Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Costa Rica!

Hey everyone,
So today in Chapel at school I found out that not this summer but next summer, summer of 2011. When I finish grade 8, I have the chance to go to Costa Rica with who ever wants to go in Grade 7 or 8 at the time. I`m not sure if I can go, but if I can, that would be awesome.
It is an 8 day trip, we would stay in four different hotels, and tour around. Costa Rica has been cutting down a lot of vegatation and they have found that the soil is much less richer and furtile because of that so they are trying to backstep that. So we would go and help with that, we would be hiking, go to an active volcano, go to some families that make chocolate, and a bunch of other really cool stuff. If I can go that would be so fun!!!

And another good thing is my History average went up 6%, it still sucks, but its better. My History was 53%, now, if you can do any math, it is 59%.
My French should go up too, I had a big test and for the first time, I was actually ready for it, I have been getting a tutor for a while now and it is helping.

In Language Arts we presented our speeches, well at least four people did. Two of them were interesting, one was on Why Labs Are The Best Dogs (one of the good one`s), there was one on Why Abortion Should Be Legal (the other good one), the other two were Airport Security (which wasn`t that good and some of the stuff he said in it were wrong) and then there was Why Smoking Is Bad (that one was ok). But I know what some of the other topics are and listened to them practise and there are a lot of really cool one`s. There is Why Video Games Are Good For You (which I don`t believe but he brings some valid points), Why The Death Penalty Should Be Re-instated (I don`t agree but I have heard some of it and its a good speech).

Today I also found out that I didn`t make it for guitar in Jazz Band, I did just as good if not better than him on the notes and all the riffs, but he beat me on the chords, I am still in the band but as the drummer.
And you know how I quit the Middle School Music Night with that kid I have talked about, well I was talking to one of my friends about music and some other stuff, and we decided we would do something for the Middle School Music Night. So far one of our ideas for songs is that we could play Know Your Enemy by Green Day, here is the music video for it.
It is an awesome song and video.
Green Day makes awesome songs, but amazingly simple songs. The only other band I know that can do that is AC/DC, well, some of their stuff gets kinda complicated.

Here is a video I found of my favorite song, Sharp Dressed Man by ZZ Top, the video is footage from the original Dukes Of Hazzard with Sharp Dressed Man playing. Ok, never mind, that video is not working, so here is another video with that song.
That is them perorming it live, which usually wouldn`t be as good, but they are awesome live.
And that brings me to my song of the day
Sharp Dressed Man by ZZ Top

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