Thursday, June 3, 2010

First Year

Hey guys,
So, school is almost done. I have six days left and on the last day we are at Wonderland. So, today I played in a recital at school. Basically, in Music class we have two final evaluations. A playing test, and a theory test. The playing test was on Tuesday, I did OK, could`ve done better, but... I was the best in class. And the best from each class plays in a recital at school, that was today, and I played in it. It was... Amazing!!! We played in front of all Middle School, I was the second person to play. I was backstage and I was freeking out. I was nervous, and then the teacher announced me, I walked on stage and everyone in grade 7 started yelling my name, which was cool. I started playing and I did it perfectly! I loved every second of it! And, right after it, I was offered to join a band, so far we have me on drums, we have a bassist, guitarist and maybe a singer! Hell Yeah!!!
So, that inspired me to make a list of my favorite moments of my first year at this school.

So, here is that list...

Getting an award/certificate for leadership quality`s at the Beyond the Gates trip
Being accepted into the Honour Band
Making it into Middle School Jazz Band
Playing in Honour Band at the Cadet Inspection
Bringing my French average up a total of 21%
Becoming possibly the best drummer in Grade 7
Playing in the Recital
Winning every game in the Rugby season

For now, I can`t think of any more. Oh, I almost forgot. The song I played in the Recital was Time Is Running Out by Muse. Here is the link for the music video, and a bunch of there music videos. Listen to the drums, their drummer is amazing. Time Is Running Out Neutron Star Collision Starlight Uprising Resistance

They are a great band, and their drummer is intense.
So in the last 6 days of school, I have like 6 tests and one exam. I would usually hate that, but surprising I am happy at this, because... It gives me a chance to improve my marks.

I have two tests tomorrow, Language Arts and Science. Language is gonna be easy, Science is gonna be kinda hard, I still got to study a bit.

So, on that note, I will leave you.

Song of the Day
Time Is Running Out by Muse

Bye guys

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