Friday, February 5, 2010

First Dance Of 2010

Hey everyone
So I just got back from a dance, the first one of 2010. It was awesome, they actually played really good songs. I beat my number of dances from last time by two, I got three, so yes, last time I got one.
So yeah, it was pretty good, and one thing that was good was that kid that I am pissed at, he wasn`t there so he couldn`t brag about how he got 37, which he didn`t, he lies so much about everything.
The dance was at St. Mildreds School, it was an hour and fourty five minute drive, which was fine cause we just talked and it was fun. And on the way back I had a ginger sleeping on my shoulder, yeah, it was akward.

So the next dance is in I think April, maybe, I`m not sure. And I think that might be the last one of the year, and I am gonna go to all the dances next year, cause in Upper School you don`t go to another school or they come to you, if you want to bring someone than you do, so there is not nearly as many people and its not as fun.

So hopefully next dance I will get at least five dances, hopefully.
Ok, this is one of my favorite music videos right,
Here are some of my favorite songs right now

So yeah, now for the song of the day
I have two songs again
Tik Tok by Ke$ha
Girls Of Summer by Aerosmith

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