Monday, June 28, 2010


Hey everyone,
This post is called "Whatever" simply for the reason that I couldn`t think of a name, and that it is about whatever I am gonna write.
So, no that we have that out of the way, onto the rest of the post!

So, first of all, I am gonna put a list of my favorite bands, so here that list is. Surprisingly, they have`t changed a whole lot lately, usually my favorite bands are always changing.

1. Muse
2. The Rolling Stones
3. Iggy Pop
4. Led Zeppelin
5. The Red Hot Chili Peppers
6. The Police
7. Aerosmith
8. The Beatles
10. Pink Floyd

So yeah, those are my favorite bands.
Um... Ok, here is a list of the greatest drummers in my opinion, not my favorite, but who I think are the greatest.

1. Keith Moon of The Who
2. John Bonham of Led Zeppelin
3. Carl Palmer of Emmerson, Lake and Palmer
4. Chad Smith of The Red Hot Chili Peppers
5. Howard Dominic of Muse

I just remembered that I got the new Jimi Hendrix album. Its called Valleys Of Neptune.
The thing I love about Jimi Hendrix is that he died fourty years ago, and his new album came out a couple months ago. He recorded a bunch of songs in the 60s, and his sister in law found them and made an album.

K, thats it for now, here is the song of the day.

Stockholme Syndrome by Muse

Saturday, June 26, 2010

New Guitar!

Hey everyone,
So, on Tuesday I got an awesome surprise. My dad came by and said I forgot something at his, he seemed kinda mad. He told me to go out to the car and bring it in. So I go out and open the trunk of the car and I see a big cardboard box. I flip it over and, I saw that it said Fender on it. I new then that it was a guitar. It is a Fender Telecaster, one of the best guitars ever!
It is Crimson Red, and its a thinline hollow body guitar. If you want to see it, go on Fenders website and click on Telecaster, it is called Jim Adkins Telecaster.
So far I`m loving this guitar. Its got an awesome sound, its really good quality, and it looks amazing!

So today I had music lessons, guitar and drums. In drum lessons he tought me the main beat for "My Sharona" by The Knack. He also tought me the beat for "Can`t Stop" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Both really good songs.
In guitar lessons,we worked on some stuff by The Police. They are an awesome band. And we also worked on soloing. She would show a scale, and she would play the chords, and I would have to make up a solo with that scale. This is really fun and useful, it gets you way better with soloing and scales, and gets you to understand the neck of the guitar a bit better.

So, I have assigned myself a project. I am gonna try to make a movie!
Nothing to big, like half hour long or something. I am trying to think of ideas for this movie, kinda want a comedy factor in there, but not too strong. For this movie, I would need a video camera, which I don`t have. But I do have $130, and am getting some more, and in a couple weeks I am going on holiday, I am gonna be in Edmonton for a while in the middle of that holiday. Which means... West Edmonton Mall. I can probably get a video camera there.
So yeah, I`m trying to think of some ideas.

Oh, I just remembered, I just got back from the movies, I saw Grown Ups. It was hilarious! I would strongly recomend going to see it.

All right, here is a list of my favorite songs, in no order

1. Last Child by Aerosmith
2. Can`t Stop by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
3. Under The Bridge by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
4. My Sharona by The Knack
5. Around The World by Daft Punk

All right guys. Thats it for now

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Schools Out

Hi everyone,
Well, I am now done school for summer. I`m done grade 7 and my first year at SAC.
My last day was yesterday, Friday. And we were at Wonderland, it was really fun. It was also my first time ever at Wonderland, which shocks a lot of people.
Yesterday I also went to the movies, I saw The A-Team. It was really good, I saw two episodes of the original show. But yeah, that was good. This morning at my drum lesson, my teacher gave me two tickets to a drum workshop, and The Black Page is going to be there, in case you don`t know who that is, he was the drummer for Frank Zappa. When Zappa was holding auditions for drummers this guy came in, he was only seventeen at the time. He played everything they told him to perfectly. They call him The Black Page because in drumming, when you write something, everything is a black circle except for symbals, he had so much crazy stuff going on with the drums that the page was covered with black, hence, The Black Page.
So they are gonna write stuff for these people to play and they are gonna play it. Good luck to them!

So, lately I have been asking myself this question a lot. What is my main instrument, guitar or drums? I have been consentrating on drums so much lately I`ve been neglecting guitar lately.
Today in guitar lessons my teacher brought her dog, it was a really cute pug. We started working on some blues. So we just made a quick blues rythm chord thing, and I had to make some little fills with different blues scales. It was really fun.

So, I`m back at my old school on Monday for some volunteer work, I`m there Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday is Prize Day.

All right, guys. Time for the song of the day, I think you know what it is gonna be...

Song of the Day: Schools Out by Alice Cooper

Monday, June 7, 2010

Almost There...

Hey everyone,
Just like everyone, I`m almost done school. I have Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. And on Friday we are going to Wonderland. So, tomorrow I have a French test, Wednesday I have a Music thoery test and a Math Exam. Thursday I don`t have any tests. So, one thing that shocks most people, is that I have never been to Wonderland! Thats right, never been. So I am looking forward to going there. Basically, we go there as Grade 7, then we go around the park in groups of four, so I made a group with some friends today. One of them I have known since I was two years old. So, I have absolutely loved this year, it has been great!

So, now comes the topic of... Summer!!! I can`t wait till summer break. I am travelling around some of Cananda with my dad, covering places like Edmenton, Yellowknife, and much more! So I am gonna be travelling for around 10 days-two weeks. Then I am living at my dads house in the city for like another week. Which is gonna be awesome, 10 minutes away from my favorite music store, Steve`s Music Store. It is awesome... And that reminded me of my guitar deal, 70% in math and overall. I need to do good on the math exam. If I do good on the French (hopefully I will), the music and the math then I will definetely get the Telecaster, ah, The Telecaster... Such a beatutiful guitar, it has been played by people such as Keith Richards, Pete Townshed, and many others.
Other than travelling, I am gonna be consuntrating on music.

Anyway, here is a video my brother had to make for an assignment, and I was camera man, here is a link
Two of the vids I posted last time didn`t work, so if this doesn`t work, just type in montypython2011

So lately I decided to make a list of the sadest songs I can find, here is what I have so far.

1. Hurt by Johnny Cash
2. Samstone by John Prine
3. Creep by Radiohead

Yeah, thats all I`ve got.

Anyway, gotta go, quick list of favorite songs

1. Travelling Riverside Blues by Led Zeppelin
2. Misery by Soul Asylum
3. We Made You by Eminem
4. We Didn`t Start The Fire by Billy Joel
5. Its Only Rock N Roll by The Rolling Stones

Thursday, June 3, 2010

First Year

Hey guys,
So, school is almost done. I have six days left and on the last day we are at Wonderland. So, today I played in a recital at school. Basically, in Music class we have two final evaluations. A playing test, and a theory test. The playing test was on Tuesday, I did OK, could`ve done better, but... I was the best in class. And the best from each class plays in a recital at school, that was today, and I played in it. It was... Amazing!!! We played in front of all Middle School, I was the second person to play. I was backstage and I was freeking out. I was nervous, and then the teacher announced me, I walked on stage and everyone in grade 7 started yelling my name, which was cool. I started playing and I did it perfectly! I loved every second of it! And, right after it, I was offered to join a band, so far we have me on drums, we have a bassist, guitarist and maybe a singer! Hell Yeah!!!
So, that inspired me to make a list of my favorite moments of my first year at this school.

So, here is that list...

Getting an award/certificate for leadership quality`s at the Beyond the Gates trip
Being accepted into the Honour Band
Making it into Middle School Jazz Band
Playing in Honour Band at the Cadet Inspection
Bringing my French average up a total of 21%
Becoming possibly the best drummer in Grade 7
Playing in the Recital
Winning every game in the Rugby season

For now, I can`t think of any more. Oh, I almost forgot. The song I played in the Recital was Time Is Running Out by Muse. Here is the link for the music video, and a bunch of there music videos. Listen to the drums, their drummer is amazing. Time Is Running Out Neutron Star Collision Starlight Uprising Resistance

They are a great band, and their drummer is intense.
So in the last 6 days of school, I have like 6 tests and one exam. I would usually hate that, but surprising I am happy at this, because... It gives me a chance to improve my marks.

I have two tests tomorrow, Language Arts and Science. Language is gonna be easy, Science is gonna be kinda hard, I still got to study a bit.

So, on that note, I will leave you.

Song of the Day
Time Is Running Out by Muse

Bye guys