Saturday, December 31, 2011

Breakfast at Tiffany`s

I`m just going to say this right away, I did not like Breakfast at Tiffany`s. This is one of Audrey Hepburn`s most famous films, and she was good in it. She is acknowledged as one of the greatest female actress`s of the 20th century. Breakfast at Tiffany`s was made in 1961 and won two Oscars, Best Original Song for Moon River, and it also won Best Score. Hepburn was nominated for Best Actress for this film but lost out to Sophia Loren for Two Women.

This film is about Holly Golightly, played by Hepburn, and Paul Varjak, played by George Peppard, and their relationship. Holly is a very social, elegant woman living in New York, and Paul is a struggling writer who moves into the same apartment building as Holly. There is a sub plot that is introduced right away involving Holly going to visit a mob boss in prison and pass on messages to his lawyer. Holly and Paul soon become friends, and Paul finds out that Holly is actually a southern girl named Lula Mae, but she moved to New York and changed, and that her brother is coming out of the military soon, her ex husband comes to her in New York to bring her back but she refuses. Eventually Holly and Paul start getting serious but she tries to get money by marrying the richest man she can find. That’s basically the plot.

Again: I didn`t like this film. But there were certain things I really hated. The first and probably the biggest problem I had with this movie was Mickey Rooney. Mickey Rooney is a very famous actor and is still living in his early 90`s now. In this film he plays a stereotypical Asian man even though he is white, and it’s awful. He has makeup on to make him look Asian, and he portrays a very annoying character. Another thing I didn`t like was the character of Paul, in his opinion, if you love a woman, she is yours. He drags on about this point until he comes off as sexist; he basically calls women property, as long as its love. I also didn`t like Holly. She was whiny, when she had a problem she would get drunk and do something stupid, I was annoyed by watching her character get drunk and complain.

This was my first look into Audrey Hepburn, and she was pretty good, it was her character I didn`t like. The acting was all round pretty good, except for Mickey Rooney, casting him as that character was dumb. The writing was ok, but I didn`t like the characters. To me, it was technically a good film, but I just really didn`t like it.

This was a relatively short pot, but I didn`t have much to say on this film.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Child`s Play

Childs Play was actually, really good. I was sort of surprised with it. I thought it would be slightly cheesy, which I like, but I just wasn`t expecting a good movie. Childs Play is a 1988 horror film, which eventually evolved into probably one of the most famous horror franchises ever. It spawned four sequels, Childs Play 2, Childs Play 3, Bride of Chucky, and Seed of Chucky. These were horror movies until Bride, then they became horror/comedy, which I love, but from what I hear, the last two films are not very good. The character of Chucky is very famous now, having dolls made after him, quite ironically. As I said, the movies and Chucky himself become more comedic over time, and Chucky eventually starts spewing one liners, some of which are actually very funny, my favorite being “Don`t fuck with the Chuck”. But in the first movie, he is not comedic; he is evil and determined to live.

So basically this movie is about a serial killer, named Charles Lee Ray. He is shot by a police officer, Mike Norris, during a chase. Charles hides in a toy store and just before he dies, he transfers his soul into a doll named Chucky. Later, a child named Andy wants a Chucky doll for his birthday, and he gets one. He gets a special one. He befriends Chucky, and starts talking to Chucky, and Chucky talks back. Anyway, eventually Chucky starts killing, and finds out how to get back to human form, he needs to transfer his soul into Andy. The thing is, no one believes Andy. He is eventually put into a psychiatric ward, but escapes when he sees Chucky coming for him.

That’s all I`m going to say about the plot, now onto what I really liked and disliked.
This film was really good in the sense that you were really into it, this was because it played on the age old idea that adults can`t see what children see. Except in this, the child is right. Andy is not imagining that Chucky is talking and moving, but everyone is getting mad at him for making up stories, and eventually he starts pleading Chucky to talk in front of other people, and Chucky, being the cruel person he is, doesn`t. Also, we don`t hear him talk in his real voice until over three quarters way through the film, nor do we actually see him clearly move, but we know he is, yet it is still tense. I was waiting for him to talk or to move, in the background, but he doesn`t. This created a very tense atmosphere every time Chucky was on the screen. When it came to acting, I had mixed feelings. The main character, Andy, was at first very good, he portrayed a very excited young boy, but as the movie went on, I feel like his performance went down and down. The rest of the cast were very good, I especially liked Chris Sarandon, who played Mike Norris, and he was also in Fright Night, directed by the same man, Tom Holland.

All in all, this was a good movie. It was a fun way to spend an hour and a half. I`ve seen clips of most of the other films, but I don`t think any of the other films quite matched this one.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

American Psycho

Umm, wow. Yeah, that sums it up, wow.

This movie was insane. It was scary, intense, and sometimes it bordered on comedic, and the fact that I found a movie about an insane killer comedic worries me.
Christian Bale stars as Patrick Bateman, which right away makes me think about Norman Bates from Alfred Hitchcock`s Psycho. This movie is based off a 1991 book, with the same title.
So yeah, it’s about Patrick Bateman, a 27 year old man with a very prestigious job on Wall Street. The film chronicles his will power weakening as his lust for violence grows more and more uncontrollable. Right from the start you can see he is insane, but in a slightly subtle way, like when he is describing his morning routine, and it’s got around 20-30 steps to it as he is talking about how he has to keep fit and be young. You see how gets furious when he sees that other people have nicer business cards then him, but he hides when in front of them.

I went into this film looking for a lot of violence and gore, and sure, I got it. But not for roughly the first half hour at least, and the first kill is bloodless. Nevertheless, I was still entranced by it. There is beautiful music playing as the camera just watches him get ready for work, most of the music was great, and the color was really nice. Mainly because a lot of his apartment is shockingly white, as he is a clean freak. Not just the color, but the design, it’s all very clean, modern, and artistic. Bateman eventually kills one of his business partners and an investigation is started. As I said before, Bateman starts losing control and just starts killing people left right and center. There is a very intense scene where he is in bed with two women, and of the women gets out of bed and the other women in bed starts screaming and she sees blood on the sheets and she starts running, Patrick chases her down with a chainsaw as she discovers more and more of his victims. It was brutal what she saw around his apartment. Near the end, he is on the run from the police and he lets himself take over and he goes out of his way to kill everyone he sees, and the thing is, he is never caught. Even if you just listen to him talk, it is weird. He is talking about how he has all the physical components of a human, but he is not, he is not there. And every time he kills someone he talks about the music that is playing. His first major kill, he puts on music and he is almost dancing he is so ecstatic, as he brings the axe down.

Christian Bale was excellent in this role. He took it on, I believed that he was crazy and I didn`t know what he was going to do next. All the supporting cast was very good as well, but Bale stole the show.

Repeating what I said earlier, wow. Great movie, there is a sequel, but it doesn`t look very good. You should watch this if you are into this type of movie, if you aren`t, it might be a bit extreme, but overall, I loved it.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Get Him to the Greek

When I bought this film, I was expecting a pretty standard comedy. What I got was a surprisingly great, smart, very funny movie.
It stars Jonah Hill and Russell Brand, I like both actors very much, especially Jonah Hill. It is basically about Aaron (Jonah Hill), who works for a musical scout company, and they are looking for ideas. Aaron comes up with the idea to do a anniversary concert at the Greek Theatre with Aldous Snow, his favorite rock star. So Aaron has to fly to London and get Aldous to the Greek Theatre in 72 hours. Aldous, played by Brand, is very eccentric, and rock star-ish. That is the basic plot, and it only takes 15-20 minutes to set that up, the rest of the film is just what happens to them as Aaron tries to complete his goal, and it’s great.

Again, I was very shocked at how good this film was, and there are some brilliant moments. These moments range from comedy to drama. Both style`s are brilliantly portrayed. One of my favorite scene`s is when Aaron purposely spills Aldous`s heroin, and he freaks. He says that that is his medicine, and it was very powerful and quite dark, and one of the reasons I liked this scene so much was because I was shocked that something this dark would be put in this type of comedy. Now, this scene led to another very funny scene, so this film kind of balanced comedy and drama very well, without it seeming contrived.
Another thing I really liked was Aldous`s father, played by Colm Meaney, who I know as Miles O`Brian from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. He was great and the relationship between him and his son, Aldous, was very well played. His father abandoned him and his mother when he was young, and at times it`s quite awkward between them, and eventually they start fighting in a Vegas hotel room, and it goes to hell. It was great!

This was the first time I`d seen Russell Brand in a movie, and he was awesome. He portrayed a struggling rock star perfectly. Of course, Jonah Hill was awesome, as always.
Again, this film was surprisingly great! I would definitely recommend it.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Freddy vs. Jason

Freddy vs. Jason

This was the 8th installment in the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise, one of my favorite film series ever, and it was the 11th film in the Friday the 13th series, also a very good franchise.
This was directed by Chinese director Ronny Yu, who isn`t very well known in North America, the only other big American thing he has done was Bride of Chucky, which I won`t get into.

Let’s start with a history lesson. In 1984, Wes Craven, who has become a god in the horror industry, released A Nightmare on Elm Street. This is one of my favorite horror movies; it was smart, tense and very scary. This was the only Nightmare film Wes Craven directed until the seventh, Wes Cravens New Nightmare. All of these movies were good, but never as good as the first, except maybe New Nightmare. They are basically about a child murderer who is eventually killed by angry parents, but comes back as a demon of sorts and haunts the children of Elm Street in their dreams. The films got kind of more outrageous as they went on, with Freddy becoming more comedic than scary. In Freddy vs. Jason he is less comedic, but still not as scary as he was in the first one. Four years before Wes Craven started Nightmare, Sean S. Cunningham made Friday the 13th. I have only seen the first movie in this series, except for small parts of most of the other films. The main plot for these movies is basically Jason stalks and kills teenagers at his camp. Pretty simple, but still pretty good. These films also got kind of weird, with Jason going to Manhattan, and Hell, and eventually even outer space. Jason is basically a zombie, he should be dead, but he just keeps going, he can`t die.

Now, onto the actual film. Freddy vs. Jason was not a film I was really looking forward to; I had heard some bad things about it, and not many good things. I was bored, and decided to watch it on Netflix. I was pleasantly surprised right from the beginning. Basically, Freddy has grown weak, because the people of Springwood have forgotten him, therefore they don`t fear him. He summons Jason to kill people there so they can fear again and he will grow strong once more.
The thing is, once Freddy is strong again, Jason can`t stop killing and starts taking Freddy`s victims. This pisses Freddy off, and the two fight, a lot.

As I said, this was a really good film. The acting was surprisingly good for a slasher film. But for me the best person in the movie was Robert Englund as Freddy Krueger. This was his final appearance in film as Freddy; he had played Freddy in every Nightmare film. The main protagonists were all pretty good, but nothing special.

Over all, a very good film. Not the best installment in either series but still a good movie. The word “fun” comes to mind. It is two iconic horror figures just beating each other, and its awesome!

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Phantasm is very interesting, to say the least. It is very good, I did like it, but it is very weird.
Released in 1979, and directed by Don Coscarelli. It is very cool to watch, because a lot of the time, you don`t really know what’s happening, it can be pretty crazy at times.

It is about a kid named Mike and his older brother Jody, who is raising him because their parents are dead. A friend of Jody`s dies and Mike spies on the funeral and see`s a tall man carrying the coffin on his own and driving away with it. Mike eventually sneaks into the mansion by the grave yard. He finds out that something is seriously wrong and is attacked by The Tall Man. He escapes and tells Jody, they and their friend Reggie go back to the mansion to try to stop whatever it is that is going on. The Tall Man has an army of hooded dwarfs made of the dead people in the grave yard. They make a plan to kill The Tall Man, but he starts getting more serious with his attacks.

This movie was low-budget and very successful. It spawned three sequels, which apparently are all pretty bad. It has a cult following now and was ranked #25 on Bravo`s 100 Scariest Movie Moments. I totally understand all that. This was a really good horror movie; it was scary, and very cool. The character of The Tall Man was creepy at times, and at other times he was all out terrifying. Something would be happening and all of a sudden he would just come out of nowhere and attack someone. He is surprisingly fast for an elderly man. Angus Scrimm returned in all movies to play The Tall Man.

The acting is all around pretty good. There isn`t one actor who steals the show, they all pull their own weight. The effects were very good, epically for the time, and the sets were amazing for some scenes, mainly the interior of the mansion. The film was giving an X rating just because of the silver orb. It’s a small flying silver orb and drills into your head and drains your blood out, the rating was later brought down to an R.

All in all, a good horror movie, and it still stands up well today, it’s not really dated.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Last House on the Left

Review #6: Last House on the Left
Wes Craven`s very first film, before the Nightmare on Elm Street films, Before Scream, before all that, he started with this. Made in 1972, and for its time, it was probably one of the most graphic, harsh films made. There is a lot of nudity, a lot of blood, and a lot of just very dark things going on.

Basically, it is about two young girls; the main girl is called Mari. They are going into the city to see a concert; they get kidnapped by a group of four people and are raped, abused and eventually horribly killed. The four people clean up and need a place to stay and they end up staying Mari`s parents house. That night her parents find out that Mari is dead and that the people staying in their house killed them. Mari`s parents aren`t happy and start their revenge. I`m not going to give away anything else, but it gets pretty crazy.

Now, this film was awesome. I only had two really problems with, and they were small things. One of them was I thought that the parents handled finding out their daughter is dead pretty well. They kind of found, found her body, and showed very little emotion. The other problem was something that bugged me personally, I don`t think it would apply to lot of people. I wanted the scenes with the bad guys hurting the girls to be more extreme. I was expecting all out hell with those scenes and I was kind of let down with, I wanted it to be brutal.

The things I did like, was the acting (for most of the time), especially the two girls and the villains. The villains were cruel, harsh and crazy. The two girls were innocent (to a degree), sweet and just got caught in a horrible thing.

Now, this is not Wes Craven`s best film, but of course it isn`t, it’s his first, and very rarely is the first films a person’s best films. Other than this film, I haven`t seen a whole lot of his films. I`ve seen Nightmare on Elm Street, all four Scream films, and that’s it. This was still very good.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Movie Review #4 and 5

Movie Review #4/5: House of 1,000 Corpses, The Devils Rejects

So, this is a double feature, Rob Zombie`s first two films, The Devils Rejects is a sequel to the first movie. Because this is a double review, it will probably be longer than usual. So, let’s get started with the first one, House of 1,000 Corpses.

House of 1,000 Corpses was Rob Zombie`s first film, released in 2003.
It basically is about four young people who are touring around America writing a book about strange attractions. They stumble upon a place owned by Captain Spaulding, a very scary clown. He takes them on a tour of his museum of horrors and tells about the local legend of Dr. Satan, a surgeon who horrifically tortures his victims. When they leave, their tire is shot by a man, but they don`t that. They end up at house with a few very strange people (the Firefly family). Without spoiling anything, the family kidnaps them and tortures them, eventually leading them to Dr. Satan.

This film was pretty good. When I was watching it I was into it, it was scary, and it was disturbing and all around pretty good. After I watched it, the thrill sort of faded a bit. It was still good but I not everything I think it could`ve been. I did like the style of filmmaking Rob Zombie used, it was pretty good quality but it would cut to really grainy scenes, sometimes random, sometimes not. But still very cool.
All in all, not a bad start to his career, which is still pretty young, he only has four released films.

And now for, The Devils Rejects.
Now, just to start off with, House of 1,000 Corpses has nothing on Devils Rejects.
This film picks up a few months after the first one. The police have issued a search and destroy on the Firefly family and they have committed over 75 homicides.
Its starts with the police arriving at the Firefly house and telling them to come out. They of course won`t go out without a fight so they gear up with guns and armor and start fighting. One of them is killed and Mama Firefly is captured, Baby and Otis escape. They head to a motel and call Captain Spaulding (Baby`s dad). Once there they take two couples under hostage and sexually abuse the women. Otis then takes the men with him to dig up some guns he buried. They attack him but he quickly gets the upper hand and kills them both. One of the women tries to escape from baby but she is stopped and the other woman is killed. A maid enters the room later and finds the grisly mess and one woman alive with her husband’s skinned face on her as a mask. When she runs for help she is killed by a passing truck. Otis and Baby meet with Captain Spaulding and they go to a friend named Charlie. This is one of my favorite scenes, they are partying at Charlie`s with no sound heard except Rocky Mountain Way by Joe Walsh. It`s a really fun and cool scene, with cuts to the Sheriff talking to himself getting ready to get them. Charlie sells them out to the cops and they are caught. Now, up to this point, we have looked as the sheriff as the good guy, he is an asshole, but the good guy. This is where that changes. When he catches them, he goes crazy. He killed Mama Firefly and taunts Baby with that. The Firefly also killed his brother and he goes all out on them for that. He staples pictures of victims to their stomachs, nails Otis`s hands to the chair. He then lets Baby go outside and then hunts her. When he is about to kill her, Tiny shows up (Baby`s brother who is giant and deformed with burns)
and kills the sheriff. He saves Otis and Spaulding and walks back into the burning house to die. Later, the three are driving and meet a police road block. With no sound but Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd (which is the best use this has ever been put to). They drive to the cops shooting their guns; in the end they are killed.

Sorry for the spoilers on that one, I couldn`t resist.
So, as I said before, this film is much better than the first, and probably one of my favorite films of all time now. It is scary, disturbing (beautifully), chaotic and brilliant. As far as I`m concerned, Rob Zombie peeked in this film and I don`t know if he will ever beat that, but I have high hopes with him. I saw this film on Netflix, but I saw it in a store a week earlier, on a double feature with the first one, I wasn`t going to buy it but if I see it, I`m getting it. Amazing.

Movie Review #3 American Beauty

Movie Review #3: American Beauty
American Beauty… Brilliant! It was an amazing film, the acting, the story, the dialogue, everything was great. Starring Kevin Spacey and Annette Benning, respectively. They are married but basically hate each other now. Kevin Spacey`s
character is unhappy with his job and with his life at home. Hs teenage daughter, Jane, hates both her parents. Kevin Spacey eventually falls in love his daughters best friend, Angela. Once he meets Angela, he feels like a new man, he works out, he quits his job and takes control at home. He continuously fantasizes about Angela, and Angela teases Jane about this. His relationship with his family continues to deteriorate. Meanwhile, new neighbors move next door, a homophobic ex-Marine, his wife who has some sort of mental problem, and their son, who is obsessed with filming everything he deems beautiful, including Jane.
Jane and the new neighbor fall in love, and start spending a lot of time together, which leads to fights between Jane and Angela. The new neighbor starts selling pot to Kevin Spacey, but his homophobic dad thinks he providing sexual services to Kevin Spacey for money, and his son says he is, which makes the dad kick him out. He goes to Jane and they decide to run away to New York. Kevin Spacey is finally about to have sex with Angela but she reveals she is a virgin, so he stops and comforts her. His wife is having an affair and can`t take Kevin Spacey anymore and shoots him. This film was one of the best movie`s I`ve seen in a long time, there were certain moments were you sort of want to laugh, but there was also a dark side to the scene as well that prevented the comedy from really coming through. There were a lot of beautiful shots in this movie, mainly shots of the neighborhood. As I said before, the acting was great. Annette Benning at times seemed a bit annoying to me, but for the most part she was very good. But the true star was Kevin Spacey, he was brilliant. His character was a tired, run down, man who has given up. But once he meets Angela, he becomes this whole new person, eccentric, unpredictable, and powerful. All in all, an amazing movie.

Movie Review #2 Black Christmas

Movie Review #2: Black Christmas

Black Christmas was released in 1974, and I`m guessing it was quite unusual and gruesome for that time. It was directed by Bob Clark, who also made A Christmas Story, which is good, but he also made Baby Geniuses, which is not good. The film stars Olivia Hussey, Margot Kidder, and John Saxon, along with other actors but they are the main three. The film is about a college sorority house around Christmas time. A man climbs up their house and breaks into their attic. He kills a woman by putting plastic on her face which suffocates her; the image of her sitting in a rocking chair with the plastic on her mouth has become quite famous and is the cover for the film, for most versions. The girl’s father shows up looking for her, a search party is out looking for her and for a little girl who was murdered in the park. The killer keeps phoning the house, screaming in different voices, and he starts killing people one by one. It eventually leads John Saxon who is a detective, trying to track the killer every time he calls. Eventually he finds out the calls have not only been going to the house, they`ve been coming from the house. Olivia Hussey finds out she is the only girl alive now and hides in basement. When the killer can`t come in to the basement, he leaves the house tries to break into a window in the basement. This is when you see that the man outside the window is Olivia Hussey`s boyfriend Peter. He breaks in and finds her. Just as the police arrive they hear screams from the house they find Olivia Hussey in the basement and her boyfriend who is dead. They take out all the bodies except the two in attic, and leave her to sleep. While she is asleep the camera goes to the attic and the door to the attic opens and we hear the killer talking to himself.
I liked a lot about this film, but there were some stuff I didn`t like. To me, the scariest thing was the killer himself, not what he did. He would call the girls in the house and scream, yell, moan, and cry at them. He would hold conversations and arguments with himself in different voices. This was scary. The phone call that sticks with me is near the beginning, he calls and is yelling very sexual things to them and Margot Kidder insults him a few times, he stops screaming right away and calmly replies, “I`m going to kill you” and hangs up. That was scary as hell. And also, sometimes we see him in the attic and he is freaking out. He is screaming and pushing things over. Another thing I liked is that every time we see the killer, it’s from his eyes. We never actually see him, other little glimpses, like we see his eye. But it’s all first person point of view with him. One thing I didn`t like is how at the end when they think her boyfriend was the killer, yet they proved he wasn`t earlier on in the film. And also, they don`t check the whole house at the end, the police don`t check the attic… Why! It’s not like its hidden, there is a huge ladder in the middle of the hall leading to it, and they don`t check it! The killer is hiding there and there are two missing people`s dead bodies in there! Now, when they find Olivia Hussey`s boyfriend and think he is the killer, that was pretty believable, because he is insane. Olivia was pregnant and wanted an abortion he would not let her have one and he was acting crazy. We also see him in a recital for piano, he is playing piano and it cuts back Olivia`s character in the house. It then cuts back to the recital hall and Peter is destroying the piano with a lamp. He is crazy.
So yeah, it was a really good film, pretty scary, and a great Christmas movie!

Movie Review #1 Scream

Movie Review #1: Scream

Scream was only my second look into the dark but imaginative and quite fun world of Wes Craven. Lately I`ve been getting into horror films a lot, especially the slasher genre. The other film I`ve seen by Wes Craven is A Nightmare on Elm Street, which I love. Knowing that he is a horror god, I had high hopes when I started this film, and I was not let down. It was released in 1996, and has become an extremely popular film. It revolves around a teenage girl named Sidney, who a year prior to the opening of the film walked in on her mother who was just raped and killed, and she testified against the man who supposedly did it, sending him to jail. So, that whole experience has made her very tense about sex, and she has a boyfriend, Billy, who has so far been patient about her nervousness about sex. The opening scene actually has Drew Barrymore in it, she plays a teenager about to settle down and watch a horror movie, when she gets a phone call from a man she does not know and hangs up. He calls back many times and eventually gets angry, she finds out that the mysterious man has her boyfriend and will kill him unless she can answer questions about horror movies. When she gets one of them wrong, her boyfriend is killed. She is now scared out of her mind and is hiding in the house, she eventually gets out of the house trying to escape, but is killed by a man wearing a black cloak and a mask, now known as ghost face. This was a shocking scene, the first time I tried to watch it (a few years ago), I put it off, I was terrified. It is quite intense and genuinely scary. Also, this was shocking because Drew Barrymore was advertised as a main character, and she was killed in the first 15 minutes. So, now it introduces Sidney and her friends, including her best friend Tatum, her boyfriend Billy, Randy, and Stu. The school is full of reporters about the killings of two teenagers, and we meet Gale Weathers, a big reporter who will do anything to get the story, she is played by Courteney Cox. Sidney is attacked by ghost face, but manages to survive just as her boyfriend arrives, and he drops a phone, she now thinks he made the scary phone calls. He is arrested but then later released when they find he didn`t make the phone calls. People are now dressing up as ghost face at school to scare Sidney, but she decides to go to a party hosted by Stu. After she finally has sex with Billy, and most people have left, the killer is in the house and after killing Tatum and almost killing Randy, he goes after Sidney. Now although I have given a somewhat detailed analysis of the plot, I am not going to give the rest away. I thought the ending was great; I loved the killers and just how crazy they were. Now onto the things I really liked; one thing in particular was these two references to A Nightmare on Elm Street. In the beginning when Drew Barrymore is on the phone with ghost face, he says that his favorite horror movie was A Nightmare on Elm Street, he said it was scary. Drew said the first one was but the rest were bad. I loved that scene because Wes Craven only directed the first Nightmare film (in the original series). Another thing was that Wes Craven had a cameo. The principle of the school thinks someone is watching him, he goes out of his office looking for them and says an insult under his breath, you then see Wes Craven as a janitor wearing the hat and sweater from A Nightmare on Elm Street, and he says “What?” The principle says that he wasn`t talking to him, and the janitors name was Fred. I loved that scene.
Anyway, that’s it for this review, as for the film, I really liked and I am looking forward to the rest of series.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March Break Soon!

Hey guys,
So I am excited because March break is in a week! Awesome!
I am looking forward to a break... My birthday is on Monday, and two things are happening... I am presenting the Science Fair Project (ugh...), and there is a comedy festival for Middle School... All right, its not really a comedy festival, its like a 45 minute- 1 hour thing, and a couple people get up do a domedy routine. This was suppossed to happen a while back, but not enough people showed up. Basically, in English class, we studied comedy. At the end of this unit we had to get into groups of two or three and write a 2-3 comedy skit. Some of them were good, some were... Um, less good. Haha.

So, with the coming of March Break, also comes third term and all its glory and fury.
One good thing about third term is picking new sports. I am once again, playing Rugby, the greatest sport (gonna get some hate for that, no doubt).
I`m pretty sure we pick the sports before March Break starts, so anytime next week. Last year we had one or two practises of Rugby before the March Break. Mind you, it was inside (because there was still snow), and we were not tackling. We were learning the basic rules of the game, we were learning passing, and we were doing different drills. My favorite (which is a bit hard to explain) is the very first drill we did. Basically, Everyone gathered in a somewhat large circle, facing each other, but each person had two or three people in a line behind them. The first person of each line has a rugby ball, everyone who has a ball has to run to the person facing them across the circle. You basically have to dodge all the people and get to the other side somewhat quickly. Very fun, and at the beginning, very chaotic.

So, last night was the Cadets in Concert at my school. Its an Upper School thing mainly, but I still went, and let me tell you... It was awesome!
It started with the Upper School Band, they did a couple really good songs, and at the end of their performance they did something unexpected... The did a Journey medley, it was actually OK.
Then, the head drummer and the kinda second in comman of the Drum Corps came out and rocked out! The second in command messed up a little bit, but they were both really great! There was also a sort of dance routine with basketballs... Yeah, its as weird as it sounds. But it was pretty good.
Then the entire Drum Corps came out and each guy played a different percussion instrument, and they did this cover of a song that was actuall really good! My favorite part was anytime the Drum Corps was playing. They did this one thing where they were playing, the everyone started playing quietly, and the head drummer and second in command came to the front of the stage and had a drum duel, then they started sword fighting with their drum sticks, eventaully one of their sticks broke (planned of course), and then it got crazy. They went of stage and came back with lightsabers... Yeah, awesome! They fought with lightsabers, the second in command won, and they picked up their drums and started playing again.
The Bagpipes were awesome (as always) as well.
It was an amazing night!

So, in Music Class, we had to pick a band and do a PowerPoint project one them (my band was MUSE).
One guy did their project on Bob Marley... I now love Bob Marley!

So here are some of my favorite songs right now.

Buffalo Soldier- Bob Marley
When The Levee Breaks- Led Zeppelin
One Love- Bob Marley
I Shot The Sheriff- Bob Marley
Three Little Birds- Bob Marley
Sleepyhead- Passion Pit (This is the original version, I prefer the version by Ellie Goulding and Starsmith)
De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da- The Police
Walking On The Moon- The Police
Killing In The Name- Rage Against The Machine

Thats it, will post again soon.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Long Weekend

Hey everyone,
So, unfortunately the long weekend is almost done, just tomorrow left, and tomorrow I`ve got some homework so, yeah. Its been a pretty fun weekend. I`ve seen a lot of great movies, which are:
One Flew Over The Cuckoo`s Nest
Raging Bull
The Godfather
The Evil Dead
The Godfather Part 2

I`d seen The Godfather and Part 2 before but didn`t remember much, and I`d obviously seen Ghostbusters before. And I am going to watch The Godfather Part 3 tomorrow.

Now, a little bit about each movie...
One Flew Over The Cuckoo`s Nest:
I really enjoyed this movie, it was interesting, had a good story and great acting! It is about a man in jail (Jack Nicholson) who pretends to be mentally handicapped so he can get out of jail. So he goes to a mental institution where he makes chaos among the staff and patients. It has got a nurse in it that is just evil... But, yeah great movie, really liked it.

Raging Bull:
This was also a really good film. It is about a boxer, who was really good at boxing, he became a champion, it goes through his problems with his family, and then shows where he ends up after boxing. It stars Robert De Niro, who was great in it, so was Joe Pesci, who played his brother.
It was violent, interesting and intense.

The Godfather:
I really enjoyed this film. It is about a family, and this family is the leading mafia family in America. Its stars Marlon Brando and Al Pacino, it also has James Caan and many others.
Marlon Brando is the head of the family (people call him Godfather), and is almost killed in an assasination attempt. At the end Al Pacino becomes the head of the family, even though he never wanted anything to do with it. This movie won best Best Picture, Best Actor, and Best Adapted Screenplay. A really good movie.

The Evil Dead:
Now, I was a bit weary about watching this film. I`m not a huge fan of horror, especially modern horror. I watched it anyway, and I loved it! It was very, very bloody. But when they did anything other than blood, like actual gore, the effects were honestly laughable. Now, keep in mind that they had only $375,000 to make this entire film. That is pretty impressive.
It is about these five college students who go to a cabin in the woods, they find a book, The Book of the Dead, and then they find a recording of a man saying the incantations in the book. This brings evil spirits, their actual names are Deadites. Everyone is possesed and killed except for Ash (Bruce Cambell). This is the first film of the trilogy. There was Evil Dead 2, and Evil Dead 3: Army of Darkness. The first film is horror, the second is horror with a bit of comedy, the third one is an adventure/action with comedy. But, I really enjoyed it.

I`m not going to say much about this film, almost everyone has seen this. It is a classic film about three guys who are amateur ghost hunters, they start their own company and become very popular and busy with catching ghosts. One of the main characters` (Bill Murray) girlfriend (Sigourney Weaver) is possesed by an evil spirit to prepare for the coming of an evil god. This film is funny, interesting, and has some awesome actors.

The Godfather Part 2:
Now, me personally, I liked this film better than the first. Sure, the first one had Marlon Brando in it, but I liked this one better. I really liked Michael (Al Pacino) as the Godfather. I liked how they went into his marital problems and problems with his siblings. I also really liked that they told the story of Vito Corleone(original Godfather) as a young man, and I loved Robert De Niro playing Vito Corleone. I didn`t even notice how long this film was, and it was a long film! This movie is 3 hours and 20 minutes! But when it finished I felt like it was no where near that long, I actually wanted it to go on more. This was nominated for 11 Acadamy Awards, and it won 6, including Best Picture and Best Supporting Actor. I love the acting, I love the story, I really love the film.

So yeah, tomorrow I am watching The Godfather Part 3, and if I have any time in between work, I will try to squeeze in another movie.

So, thats it for tonight, hope you guys enjoyed, and if you haven`t seen those movies, you should check them out.

Song of the day:
Bridge Over Troubled Water by Simon and Garfunkel

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Films and Music

So, I am pretty pleased, the weekend in half way over and I have seen three great films.

O Brother, Where Art Thou?

I`ve also seen some really good movie`s lately

True Grit (modern)
Kings Speech (for the second time)

So yeah, and there are tons of films I want to see desperately, like:

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Pulp Fiction
Raging Bull
Good Fellas
The Social Network

Argh! I want to see those movies...

So today in music lessons I started playing an audition peice for drums (not because I`m auditioning, just to see how hard it was) for a music college, one of the best. It was very hard, but very fun.
In guitar lessons I started learning an amazingly hard song on guitar, Under the Bridge by The Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Thats it for today.
Song of the day is

Under the Bridge by The Red Hot Chili Peppers

Monday, January 31, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy...

Hey guys,
So I haven`t posted anything in a while, no reason really, I just haven`t.
But I am writing this now, so lets get into in.
This is basically about school, specifically about the 3rd term. I am going to be busy as hell!
I have 6 exams, 2 summatives, Jazz Band, Honour Band, Rugby, major assignments, ect...
I should do fine with the exams, I`m only going to really struggle with Math, and probably French, and maybe a bit with Science. I can`t wait for Rugby, its going to be great, again. One thing I am going to have to put a lot of time and effort into is the Middle School Music Night. These are all the things I am in for it:

Jazz Band
8-B Band
Middle School Drum Corps
Duet with friend (two songs, I am on drums for both)
Rock Band (I am on guitar, at least one song)
Honour Band (I don`t know if we are going to actually in this, but we might)

Thats a lot of stuff to practise for. Add all the exams and sports on that you get a whole lot of hell.
I want to quickly talk about the Rock Band, me and a friend have decided to start a rock band, we both love good rock music and are both pretty good at our instruments. I will be playing Guitar, he will be on Bass and on Vocals, and we need to find a drummer.
I`m pretty excited about this, I haven`t been able to play guitar at the school really.

That reminds me, I tried out for the Coffee House (basically a music night) for guitar. I made it for guitar and drums, awesome!

Also, me and a friend (who I have known since I was two) decided to make a movie a couple months ago. Its finally happening. We started filming roughly a week ago, and its going good so far. I play the role of a mean, creepy teacher who helps the main character get the girl of his dreams (I wear a hilarious suit and have an amazing black affro). Its really fun to make this movie, we have a hilarious 80s styled montage thats just funny as hell.

Now, before I go here a few of my favorite bands right now and some of my favorite songs.

Led Zeppelin
The Kinks
The Red Hot Chili Peppers

Fool in the Rain- Led Zeppelin
Waterloo Sunset- The Kinks
Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard- Paul Simon
The Boxer- Simon and Garfunkel
Wild World- Cat Stevens