Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Hey guys,
Today`s post is called "Stuff" because that is what it is about, just stuff that been going on lately, nothing too big.
So in Drama today we presented our play for the first time to the other Drama group, we messed up cause we didn`t know our lines perfectly but it was just for fun today, we are probably gonna actually perform it around The Middle School Music Night on May 18th.
Today I had an awesome morning and a pretty bad afternoon, just because of the classes I had. In the morning I had my two favorte classes, here is my schedule for today.
Period 1-Music
Period 2-Language Arts
Period 3-Math
Period 4-Geography

I love the first two classes, don`t like the last classes, but then the afternoon was saved because of Drama.
After Drama I was maybe gonna go to Starbucks with a freind cause Rugby was cancelled. But I decided not to.

So yesterday, my brother was at bass lessons and I decided to go into the store and look around, so I played some guitars, impressed a little girl and her mother, literrely, that actually happened.
Then I picked up this book called Hal Leonard Guitar Method Book 3, I have the first two. I looked at it, picked up a really cool acoustic guitar, and started rocking out. And one thing that was really cool, there was one song in it, it was really hard, it was using some cool finger pickking techniques, I messed up a lot and then I decided just to mess around using the same technique and stuff, and right there, in that store, I made a song. Not a full song, but a lot of one, and it is good.
I need to write some lyrics, but as usual, I can`t think of anything to write about!!!
I hate that! I can never think of anything to write about, and even if I do, I can`t think of good lyrics.

Anyway, I have a French project due tomorrow, I am mostly done. It`s cool though because we are using a program called Photo Story. It is cool, what you do is you take a picture, then write what you want, then you record yourself saying it, so I don`t at all in this project. And I just noticed something, this is part of our Summative`s.
One thing that sucks, is that in Grade 7, we don`t have any exams except one, Math.
I am not looking forward to that.

So here is a list of my favorite bands right now,

1. The Rolling Stones
2. Muse
3. The Cars
4. Eric Clapton
5. The Red Hot Chili Peppers

All right, bye guys.

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