Monday, February 22, 2010


Hey guys,
So today is clearly Monday, and I hate Monday`s.
Its more the school day part of Monday than actual Monday. But yeah, I hate Monday`s.
One good thing is that last week ended, I was really sick of a major test everyday. And these tests were pretty hard, they were the final tests before Report Cards. This week I only have one test, and I should do great on this, it is a music theory test.
So at my school once you get past Monday it is pretty cool. Tomorrow I have two arts, which is either music, art or gym. Tomorrow I have art and gym, and I also have drama which is really cool. Wednesday I finish at 2:30, I have short classes so that is good. Thursday I used to think are just ok, but now I really like them, except for one thing. The thing I don`t like about Thursday is I have Honour Band, which I really don`t like. But now that I have Jazz Band on Thursday`s at lunch which I absolutely love!!! Yeah, Jazz Band is awesome!!! And the cool thing is I have to make little fills and solo`s for the drums because in the songs the drummer is doing lots of cool things so I get to make some fun stuff. Friday is good because... Its Friday!!! The best day of the week, well at least the best day of the school week.

As for that whole GLC+ thing you read about in my last post, well I`m so happy. Instead of giving me a gating which she actually should have, she just made me go to it today and on this Friday. So I`m happy I don`t have to spend five hours at school this weekend doing work.

I had guitar lessons on Saturday, one of my favorite things of the week. So I couldn`t find the proper tab for Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd, I know the entire song except the acoustic solo at the begginning. But we were able to make a plan for the next couple songs to learn. So first we think we are gonna finish Wish You Were Here, then probably By The Way by The Red Hot Chili Peppers, then Sharp Dressed Man by ZZ Top.
Unfortunatley I can`t put By The Way on my IPod so I can`t bring it in. I have the song on my ITunes but it won`t go on my IPod, my brother looked at it and said it is probably because of Vista. So now I have another reason to hate Windows Vista. None of the songs I but now will go on my IPod, which sucks!!!

So one thing I am looking forward to is that my dad gets back from a business trip on Sunday, I won`t see him until next Friday but oh well, I can wait.
So another cool thing is that my birthday is coming up, March 7. Yep, I`m looking forward to it, turning into a teenager, even though in some ways I have been a teenager for years, in my mind and some ways I act and all that fun stuff. One kinda cool thing is that there is this kid in my school and his birthday is on the exact same day, but he is turning 12. He should be in grade 6 but he is pretty smart and he skipped a grade. So yeah, thats kinda cool. Anyway, on to other stuff.

On top of that ITunes stuff, I have been e-mailing myself songs so I can put it onto my laptop, because I couldn`t transfer songs any other way. But I can only e-mail something that is under 10 mb, which is quite small. So I got a four gigabite flash drive, and for some strange reason no songs will go onto that which sucks.
So I really can`t wait till Jazz Band, its so fun. We are doing sone cool songs, we are doing a more jazz version of Thriller by Michael Jackson, we are playing Play That Funky Music, and we are doing a song called Take The "A" Train. So far we have only played Thriller and Play That Funky Music.

Over the weekend I saw Avatar for the first time. It was AMAZING!!! It was actually really good. I loved it, I actually almost went back and saw it the next day again. I might go see it tomorrow again cause it is half price night at the movie theatres, either tomorrow or next weekend. And that new movie, Cop Out comes out on Friday, that looks pretty good.

Anyway, thats it for today, come back soon and uh, here is the song of the day
Actually I can`t pick one, so here is a list of some of my favorite songs right now

1. Friday I`m In Love by The Cure
2. Thriller (Instruental Jazz Band version)
3. By The Way by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
4. Creatures Of The Night by KISS
5. Sharp Dressed Man by ZZ Top
6. Heart Of Gold by Neil Young

All right guys, that is it for today, see you soon

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