Friday, May 14, 2010


Hey everyone,
So this week at school was something called FOCUS, let me tell you what that is, well you don`t really have a choice cause I`m gonna tell you. So it started on Wednesday and it finished tonight. FOCUS is a Drama festival that has been going on at my school for quite a while. There were around 10-20 plays this year I think, oh and it is only on at this time once a year. I saw 6 plays but I saw three again. The reason I saw those three again is because my brother is in them. He was actually really good. So, the plays he was in were called Therapy In The Park, There Shall Be No Bottom, and Up Up And Away To Broadway. The first one is about this guy in therapy, he is told to go to the park and meet fiver people. My brother plays a gay guy he meets.
The second one is about three bad actors in a play, and it was pretty funny. The last one is a musical, they took like 6 or 7 songs from different plays and performed them. One of my favorite things about that play was the...Girls. There were I think like 10 girls and yeah, it was nice, I saw it yesterday and needles to say, I saw it again today. One of the best plays I saw was called Breast Men. It was hilarious! It was about these two guys, one of them just got dumped, and the other one has a medical condition, he grew breast`s. And the other guy starts falling for him, well for his breasts actually. But yeah, it was hilarious.
I know you shouldn`t wish your life away, but I can`t wait till Upper School, I just have the rest of Grade 7 and Grade 8. Then I am in Upper School, I can be in FOCUS and a whole lot of other stuff. I actually might be able to be in FOCUS next year, my brother said he would talk to the Drama teacher.

Oh well, this is gonna be a quick post so, here is my song of the day, yes, I am going back to song of the day.
This one is because of the girls in Up Up And Away To Broadway.
Song of the Day: Girls, Girls, Girls by Motley Crue

All right, talk to you guys soon.

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