Monday, May 24, 2010

Long Weekend

Hey everyone,
So, today is the last day of the long weekend :(
Which sucks, but it has been pretty damn good. Lets see, on Friday, I just relaxed. Saturday, I had drum and guitar lessons, Hell YEAH!!! I hadn`t had one in three weeks cause of Rugby and stuff, so it was good to get back. My teacher is teaching me a lot of guitar work by Slayer, I hate the band, but now that I know some of the guitar, its impressive! She tought me the main riff for Angels Of Death, and now she is teaching me Spill The Blood, the song is ok, but the guitar work is great. Anyway, after music, I went to my dads house in the city. Which I love! I was there Saturday and Sunday and came back today. On Saturday we had a party with a bunch of friends and some family. That was really fun, on Sunday he said he had a surprise for us... I was wondering what it was for a long time. So we started driving, and... Mamma Mia!!! Yeah, we went to see Mamma Mia the Musical. It was actually awesome! And one of the best parts about it was that my brother hated every second! He hates ABBA and hates the story.
Then today, me and my brother took the bus back down here from Toronto.
Oh, I almost forgot, when I was down there, I recorded a two video`s. So they are up on youtube, here is a link.
So I now have four vids up, I am gonna make a video every time I`m at my dads house.

So I just got back from the movies, I saw Shrek 4. It was actually pretty good. Better than the 3rd one.

So, I have 14 days left of school... Hell YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!
I finish on the Friday, and I am back at my old school on the Monday for volunteer work. I am there until they finish which is on the 25th, I finish on the 11th. I am there eery school day except one, because its Prize Day at my school. So overall, I am at my old school for 7 days.
Which I am looking forward too.

All right, I just started writing a story today. I`m not gonna tell you what its about, not yet.
I also decided that I am gonna make a recording of myself playing drums. A collage of drums. I don`t know when I am gonna start recording it, as soon as tomorrow mabye.

All right, now for my faorite songs, here you go.

1. Moving In Stereo by The Cars
2. Over The Hills And Far Away by Led Zeppelin
3. Woman From Tokyo by Deep Purple
4. In Spite Of Ourselves by John Prine
5. Black Knight by Deep Purple
6. Its Raining Again by Supertramp
7. Limelight by Rush
8. Surrender by Cheap Trick

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Songs To Get

Hey guys,
So everynow and then I send myself e-mails, telling myself to get certain songs for my IPod. I haven`t done this in a while, so I decided to go on YouTube and look up best rock songs. I found a video called 100 Best Classical Rock Songs, I watched it and listed around 30 songs in an e-mail, I also watched another video and got more songs from that, here is the list of songs I made.

1. Hold The Line by Toto
2. Gypsy Road by Cinderella
3. Two Tickets To Paradise by Eddie Money
4. Burnin For You by Blue Oyster Cult
5. Hold On Loosely by .38 Special
6. Take The Money And Run by The Steve Miller Band
7. American Girl by Tom Petty
8. Time Of The Season by The Zombies
9. Gimme All Your Lovin by ZZ Top
10. Still Loving You by The Scorpians
11. Take It On The Run by REO Speedwagon
12. Lady by Little River Band
13. Down By The River by Neil Young
14. Time by Pink Floyd
15. Piano Man by Billy Joel

And many more, like 20 more.
I just don`t feel like writing it all out.
Anyway, on Tuesday I had the Middle School Music Night, I played in two different bands, I was supposed to do a duet with a freind but he kicked me out because he was always very far behind in the song, so when I was playing it right I had to slow down and go back and that messed him up, so he kicked me out.
Oh well, I was in Jazz Band and the Beginning Band.
So it was pretty fun.
And now it is a long weekend.

All right guys, Talk to you later

Monday, May 17, 2010

Volunteer Work

So last week I went into my old school so I could volunteer. They said yes, I got an e-mail from the principal talking about when I could go and all that stuff. So I am going there on Monday June 14. I will be there the last 8 days of thei school year.
The thing is, you know what? I don`t even want to talk about it, I will tell you, one thing, it might be kinda akward.
Some good news is, I wrote a song. Its not done yet, but so far its pretty good. I recorded what I have so far on my laptop. Its pretty good, I found out I`m not the greatest singer, but oh well. I don`t care.
One thing that sucks, is that I haven`t had a guitar lesson in like the last almost month. Because of Rugby, I couldn`t even play tonight cause I messed my back up in the last game, the next game is on Wednesday, if we win, then our last game is on Saturday.

Tomorrow is the Middle School Music Night. And I just found out not one minute ago that I am kicked out of the duet I am doing with a freind. Jazz Band isn`t playing anymore, now all I`m in is Beggining Band which sucks.

The end of this day has really sucked.
As you can tell, I`m not in the greatest of moods.

Anyway, song of the day is
Its Raining Again by Supertramp

Friday, May 14, 2010


Hey everyone,
So this week at school was something called FOCUS, let me tell you what that is, well you don`t really have a choice cause I`m gonna tell you. So it started on Wednesday and it finished tonight. FOCUS is a Drama festival that has been going on at my school for quite a while. There were around 10-20 plays this year I think, oh and it is only on at this time once a year. I saw 6 plays but I saw three again. The reason I saw those three again is because my brother is in them. He was actually really good. So, the plays he was in were called Therapy In The Park, There Shall Be No Bottom, and Up Up And Away To Broadway. The first one is about this guy in therapy, he is told to go to the park and meet fiver people. My brother plays a gay guy he meets.
The second one is about three bad actors in a play, and it was pretty funny. The last one is a musical, they took like 6 or 7 songs from different plays and performed them. One of my favorite things about that play was the...Girls. There were I think like 10 girls and yeah, it was nice, I saw it yesterday and needles to say, I saw it again today. One of the best plays I saw was called Breast Men. It was hilarious! It was about these two guys, one of them just got dumped, and the other one has a medical condition, he grew breast`s. And the other guy starts falling for him, well for his breasts actually. But yeah, it was hilarious.
I know you shouldn`t wish your life away, but I can`t wait till Upper School, I just have the rest of Grade 7 and Grade 8. Then I am in Upper School, I can be in FOCUS and a whole lot of other stuff. I actually might be able to be in FOCUS next year, my brother said he would talk to the Drama teacher.

Oh well, this is gonna be a quick post so, here is my song of the day, yes, I am going back to song of the day.
This one is because of the girls in Up Up And Away To Broadway.
Song of the Day: Girls, Girls, Girls by Motley Crue

All right, talk to you guys soon.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Hey guys,
Today`s post is called "Stuff" because that is what it is about, just stuff that been going on lately, nothing too big.
So in Drama today we presented our play for the first time to the other Drama group, we messed up cause we didn`t know our lines perfectly but it was just for fun today, we are probably gonna actually perform it around The Middle School Music Night on May 18th.
Today I had an awesome morning and a pretty bad afternoon, just because of the classes I had. In the morning I had my two favorte classes, here is my schedule for today.
Period 1-Music
Period 2-Language Arts
Period 3-Math
Period 4-Geography

I love the first two classes, don`t like the last classes, but then the afternoon was saved because of Drama.
After Drama I was maybe gonna go to Starbucks with a freind cause Rugby was cancelled. But I decided not to.

So yesterday, my brother was at bass lessons and I decided to go into the store and look around, so I played some guitars, impressed a little girl and her mother, literrely, that actually happened.
Then I picked up this book called Hal Leonard Guitar Method Book 3, I have the first two. I looked at it, picked up a really cool acoustic guitar, and started rocking out. And one thing that was really cool, there was one song in it, it was really hard, it was using some cool finger pickking techniques, I messed up a lot and then I decided just to mess around using the same technique and stuff, and right there, in that store, I made a song. Not a full song, but a lot of one, and it is good.
I need to write some lyrics, but as usual, I can`t think of anything to write about!!!
I hate that! I can never think of anything to write about, and even if I do, I can`t think of good lyrics.

Anyway, I have a French project due tomorrow, I am mostly done. It`s cool though because we are using a program called Photo Story. It is cool, what you do is you take a picture, then write what you want, then you record yourself saying it, so I don`t at all in this project. And I just noticed something, this is part of our Summative`s.
One thing that sucks, is that in Grade 7, we don`t have any exams except one, Math.
I am not looking forward to that.

So here is a list of my favorite bands right now,

1. The Rolling Stones
2. Muse
3. The Cars
4. Eric Clapton
5. The Red Hot Chili Peppers

All right, bye guys.