Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Hey guys
So just wanted to say that this post was gonna be up yesterday but when I published it, it said there was an error publishing and I lost all of the post.
So yeah, that sucked, so now I have to do it all over again.
So on Friday in Advisory we picked our 3rd term sport. The choices were
1. Rugby
2. Tennis
3. Badminton
4. Cricket
5. Track and Field
6. Lacross
7. Soft Ball

So the sports I was considering were Rugby, Tennis, Badminton and Soft Ball.
So I decided to go with Rugby, yesterday was the first practise and it was awesome!
I loved it, there is around 25-30 people on the team, most of them grade 7 and 8s, some are grade 6. We have four coaches, one main coach and three assistant coaches.
My next practise is tomorrow and I can`t wait! and because of rugby my schedule is a bit different. So here is my new schedule, well its just when I finish school

Moday- 4:30 finish at 3:15 then have rugby
Tuesday- 5:30 or 6:00 finish at 3:15 the have Drama and then rugby
Wednesday- 2:30 finish at 1:15 then have rugby
Thursday- 4:30 finish at 3:15 then have Honour band, I also have Jazz Band from 11:45 till 12:30
Friday- 4:30 finish at 3:15 than have rugby

So yeah, thats my schedule now.
Another cool thing thats coming up is my birthday! March 7 and I will be a teenager. On Friday my dad is picking me up from school which I am looking forward to, then a weekend in the city which I love. And then back here for my birthday, we are going to see Alice In Wonderland.
Then it is March Break soon after that, next Thursday is the last day and its only half a day.
Not really doing anything over March Break, I might be going to Rock Band Camp but my mom doesn`t really want me too, she thinks its not proffesional enough but I love it and it is good.
We were going to paint our living room but we deicded not to.
So the Science Fair at my school is coming up, March 9th, next Tuesday. My topic is What Paper Towel Brand Holds The Most Weight When Wet. I am kinda nervous, kinda excited. Its being graded by the Upper School teachers, so they are a bit harder to impress.

All right, for the song of the day I can`t think of one, so I am just gonna list a couple of my favorite songs.

1. Scandal by Queen
2. Cha Ching by Hedley
3. Hotter Than Hell by KISS
4. If You Want Blood (You Got It) by AC/DC
5. Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd
6. Police On My Back by The Clash
7. I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend by The Ramones

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