. But not for roughly the first half hour at least, and the first kill is bloodless. Nevertheless, I was still entranced by it. There is beautiful music playing as the camera just watches him get ready for work, most of the music was great, and the color was really nice. Mainly because a lot of his apartment is shockingly white, as he is a clean freak. Not just the color, but the design, it’s all very clean, modern, and artistic. Bateman eventually kills one of his business partners and an investigation is started. As I said before, Bateman starts losing control and just starts killing people left right and center. There is a very intense scene where he is in bed with two women, and of the women gets out of bed and the other women in bed starts screaming and she sees blood on the sheets and she starts running, Patrick chases her down with a chainsaw as she discovers more and more of his victims. It was brutal what she saw around his apartment. Near the end, he is on the run from the police and he lets himself take over and he goes out of his way to kill everyone he sees, and the thing is, he is never caught. Even if you just listen to him talk, it is weird. He is talking about how he has all the physical components of a human, but he is not, he is not there. And every time he kills someone he talks about the music that is playing. His first major kill, he puts on music and he is almost dancing he is so ecstatic, as he brings the axe down.

Christian Bale was excellent in this role. He took it on, I believed that he was crazy and I didn`t know what he was going to do next. All the supporting cast was very good as well, but Bale stole the show.

Repeating what I said earlier, wow. Great movie, there is a sequel, but it doesn`t look very good. You should watch this if you are into this type of movie, if you aren`t, it might be a bit extreme, but overall, I loved it.

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