Saturday, January 23, 2010

Night On The Town

So tonight I went out for dinner with my dad and his girlfriend and his bussiness partners and his girlfriend. We went to a place called Murphy`s Law, the food was good, the converstaion was good but the service sucked.

But then my dads bussiness partner got us a very Scottish desert... Deep fried Mars Bar with vanilla ice cream, it was amzing, bad as hell for you, but amazing.
Then we came home and just hung out and just talked. Tomorrow my dad has a run for help in Haiti, which is awesome that he is doing it cause anything to help out there, just the bad thing is... we have to get up at 6:30 IN THE MORNING!!!!!!!!! I am not made for that, the run is at 8:30, unless its for school I can`t get up until at least 9:30.

Because of that run I have decided to get into running, so I have decided to start training, some with my dad and some on my own and the earliest actual official run I could do is probably in September.
Yesterday I saw a movie that was way better than I thought it would be, Detroit Rock City, the movie featuring KISS. Except for the part where it didn`t show the last two parts, I watched it on YouTube, and it didn`t have the last two parts, which sucked.

I am so excited about me being my friends guitar teacher, that is awesome. But the thing is, apparently he needs a 90% average in music, which shouldn`t be that hard cause he is getting a tutor now for flute, which is the instrument he plays in music class, and I he has me helping him, which in music class is a pretty good thing, my average was 98%.
Ok, song of the day
Ladies Room by KISS

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