Saturday, June 26, 2010

New Guitar!

Hey everyone,
So, on Tuesday I got an awesome surprise. My dad came by and said I forgot something at his, he seemed kinda mad. He told me to go out to the car and bring it in. So I go out and open the trunk of the car and I see a big cardboard box. I flip it over and, I saw that it said Fender on it. I new then that it was a guitar. It is a Fender Telecaster, one of the best guitars ever!
It is Crimson Red, and its a thinline hollow body guitar. If you want to see it, go on Fenders website and click on Telecaster, it is called Jim Adkins Telecaster.
So far I`m loving this guitar. Its got an awesome sound, its really good quality, and it looks amazing!

So today I had music lessons, guitar and drums. In drum lessons he tought me the main beat for "My Sharona" by The Knack. He also tought me the beat for "Can`t Stop" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Both really good songs.
In guitar lessons,we worked on some stuff by The Police. They are an awesome band. And we also worked on soloing. She would show a scale, and she would play the chords, and I would have to make up a solo with that scale. This is really fun and useful, it gets you way better with soloing and scales, and gets you to understand the neck of the guitar a bit better.

So, I have assigned myself a project. I am gonna try to make a movie!
Nothing to big, like half hour long or something. I am trying to think of ideas for this movie, kinda want a comedy factor in there, but not too strong. For this movie, I would need a video camera, which I don`t have. But I do have $130, and am getting some more, and in a couple weeks I am going on holiday, I am gonna be in Edmonton for a while in the middle of that holiday. Which means... West Edmonton Mall. I can probably get a video camera there.
So yeah, I`m trying to think of some ideas.

Oh, I just remembered, I just got back from the movies, I saw Grown Ups. It was hilarious! I would strongly recomend going to see it.

All right, here is a list of my favorite songs, in no order

1. Last Child by Aerosmith
2. Can`t Stop by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
3. Under The Bridge by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
4. My Sharona by The Knack
5. Around The World by Daft Punk

All right guys. Thats it for now

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