Monday, May 17, 2010

Volunteer Work

So last week I went into my old school so I could volunteer. They said yes, I got an e-mail from the principal talking about when I could go and all that stuff. So I am going there on Monday June 14. I will be there the last 8 days of thei school year.
The thing is, you know what? I don`t even want to talk about it, I will tell you, one thing, it might be kinda akward.
Some good news is, I wrote a song. Its not done yet, but so far its pretty good. I recorded what I have so far on my laptop. Its pretty good, I found out I`m not the greatest singer, but oh well. I don`t care.
One thing that sucks, is that I haven`t had a guitar lesson in like the last almost month. Because of Rugby, I couldn`t even play tonight cause I messed my back up in the last game, the next game is on Wednesday, if we win, then our last game is on Saturday.

Tomorrow is the Middle School Music Night. And I just found out not one minute ago that I am kicked out of the duet I am doing with a freind. Jazz Band isn`t playing anymore, now all I`m in is Beggining Band which sucks.

The end of this day has really sucked.
As you can tell, I`m not in the greatest of moods.

Anyway, song of the day is
Its Raining Again by Supertramp

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