Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Jazz Band

Hey everyone,
I am so excited, yesterday I signed up for Jazz Band at my school, my music teacher is awesome to start a jazz band, he has always been my favorite teacher. Anyway, I signed up yesterday and today one of my friends e-mailed me, one reason why him and I are friends is because of guitar, we both are really good at it. But yeah, he sent me an e-mail saying he is doing guitar in it and said I should do it since he is the only guitarist so far, and there are little guitarists in the Middle School. So yeah, I was SO excited!!! I immediatly e-mailed my music teacher asking if I could play guitar in it, I said I played for just over four years, which is true, and I said that I would love that and that I think it could help the jazz band.
So today at school, which was a Day 3, I usually don`t like Day 3s because all of the classes are either just ok or I don`t like them, I had History, Math, Science and Language Arts. History I love, I don`t do good in it but I love it. Math I don`t really like and its pretty boring but today math was actually ok. Science is usually ok but today it was SO boring!!! We had to take notes from our text book, and turn it into a mind map and it was just long and boring. Language Arts is usually ok, kinda boring and today nothing different,

But one thing that was amazing (other than guitar in jazz band) was I was switched to the good Drama, they split us into two groups and the group I was in just did silly little because improv games. But today they switched me to the good group, YEAH!!! So the group I am in now is doing a play, and today we did the entire thing but we switched parts for the first bit and around a quarter way through and I switched to the lead character and I played him for the rest of the time, I don`t want to brag, but I was awesome. It was so fun, and eventually eeryone rebelled on me and killed me.

All right, now I am gonna show a list from this book I got, Top 100 Best Beatle Songs, so I am gonna name the top 25, k you ready. Here it is.

1. A Day In The Life
2. Strawberry Fields Forever
3. Let It Be
4. Yesterday
5. All You Need Is Love
6. Hey Jude
7. In My Life
8. Penny Lane
9. Revolution
10. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
11. I Am The Walrus
12. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
13. Nowhere Man
14. Here Comes The Sun
15. She Loves You
16. Here There and Everywhere
17. Blackbird
18. Martha My Dear
19. I Feel Fine
20. I Want To Hold Your Hand
21. The Long And Winding Road
22. And Your Bird Can Sing
23. Paperback Writer
24. Happiness Is A Warm Gun
25. Help!

All right so those are the top 25,
And now for the song of the day
Where The Streets Have No Name by U2

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