Monday, February 22, 2010


Hey guys,
So today is clearly Monday, and I hate Monday`s.
Its more the school day part of Monday than actual Monday. But yeah, I hate Monday`s.
One good thing is that last week ended, I was really sick of a major test everyday. And these tests were pretty hard, they were the final tests before Report Cards. This week I only have one test, and I should do great on this, it is a music theory test.
So at my school once you get past Monday it is pretty cool. Tomorrow I have two arts, which is either music, art or gym. Tomorrow I have art and gym, and I also have drama which is really cool. Wednesday I finish at 2:30, I have short classes so that is good. Thursday I used to think are just ok, but now I really like them, except for one thing. The thing I don`t like about Thursday is I have Honour Band, which I really don`t like. But now that I have Jazz Band on Thursday`s at lunch which I absolutely love!!! Yeah, Jazz Band is awesome!!! And the cool thing is I have to make little fills and solo`s for the drums because in the songs the drummer is doing lots of cool things so I get to make some fun stuff. Friday is good because... Its Friday!!! The best day of the week, well at least the best day of the school week.

As for that whole GLC+ thing you read about in my last post, well I`m so happy. Instead of giving me a gating which she actually should have, she just made me go to it today and on this Friday. So I`m happy I don`t have to spend five hours at school this weekend doing work.

I had guitar lessons on Saturday, one of my favorite things of the week. So I couldn`t find the proper tab for Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd, I know the entire song except the acoustic solo at the begginning. But we were able to make a plan for the next couple songs to learn. So first we think we are gonna finish Wish You Were Here, then probably By The Way by The Red Hot Chili Peppers, then Sharp Dressed Man by ZZ Top.
Unfortunatley I can`t put By The Way on my IPod so I can`t bring it in. I have the song on my ITunes but it won`t go on my IPod, my brother looked at it and said it is probably because of Vista. So now I have another reason to hate Windows Vista. None of the songs I but now will go on my IPod, which sucks!!!

So one thing I am looking forward to is that my dad gets back from a business trip on Sunday, I won`t see him until next Friday but oh well, I can wait.
So another cool thing is that my birthday is coming up, March 7. Yep, I`m looking forward to it, turning into a teenager, even though in some ways I have been a teenager for years, in my mind and some ways I act and all that fun stuff. One kinda cool thing is that there is this kid in my school and his birthday is on the exact same day, but he is turning 12. He should be in grade 6 but he is pretty smart and he skipped a grade. So yeah, thats kinda cool. Anyway, on to other stuff.

On top of that ITunes stuff, I have been e-mailing myself songs so I can put it onto my laptop, because I couldn`t transfer songs any other way. But I can only e-mail something that is under 10 mb, which is quite small. So I got a four gigabite flash drive, and for some strange reason no songs will go onto that which sucks.
So I really can`t wait till Jazz Band, its so fun. We are doing sone cool songs, we are doing a more jazz version of Thriller by Michael Jackson, we are playing Play That Funky Music, and we are doing a song called Take The "A" Train. So far we have only played Thriller and Play That Funky Music.

Over the weekend I saw Avatar for the first time. It was AMAZING!!! It was actually really good. I loved it, I actually almost went back and saw it the next day again. I might go see it tomorrow again cause it is half price night at the movie theatres, either tomorrow or next weekend. And that new movie, Cop Out comes out on Friday, that looks pretty good.

Anyway, thats it for today, come back soon and uh, here is the song of the day
Actually I can`t pick one, so here is a list of some of my favorite songs right now

1. Friday I`m In Love by The Cure
2. Thriller (Instruental Jazz Band version)
3. By The Way by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
4. Creatures Of The Night by KISS
5. Sharp Dressed Man by ZZ Top
6. Heart Of Gold by Neil Young

All right guys, that is it for today, see you soon

Friday, February 19, 2010


Hi guys,
So let me start out with my school schedule, cause you have to know most of it so I can tell you this. Monday I finish at 3:15 and then I have sports to 4:30, Tuesday I finish at 3:15 and then I have the Arts program till 5:00, Wednesday I finish at 1;15 and have sports till 2:30, Thursday I finish at 3:15 and have Honour Band till 4:30, Friday I finish at 3:15 and have sports till 4:30.
At my school there is something called GLC, it stands for Guidance Learning Center, you go there after school instead of going to sports, anyway you go there and finish work if you are not done it and stuff like that. Now there is something called GLC+ it is something you go to a certain day every week. At the beginning I was told to go in to it, every Friday. So today I was supposed to go to it, but... I forgot, and I went to sports instead... Yeah, bad. So eventually after I got home, I found out that I forgot it. So immediatly checked my school e-mail and I saw she already e-mailed me. So I e-mailed her back saying I was sorry and that I will make up for it and everything. She said in the e-mail that I will meet her on Monday to talk about the consequences.
So yeah, that sucks!!!
So I might get a gating, might, I`m not sure but I might.
There are two type of gating`s, a Tier 1 Gating, and a Tier 2 Gating. Tier 1 is when you have to go to school on either Saturday or Sunday for 5 hours. Tier 2 is you go on both Saturday and Sunday for 5 hours.
I really hope she doesn`t give me a gating, I don`t care if she give`s me a couple demerits but I don`t want a gating. I can`t believe I forgot it.

Anyway, on a lighter note, I am so happy that it is the weekend, I was getting sick of a test everyday, but one good thing is I now have no averages below 60%.
My average is 68.88% It has went up a little bit, and after all the marking is done it should be going up a bit more.,

Ok, I just decided to make a list of my favorite bands right now, here it is

1. The Red Hot Chili Peppers
2. U2
3. ZZ Top
4. Pink Floyd
5. Creedance Cleerwater Revival

All right, today instead of the song of the day, I am gonna do the question of the day, I`m gonna do the song too.

Question of the Day: What do you like to with your friends?

Song of the Day: Sweetest Thing by U2

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Test Week

Hey guys,
So this week has been Test Week. We have a test every day of the week, there is only four days this week cause of the long weekend last weekend. On Tuesday we had a Math test, Wednesday we had a Science test, today we had a Geography test, and tomorrow we have a French test.
The Math test was not hard but not easy, it was neutral. Science was kind of hard, but it brought my science mark by 5%. Today was the Geo test, I am never worried about tests, some people get all scared but I usually don`t care about worrying. But today I was a little bit worried, I found out some of the stuff we had to know and it was hard!!! And everyone else kept saying how hard it is was. It was surprisingly easy, I am gonna check my marks right... All right, here is a list of my marks

Art: 68% (it went down from a 76%)
Gym: 80% (it has always been that)
French: 59% (I used to be failing it, and it should go up soon, I have a test tomorrow)
History: 60% (used to be 53%)
Music: 88% (used to be 98%)
Language Arts: 68%
Math: 64% (used to be 73, the 63)
Geography: 61% (will be going up soon because I did really good on the test today)
Science: 68% (it was 73, then 63)
Total average: 68%
Average after test week (probably) 69.9

That leads me to me next topic, yesterday I was going to tell you but my computer randomly shut off and I lost the post. You know that deal I had with my dad? If I get scholars for this year and next year I get a Gibson Les Paul. Well, we both know that that won`t happen this year, next year I think it could happen. So yeah, we made a new deal, if I get a 70% in math and an overall average of 70% I get my favorite guitar, at least right now. A Fender Telecaster Crimson Red Thinline Hollow Body. It was designed by the guitarist for a band called Jimmy Eat World, they are an ok band. I only know two songs by them, The Middle and Hear You Me. Their guitarist is called Jim Adkins, he is a pretty good guitarist. So yeah, he teamed up with Fender and designed his guitar, the Jim Adkins JA-90 Thinline Hollow Body Crimson Red Fender Telecaster, it is amazing. In my opinion Fender is one of the best if not THE best. I can switch between Fender and Gibson, right now my favorite is Fender.

So today was also the very first Jazz Band rehearsal. It was awesome, so much fun!!! There is only like 8-11 people in it. So I am happy that this was fun because I kinda hate Honour Band, I like it, just I hate being in it. So far we are doing three songs, today we only did two of them, we are doing Thriller by Michael Jackson, Play That Funky Music (I don`t know who that is by) and we are doing a song called Take The "A" Train, I don`t know who that is by either.
Today we did Thriller and Play That Funky Music. They were really fun. And the cool thing is, in both of those songs there are little fills, more in Play That Funky Music. So in that one I get to make little solo`s and fills for the drums. And in Thriller for the recording we are playing he is doing lots of cool stuff with the high hat peddle`s so I get to fiddle with that, so yeah it is really fun.

Now for today I don`t know what to put as the song of the day, so I am going to list a bunch of my favorite songs right now. Here they are

1. By The Way by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
2. Dance The Night Away by Van Halen
3. I Still Haven`t Found What I`m Looking For by U2
4. Snow (Hey Oh) by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
5. Empire State Of Mind by Jay-Z
6. Bad Moon Rising by Creedance Cleerwater Revival
7. Sharp Dressed Man by ZZ Top

All right guys, thats it for today.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Health Plan

Hi guys,
So today I decided I was going to start working out and eating more healthy.
I finished a workout a while ago, so here is what I did in that workout

3 minutes of running (warm up)
3 sets of 20 squats (30 second break between them)
3 sets of 20 push ups (30 second break bewteen them)
3 sets of 20 toes to the sky (30 second break between them)
2 sets of 40 jumping jacks (30 second break between them)
I did that two times

Walk for 30 seconds
Jog for 30 seconds
Sprint for 30 seconds
I did that last past part for 45 minutes.

It was a good workout, the only bad thing was that I forgot to put on music, that reminds me, here are my favorite music video`s and what bands they are by

The Red Hot Chili Peppers
Can`t Stop

By The Way


Neil Young
Heart Of Gold

So yeah, those are my favorite video`s right now and songs.

So yesterday I got out my old acoutstic guitar out. I was so surprised it was still playable, except for the fact that it was missing a string. But yeah, still in tune, the strings are old and dead, but still playable. Guitar strings are supposed to be renewed every three months, new strings every three months. All of my three guitars are very late for new strings. My SG hasn`t been restrung in around five or six months. My Stratocaster is around one year overdue. My acoustic is around four years overdue.
Yeah, I need new strings.
So, I still have one more day off, I love long weekends!
Here is the game plan for tomorrow so far. I am going to get up, have breakfast, play guitar, do some homework, some other stuff, workout and just relaxing.

All right, now for the song of the day

By The Way by The Red Hot Chili Peppers

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Songs To Learn Part 2

Hey all,
So a while ago I did a post about the songs I could play, and the songs I wanted to learn how to play. Today I am going to do another one of those.
All right, first off I want to say that in the list of full song I could play I forgot one song, so here is that list again with all the songs I can play now.

1. Into The Void by KISS
2. Heavens On Fire by KISS
3. Lick It Up by KISS
4. Who Made Who by AC/DC
5. Lucky Man by Emmerson Lake and Palmer
6. Runnin With Devil by Van Halen
7. Eye Of The Tiger by Survivor
8. Suck My Kiss by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
9. Slow Ride by Foghat

So yeah, that is the new list, and soon enough another song will be on it. Right now I am learning Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd. It is truly an amazing song.If you haven`t heard it here is the link for it
It is an amazing song, and that reminds me, my dad showed me thsi song today, it is called Classical Gas by Mason Williams. It is an instrumental song, just guitar but this guy is an amazing guitarist, so here that is
It is amazing, just guitar.

So you know how I was supposed to be doing a song with that kid for the Middle School Music Night, and then I quit cause we kept fighting. Yeah well, me and one of my other friends are now doing something for it, we don`t know what we are doing yet, we don`t know if we are going to write something or do a cover. So far some of our ideas are Know Your Enemy by Green Day, and that is all we have thought of so far, but we have plenty options and we have loads of time, well actually if you think about it we don`t have that much.

My birthday is in 22 days, I think, I might have counted it wrong. But yeah, so I decided to make a playlist a long time ago for it, called 13 For 13. So here are the songs on that playlist

1. Hey Tonight by Creedance Cleerwater Revival
2. November Rain by Guns N Roses
3. Gates Of Steel by DEVO
4. Sweet Child O Mine by Guns N Roses
5. Crazy by Aerosmith
6. Holiday by Green Day
7. I Wanna Rock by Twisted Sister
8. Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd
9. Deuces Are Wild by Aerosmith
10. Who Made Who by AC/DC
11. Come Dancing by The Kinks
12. God Gave Rock N Roll To You by KISS
13. Live To Win by Paul Stanley

Oh, I just remembered, I wanted to show you guys a music video I love right now. It is the music video for Can`t Stop by The Red Hot Chili Peppers (which I know how to play most of).
It is a really cool music video and a really good song.

All right, now here is a short list of songs I want to learn

1. Snow (Hey Oh) by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
2. Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd
3. Bad Moon Rising by Creedance Cleerwater Revival
4. Can`t Stop by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
5. Deuces Are Wild by Aerosmith
6. Hey Tonight by Creedance Cleerwater Revival
7. Police On My Back by The Clash
8. Rock N Roll High School by The Ramone
9. You Could Be Mine by Guns N Roses
10. The Last Fight by Velvet Revolver

All right, I gotta go so here is the song of the day

Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd

Friday, February 12, 2010

Long Weekend

Hey guys,
So yesterday was my last day of school for the long weekend. Four day`s of pure relaxation.
So today my friend was supposed to come over but there was once again a lack of communication. He is very forgetful and amazingly gullable, so yeah he was supposed to come over but he didn`t because of lack of communication. But oh well, gotta relax, do some work that needed to be done, personal work for fun not school work.
I got an ITunes card, a movie. The movie is awesome, its called Little Miss Sunshine, I saw it a couple years ago and it was awesome.
I just got back from The Keg, the meal was amazing!!! I had filet mignion, it was awesome, it was wrapped in bacon. I had some fries with it, some asperagaus, grilled beats, which were much better than I thought.

And on the way back we stopped off at a store to get some random stuff, our mom went in and this guy came out and was looking at something and I thought he was looking at me, and I told my brother and he said sarcasticly "Cause you`re hot... not" and then I shouted "I AM F***ING GORGEOUS!!!" He burst out in laughter for like five minutes. He said at my funeral he will get up for a speech and he will say "One time we were in a car and he shouted I AM F***ING GORGEOUS, I will always remember that".

Now we are watching Boston Legal and soon we are going to watch Little Miss Sunshine. And for once in a VERY long time... My brother is sitting with us watching it. He is usually up in is room on his computer or playing video games, but never with us.

Tomorrow I have music lessons, I might finish Suck My Kiss by The Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Sunday just relaxing and Friday some home work.
Now for the song of the day, I have two again

Baby`s In Black by The Beatles

Lit Up by Buckcherry

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Costa Rica!

Hey everyone,
So today in Chapel at school I found out that not this summer but next summer, summer of 2011. When I finish grade 8, I have the chance to go to Costa Rica with who ever wants to go in Grade 7 or 8 at the time. I`m not sure if I can go, but if I can, that would be awesome.
It is an 8 day trip, we would stay in four different hotels, and tour around. Costa Rica has been cutting down a lot of vegatation and they have found that the soil is much less richer and furtile because of that so they are trying to backstep that. So we would go and help with that, we would be hiking, go to an active volcano, go to some families that make chocolate, and a bunch of other really cool stuff. If I can go that would be so fun!!!

And another good thing is my History average went up 6%, it still sucks, but its better. My History was 53%, now, if you can do any math, it is 59%.
My French should go up too, I had a big test and for the first time, I was actually ready for it, I have been getting a tutor for a while now and it is helping.

In Language Arts we presented our speeches, well at least four people did. Two of them were interesting, one was on Why Labs Are The Best Dogs (one of the good one`s), there was one on Why Abortion Should Be Legal (the other good one), the other two were Airport Security (which wasn`t that good and some of the stuff he said in it were wrong) and then there was Why Smoking Is Bad (that one was ok). But I know what some of the other topics are and listened to them practise and there are a lot of really cool one`s. There is Why Video Games Are Good For You (which I don`t believe but he brings some valid points), Why The Death Penalty Should Be Re-instated (I don`t agree but I have heard some of it and its a good speech).

Today I also found out that I didn`t make it for guitar in Jazz Band, I did just as good if not better than him on the notes and all the riffs, but he beat me on the chords, I am still in the band but as the drummer.
And you know how I quit the Middle School Music Night with that kid I have talked about, well I was talking to one of my friends about music and some other stuff, and we decided we would do something for the Middle School Music Night. So far one of our ideas for songs is that we could play Know Your Enemy by Green Day, here is the music video for it.
It is an awesome song and video.
Green Day makes awesome songs, but amazingly simple songs. The only other band I know that can do that is AC/DC, well, some of their stuff gets kinda complicated.

Here is a video I found of my favorite song, Sharp Dressed Man by ZZ Top, the video is footage from the original Dukes Of Hazzard with Sharp Dressed Man playing. Ok, never mind, that video is not working, so here is another video with that song.
That is them perorming it live, which usually wouldn`t be as good, but they are awesome live.
And that brings me to my song of the day
Sharp Dressed Man by ZZ Top

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Big Time Musicians

Today I am gonna talk about some bands that have hit it huge and have became very famous for it. So here is a short list of those people, in my opinion there are not a lot of people who have it that big.
1. Elvis Presley
2. The Beatles
3. Michael Jackson
5. Aerosmith

For number 5 I don`t fully agree with it, I mean they did hit it really big, they are a very famous and very good band, but I don`t think they made it as big as the other people on the list.

Right now none of those people are my favorite bands/musicians, right now my favorite band is ZZ Top. They are awesome and my favorite guitarist is the guitarist for ZZ Top, his name is Billy Gibbons. If you don`t know who he is, which at first I didn`t but then I saw a picture of him.
So here is a picture,
I couldn`t actually paste the picture, I don`t know why but it wouldn`t let me, so look at that picture, Billy Gibbons is the one on the right.
Here is a video if them live playing my favorite song, the song is Legs.
It is an awesome song. Its got my favorite lyrics too, I don`t know why but I love them, well actually I know exactly why but oh well, I won`t say for now.
Here are some of my other favorite vids right now, That is 21st Century Breakdown by Green Day. That is Love In An Elevator by Aerosmith

So yeah, those are two of my favorite video`s.
So either tomorrow or Tuesday is the tryouts for guitar for Jazz Band, and I am thinking it would be better if I didin`t do guitar in it, cause everything will be in normal notes, and I am not used to that anymore, I have used tab for like two years now. So I would have trouble playing the songs, so it would be better if I played drums.

And then on Tuesday I might be presenting my speech on Why Gibson Is The Best Guitar Company. It has actually been pretty fun making that, I get to do research on my favorite thing... Guitars.
That reminds me, a new Gibson guitar was released three days ago, there is this musician called Sammy Hagar, he was a pretty good solo artist, his most famous song was I Can`t Drive 55, now he is the songer for Van Halen. He just made his own Les Paul with Gibson and it is awesome, it is called the Gibson Sammy Hagar Red Rocker Les Paul. that is the site, check it, its a really cool guitar.
Another really cool Gibson guitar is the Gibson Billy Gibbons Pearly Gates Les Paul, its got that old fashioned look and feel to it and it is just awesome. that is the Billy Gibbons guitar.
All right, for the song of the day I have lots of candidates, so I am gonna make a list of some of them and then pick one to be the actuall song of the day.
1. Legs by ZZ Top
2. 21st Century Breakdown by Green Day
3. Last Of The American Girls by Green Day
4. I Still Haven`t Found What I`m Looking For by U2

All right, now to pick one. I think I am gonna have to go with...
Legs by ZZ Top

Saturday, February 6, 2010

A Bit Of This, A Bit Of That

So I am righting this post because I am kinda bored, yeah, not a lot to do right now.
So today I had music lessons, drums were same as always, just playing different beats and fills. Guitar lessons my teacher helped me with a song I have to learn for school, for jazz band I have to learn this song for the guitar tryouts, its called Take The "A" Train.
For guitar it is some what simple, very repetetive, its got I think three or four quick little riffs and you just keep playing them. But I looked at it for drums, cause no matter what I am in Jazz Band, either guitarist or drummer. But for drums this song is awesome! The drum part is really cool. So yeah, learned almost the entire song, and I can learn the last part, I really want to do good at this so I can rub it in that kids` face.

And I found out that the next dance is the last dance, it is on April 9th at Bishop Strachan School.
My moms best friends daughters go there, but they won`t be at the dance because it is a grade seven and eight dance, and they are grade five and six.
Hopefully next year there are more dances cause there are only five this year and there was suppossed to be I think nine.

One movie I want to see so bad right now is Zombieland, it looks so good, and the thing is, my brother got it but he won`t let me see it. I hate it when he is like.
Another thing I really want right now is the new Fender MyTouch, it is awesome, it is a new phone, but Fenderized, for me that is awesome.
That is the link to the commercial for the phone. I love this song and the video is ok, its Tik Tok by Ke$ha.

Anyway, I have to go, gonna watch some Boston Legal, so here is the song of the day
Tik Tok by Ke$sha
That is the first and probably the last time I will ever use the same song twice in a row

Friday, February 5, 2010

First Dance Of 2010

Hey everyone
So I just got back from a dance, the first one of 2010. It was awesome, they actually played really good songs. I beat my number of dances from last time by two, I got three, so yes, last time I got one.
So yeah, it was pretty good, and one thing that was good was that kid that I am pissed at, he wasn`t there so he couldn`t brag about how he got 37, which he didn`t, he lies so much about everything.
The dance was at St. Mildreds School, it was an hour and fourty five minute drive, which was fine cause we just talked and it was fun. And on the way back I had a ginger sleeping on my shoulder, yeah, it was akward.

So the next dance is in I think April, maybe, I`m not sure. And I think that might be the last one of the year, and I am gonna go to all the dances next year, cause in Upper School you don`t go to another school or they come to you, if you want to bring someone than you do, so there is not nearly as many people and its not as fun.

So hopefully next dance I will get at least five dances, hopefully.
Ok, this is one of my favorite music videos right,
Here are some of my favorite songs right now

So yeah, now for the song of the day
I have two songs again
Tik Tok by Ke$ha
Girls Of Summer by Aerosmith

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Guitar In Jazz Band

Hey everyone,
So I already told you that one of my friends told me about guitar in Jazz Band and I was all happy and then at school today I said thank you for telling me and he said that he was wrong and that there was no guitar in it. But last night just after he told me about guitar, I sent my music teacher asking if I could go for guitar, and today he sent me an e-mail saying that there is guitar but I might not be able to do it, but I am gonna fight for this, I`m not going quietly about this, I really want this. So today I sent my music teacher another e-mail saying about how I`ve played for over four years and how I could really help the band and I really would love it, and I also asked him who is doing guitar so far, and if that kid is on that list I am gonna be pissed!!! Cause he has jerked me around for a while and the thing is I just forgave him for a bunch of things, cause we going to perform a song at our school`s Middle School Music Night, and I quit twice but he kept wining like hell, so I gave in and went back. But two weeks ago I quit for good, and then he told me that and I said thanks and if you are willing to give it one more try then I will do it.
And now this, so if he is on that list for guitarists I am gonna be pissed at him.
I just checked my e-mail and I found out that he is trying out for guitar!!! I can`t trust him anymore, I am so pissed with him right now. I don`t say anything about guitar with him, and yet he is always starting arguements about how he is better!!!

And now I have to do a play with him, and he is jealous of me in that too!!! Yesterday I was playing the lead part and the drama teacher really liked me as that character and he kept saying that he can`t shine in the part he was doing and kept tryint to get my part but the teacher thought I was doing a good job.

Anyway, on a brighter note, I can`t wait till Friday, the dance, and I signed up for some Community Service, hangin up Valentine decorations in Middle School. In Middle School you need fifteen hours, so far I have none. I have this year and all of next year. In Upper School you need fourty hours before you graduate.

Right now I am watching my favorite show, Boston Legal. It is hilarious, two of my favorite actors are in it, William Shatner and James Spader. William Shatner is god, he is my favorite actor, and James Spader is awesome, one of my favorite actors.

Anyway, now for the song of the day

Can't Stop by The Red Hot Chili Peppers

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Jazz Band

Hey everyone,
I am so excited, yesterday I signed up for Jazz Band at my school, my music teacher is awesome to start a jazz band, he has always been my favorite teacher. Anyway, I signed up yesterday and today one of my friends e-mailed me, one reason why him and I are friends is because of guitar, we both are really good at it. But yeah, he sent me an e-mail saying he is doing guitar in it and said I should do it since he is the only guitarist so far, and there are little guitarists in the Middle School. So yeah, I was SO excited!!! I immediatly e-mailed my music teacher asking if I could play guitar in it, I said I played for just over four years, which is true, and I said that I would love that and that I think it could help the jazz band.
So today at school, which was a Day 3, I usually don`t like Day 3s because all of the classes are either just ok or I don`t like them, I had History, Math, Science and Language Arts. History I love, I don`t do good in it but I love it. Math I don`t really like and its pretty boring but today math was actually ok. Science is usually ok but today it was SO boring!!! We had to take notes from our text book, and turn it into a mind map and it was just long and boring. Language Arts is usually ok, kinda boring and today nothing different,

But one thing that was amazing (other than guitar in jazz band) was I was switched to the good Drama, they split us into two groups and the group I was in just did silly little because improv games. But today they switched me to the good group, YEAH!!! So the group I am in now is doing a play, and today we did the entire thing but we switched parts for the first bit and around a quarter way through and I switched to the lead character and I played him for the rest of the time, I don`t want to brag, but I was awesome. It was so fun, and eventually eeryone rebelled on me and killed me.

All right, now I am gonna show a list from this book I got, Top 100 Best Beatle Songs, so I am gonna name the top 25, k you ready. Here it is.

1. A Day In The Life
2. Strawberry Fields Forever
3. Let It Be
4. Yesterday
5. All You Need Is Love
6. Hey Jude
7. In My Life
8. Penny Lane
9. Revolution
10. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
11. I Am The Walrus
12. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
13. Nowhere Man
14. Here Comes The Sun
15. She Loves You
16. Here There and Everywhere
17. Blackbird
18. Martha My Dear
19. I Feel Fine
20. I Want To Hold Your Hand
21. The Long And Winding Road
22. And Your Bird Can Sing
23. Paperback Writer
24. Happiness Is A Warm Gun
25. Help!

All right so those are the top 25,
And now for the song of the day
Where The Streets Have No Name by U2