Sunday, February 14, 2010

Health Plan

Hi guys,
So today I decided I was going to start working out and eating more healthy.
I finished a workout a while ago, so here is what I did in that workout

3 minutes of running (warm up)
3 sets of 20 squats (30 second break between them)
3 sets of 20 push ups (30 second break bewteen them)
3 sets of 20 toes to the sky (30 second break between them)
2 sets of 40 jumping jacks (30 second break between them)
I did that two times

Walk for 30 seconds
Jog for 30 seconds
Sprint for 30 seconds
I did that last past part for 45 minutes.

It was a good workout, the only bad thing was that I forgot to put on music, that reminds me, here are my favorite music video`s and what bands they are by

The Red Hot Chili Peppers
Can`t Stop

By The Way


Neil Young
Heart Of Gold

So yeah, those are my favorite video`s right now and songs.

So yesterday I got out my old acoutstic guitar out. I was so surprised it was still playable, except for the fact that it was missing a string. But yeah, still in tune, the strings are old and dead, but still playable. Guitar strings are supposed to be renewed every three months, new strings every three months. All of my three guitars are very late for new strings. My SG hasn`t been restrung in around five or six months. My Stratocaster is around one year overdue. My acoustic is around four years overdue.
Yeah, I need new strings.
So, I still have one more day off, I love long weekends!
Here is the game plan for tomorrow so far. I am going to get up, have breakfast, play guitar, do some homework, some other stuff, workout and just relaxing.

All right, now for the song of the day

By The Way by The Red Hot Chili Peppers

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