Monday, December 13, 2010

More Stuff

Hey everyone,
I haven`t made a post in a long time, so I thought I`d update it now.
So first of all, I`ve started listening a bunch of new bands, so here is a list of some of my favorite right now.
1. Klaatu
2. Supertramp
3. Weezer
4. Buddy Holly (And The Crickets)
5. Sam Cooke

And also here is a list of awesome Canadian bands.
1. Rush
2. Klaatu
3. Neil Young
4. The Guess Who
5. Steppenwolf (Canadian/American)

Yeah, so um... Catching up on what I wrote on my last post, a lot has happened...
I have one more day of school left until Christmas Break, the day after the last day, I am on a plane flying to good ol' Scotland! I haven`t been there in almost four years, so I can`t wait to get back.
That Geography assignment that I was talking about, we presented that last week, I think I got a 80% on it, so not bad.
My overall average for the first term was 73%, not bad, but tons of room for improvement.

I am finished IT by Stephen King, it was amazing! Beautiful, truly extraordinary! I am now reading The Shining, by Stephen King as well. I am about a quarter qay through it, I am bringing The Shining, The Stand (both of them by Stephen King), and Life: Keith Richards Biography.
I am reading the last one cause he is awesome, my dad gave it to me, and it give`s me something else to read on the plane (a seven and a half hour flight, followed by a one hour flight).

I spent the weekend in the city with my dad, awesome time once again!
On Saturday nightm there was an awesome party, I met an oldboy from SAC, that was cool, I heard some funny stories of back in the day, I met someone who saw me 12 years ago, and I also saw a kid, it was really cool seeing him, because the last time I saw him, he a few months old (and his parents didn`t tell us they had a baby, so it was a surprise), he is now almost four! It was really cool to see how he has grown.
Then on Sunday, we had a very quiet day, we had a Christmas dinner, because we won`t see my dad until the new year. So yeah, quiet Christmas dinner, presents, and then we went out on the town and saw a film that I thought was really good. The King`s Speech. I takes place from I think 1929 to the late 1930`s. It is about the Duke of York, his dad (the king) dies, and his older brother become`s King, but he abdicates. So the Duke of York has to be King, but he has a severe stuttering problem (not a great thing for a King to have). He seeks the help of a highly recommended speech therapist, who has un-orthadox and contreversial methods. After many fights and struggles, the King is able to make the openening War Time speech without stuttering. It was a very good film, it also had three actors from Harry Potter: Dumbledore, Belletrix Lestrange (Hellen Bonham Carter is a really good actress) and Wormtail. There were also some other familiar actors.
So yeah, three days left, and then I am going to Scotland!
Anyway, thats it, here are the songs for today:

Howl At The Moon by Klaatu
Goodbye Stranger by Supertramp
Reptilia by The Strokes
Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft by Klaatu
Hands by The Raconteurs

See you, next time

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Five Day Weekend!

Hey guys
So I`m pretty excited because today is Wednesday, I finished school at 1:15 and now I am done until Tuesday. Thats right, a five day weekend!
So last week I got an assignment in Georgraphy that I think is really cool. We are studying the main Generations, the Boom, the Bust, the Echo and the Eco. My group is studying the echo, which started in roughly 1975 and ended in 1995. Today we learned more about the assigment, we have to do research, and I`m really happy about this because one of the big subjects we have to research is Pop Culture, so I have talk about some good musicians, films, celebrities, ect...
So I get to talk about that, the hard part of the assigmnent is that it has to be a 10-15 presentation, so far my group thinks we are doing a skit that kind of is a game show, I might show up as a guest musician from the Echo generation.
And now a five day weekend! Basically I think I`m just gonna be relaxing, I`m going down to my dads house on Saturday, that should be fun.

K, so today is a very short post, thats it for today.

Song of the Day
Everlong by Foo Fighters

Monday, October 11, 2010

I`m Back!

Hey guys,
I`m feeling a little weary of writing this right now, because this is actually my third attempt. The first time, my computer was attacked by a virus and I lost everything. The second time, my computer ran out of battery. But I am back, the last post was August 9th and its now October 11th. In that time period a lot has happened... So, the first thing I want to talk about is school. I`m now in Grade 8, and its pretty damn awesome. We`re the Kings of Middle School, everything about this grade is just good. The only bad thing that I can think of is that Grade 8`s have Cadets every week. This doesn`t bug me because itd actually kind of fun for us this year, but I can`t be in Honour Band because of it. We get to pick our classes for next year, we don`t have a lot of choice yet, but we have some. I`m doing a duet with a friend, we`re playing Say It Ain`t So by Weezer. But this guy absolutely hates rock music. He used to like it, now he says it "Boring, repetitive, and pathetic". He liked Jazz for around a month, but now he hates every type of music there is except Classical music. So whenever we are not playing the song, he is talking about how much he hates the song, and he picked the song!
That reminds me that I got a bunch of songs today for my Ipod, here is that list.

Say It Ain`t So by Weezer
Buddy Holly by Weezer
The Sweater Song/Undone by Weezer
She`s Tight by Cheap Trick
ELO Kiddies by Cheap Trick
He`s A Whore by Cheap Trick
Basket Case by Green Day
Boulevard Of Broken Dreams by Green Day
Brain Stew by Green Day
21st Century Breakdown by Green Day
Last Request by Paolo Nuitini
Candy by Paolo Nuitini

All of them are really good songs, you should check them out.
So lately I`ve been reading a lot. I`ve been reading Stephen King books. I`ve got six books by him, and I`m looking for two more of them. The ones I have are

The Shining
The Stand

The two I am looking for are

Salem`s Lot
Pet Cemetary

I`ve read Carrie, and I`m reading IT. Carrie was really good, it was amzing. So far, IT is brilliant. It is 1093 pages long, and I am on page 209. But yeah they are brilliant, I`m not gonna give a plot explanation of them here, but you should definitely check them out, Stephen King is brilliant.
So, on Thursday I got some really good news. I had the Cross Counrty Run, I finished that and went home, and found out that I am going to Scotland for Christmas and New Years! I used to go there all the time when I was younger, but I haven`t been there in over three years, so I really excited to get back, because all of my family on my moms side is there.
So, I`m really happy that Thanksgiving is over, because now Halloween will really start to come, and Halloween is one of my favorite time`s of the year. Not so much the actual day, but the entire time leading up to it, the season if you will. All the classic horror films on TV, not the modern crap, the older stuff. The stuff I concentrate is the 80`s stuff and earlier. But I don`t necessarily like the really old stuff, like the 50`s stuff, mainly the 60`s, 70`s, 80`s, and some of the 90`s. I`ve been trying to think of ideas for a horror story, but so far I am at a loss of any good ideas.
All right, I will leave you witha song of the day

What Is And What Should Never Be by Led Zeppelin

Monday, August 9, 2010

Holiday and Other Stuff

Hey everyone,
I haven`t updated this blog in almost a month, so yeah, a lot to cover today.
So, first of all, the first part of my holiday. I went to Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories. That was amazing, it didn`t get dark until midnight, and then it got light at 4:00 AM. I was also at a wedding, my dads friend was getting married. It was by a lake (one of the many in Yellowknife) and it was awesome. We then flew to Calgary with my dads friends` son. We toured around Alberta, went to Banff. That was beautiful. In that part of Alberta all the water is blue. This is because of something called Rock Powder. Its this really fine powder that shows waters` true colour. We went Jasper, Lake Louise, we went on a glacier and tons of other stuff, it was awesome. Anyway, after touring around a bit, we ended up in Edmonton, where we met up with the couple that got married. They took their son and went back to Yellowknife, we came back to Toronto. My mom is still in Scotland, so me and my brother are here at my dads house, we`ve been here for around five or six days, and we`ve got five or six more days left. We pick our mom up at the Airport, then the next day we pick up our dog from the kennels. But we still got some stuff planned for here in Toronto, so its gonna be fun.

So, its Augast 9th, I go back to school on the 9th of September. One month, and I can`t wait to get back. I love the summer, but I`m just really looking forward to get back. Its gonna be my second year at SAC. I just ordered my books, so here is a list of those books.

Science- two books
Language Arts- five books
Math- one book
History- no book
French- verb wheel
Geography- no book
Music- no book (we`re using our old books)
Art- no book
Gym- no book

I am looking forward to get back to my two favorite classes, Music and Language. There is actually only four books in Language, then we are reading a play.
Those books are

The Hunger Games (which I have read)
The Alchemist
The Curious Case of The Dog in The Night Time
Twelfth Night (this is the play, its by Shakespeare)
The Perks of Being A Wallflower

Yeah, I`ve read one of them, The Hunger Games. And it is because of me that that book is there, the teacher last asked if anyone had read itm because she wanted to add it to the list, I was the only one who read it, so I told her about it and now we have to read it.

So now I`m gonna talk about three movies I`ve seen lately that are awesome.

Sin City

First, Kick-Ass. I saw this in Edmonton and then again last night. I love this movie, the first time I saw it, I liked it because it awesome and hilarious. When I saw it last night, I realised how good a movie it actually was. It was probably the best super-hero movie I`ve ever seen. And the way its shot is really cool, especially in one scene near the end. Hit-Girl is killing everyone in the warehoue where they are about to kill Kick-Ass and Big Daddy. The way its shot is just beautiful.
For those who haven`t seen it, here is the basic plot.

A nerdy teenager named Dave is wondering no one has ever tried to be a super-hero.
He orders a costume online and tries to fight crime, on his first attempt, he is stabbed and hit by a car. He has many surgeries and is ok. He starts training to become stronger so he can try again. He is almost killed when Hit-Girl arrives and kills everyone, she then leaves with her dad (Big Daddy). The bad-guys` son becomes a super-hero so he can set Kick-Ass up for a trap, but he fails. Evntually he is able to kidnap Kick-Ass and Big Daddy. They make a live video of Kick-Ass and Big Daddy being beat up and eventually Big Daddy is killed. Hit-Girl saves Kick-Ass and they kill the bad guy.
Their is a sequel coming out, but they aren`t going to start making it until the comic for the second one comes out.

Sin City
Sin City is a series of seven comics, the movie is three of those comics. The comics that are in the movie are called

The Hard Goodbye
The Big Fat Kill
That Yellow Bastard

This movie is shot completely in black and white but they throw in red, yellow and blue. So it looks really cool.

The Hard Goodbye is about a man named Marv, he has a one night stand with a girl named Goldie, he wakes and finds out that she is dead, and he is framed for her murder. He escapes from the police and searches all around town trying to find out who killed Goldie.
That is the very, very basic plot of that one, just it would take a while to explain it all.

The Big Fat Kill is about a gril named Shellie, she is in her apartment and she locked Jacky Boy and his friends out. They are trying to get in, a man named Dwight comes out from her bedroom and tells her to let him in. Dwight hides in the shower, Shellie lets Jacky Boy in, he goes to the washroom, Dwight beats him. Jacky Boy goes to Old Town, which is a part of the city run by prostitutes, he pulles a gun on one of them, but then is killed by another woman.
They find out he is a cop and that the treaty with the girls and the police is broken, so they have to get rid of the body. But Jacky Boys` head is stolen, and Dwight has to get it back.

That Yellow Bastard is about a police officer who is about to retire. His name is John Hartigan, he is one his last case, looking for Rourke Jr. who is a child molestor and killer. Hartigan almosts kills Rourke Jr. but is shot by his partner. In the hospital, Rourke Sr. tells Hartigan that he is going to jail for all Rourke Jr.`s crimes. The girl Hartigan saved, Nancy, says she will write to him every week. For eight years she writes to him once a week, then stops. Hartigan wakes up one day with an envelope with a finger in it, and a yellow man is in his cell. He gets knocked out by the yellow man. He is let out of jail and goes looking for Nancy who is now 19. He finds her working in a bar. And the Yellow Man is there, Hartigan realises he led them to Nancy. He leaves with Nancy and is chased by the Yellow Man. Hartigan shoots him but can`t find his body afterwards. The Yellow Man eventually sneaks up on them and hangs Hartigan and kidnaps Nancy. Hartigan is able to escape and chases them. Ke kills The Yellow Man who is revealed to be Rourke Jr. after many surgeries. He then leaves Nancy and is talking to himself and says that they will get to Nancy as long as he is alive, he then kills himself.

It was awesome, but that is all I can say right now, so I will talk about inception in my next post.

Song of the Day

Killing In The Name Of by Rage Against The Machine

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Hey guys
This is called "Lately" because it is about what I have done lately. I`ve done quite a bit lately.
So, there is something bugging me, I`m not gonna tell you what it is, but its scaring me a bit.
Also, another thing thats bugging me is that I can`t write. Songs and stuff, I can`t write songs or stories or anything. I don`t know why I am complaining about this because I never have been able, and what I do write, it isn`t that good. So, I have decided to think of a name for a song, a silly funny name. One person who has helped me with songs is Nice Peter, he is on YouTube.
He is awesome, he has songs that are really good, funny. He made a song for ShayCarl, called ShayCarl and The ShayTards. He is awesome, so please, check him out. So yeah, I am gonna make a name for a song, and write lyrics. This is gonna be a silly song about something I`m just thinking. And eventually, once I get back to school, hopefully I can team up with a friend.

So, I`m happy because I have a music room! Not really, its a little room with a table and some room. I put three of my four guitars in there, and I have some paper on the table for music.

K, thats it for now.

Song of the Day:
21st Century Schitzoid Man by King Crimson

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Holiday Soon!

Hey guys,
So yeah, I`m going on holiday soon and I am so excited! I can`t wait, its gonna be awesome.
I am going to YellowKnife, which is in Norhtern Canada, then Calgary, Edmonton, then back home, well actually I am gonna be at my dads house for two weeks, cause my mom is going on holiday. So yeah, 10 days travelling, 2 weeks at my dads house in Toronto. Its gonna be awesome. I love living in the city so this is gonna be really fun.

So, lately I have been wanting to film things, and make skits and stuff, I talked about this briefly in the last post. So yeah, I want to films things. Porbably gonna start out with some little skits, and put them on YouTube. I was trying to think of some skit ideas, so far I have one idea. But I was going around it in the wrong way. I wrote down the idea, but then went on to write every detail in it, and the script. So I decided I would just make the idea, then later make a script.
If you have any ideas for skits, leave me a message on FaceBook.

Lately I have been on YouTube a lot, so I have made a list of my favorite YouTuber`s.
Here you go,

1. ShaneDawsonTV/ShaneDawsonTV2/Shane`s Iphone Channel
2. KassemG/KassemGTwo
3. TheStation/TheStation2
4. RayWilliamJohnson
5. ShayCarl
6. BenPowellDrummer

So yeah, thats it for now, here are the favorite songs for today.

1. Epitath by King Crimson
2. Tumbling Dice by The Rolling Stones
3. Exo-Politics by MUSE
4. MellowShip Slinky In B Major by The Rolling Stones
5. Adam`s Apple by Aeromsith

Monday, June 28, 2010


Hey everyone,
This post is called "Whatever" simply for the reason that I couldn`t think of a name, and that it is about whatever I am gonna write.
So, no that we have that out of the way, onto the rest of the post!

So, first of all, I am gonna put a list of my favorite bands, so here that list is. Surprisingly, they have`t changed a whole lot lately, usually my favorite bands are always changing.

1. Muse
2. The Rolling Stones
3. Iggy Pop
4. Led Zeppelin
5. The Red Hot Chili Peppers
6. The Police
7. Aerosmith
8. The Beatles
10. Pink Floyd

So yeah, those are my favorite bands.
Um... Ok, here is a list of the greatest drummers in my opinion, not my favorite, but who I think are the greatest.

1. Keith Moon of The Who
2. John Bonham of Led Zeppelin
3. Carl Palmer of Emmerson, Lake and Palmer
4. Chad Smith of The Red Hot Chili Peppers
5. Howard Dominic of Muse

I just remembered that I got the new Jimi Hendrix album. Its called Valleys Of Neptune.
The thing I love about Jimi Hendrix is that he died fourty years ago, and his new album came out a couple months ago. He recorded a bunch of songs in the 60s, and his sister in law found them and made an album.

K, thats it for now, here is the song of the day.

Stockholme Syndrome by Muse

Saturday, June 26, 2010

New Guitar!

Hey everyone,
So, on Tuesday I got an awesome surprise. My dad came by and said I forgot something at his, he seemed kinda mad. He told me to go out to the car and bring it in. So I go out and open the trunk of the car and I see a big cardboard box. I flip it over and, I saw that it said Fender on it. I new then that it was a guitar. It is a Fender Telecaster, one of the best guitars ever!
It is Crimson Red, and its a thinline hollow body guitar. If you want to see it, go on Fenders website and click on Telecaster, it is called Jim Adkins Telecaster.
So far I`m loving this guitar. Its got an awesome sound, its really good quality, and it looks amazing!

So today I had music lessons, guitar and drums. In drum lessons he tought me the main beat for "My Sharona" by The Knack. He also tought me the beat for "Can`t Stop" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Both really good songs.
In guitar lessons,we worked on some stuff by The Police. They are an awesome band. And we also worked on soloing. She would show a scale, and she would play the chords, and I would have to make up a solo with that scale. This is really fun and useful, it gets you way better with soloing and scales, and gets you to understand the neck of the guitar a bit better.

So, I have assigned myself a project. I am gonna try to make a movie!
Nothing to big, like half hour long or something. I am trying to think of ideas for this movie, kinda want a comedy factor in there, but not too strong. For this movie, I would need a video camera, which I don`t have. But I do have $130, and am getting some more, and in a couple weeks I am going on holiday, I am gonna be in Edmonton for a while in the middle of that holiday. Which means... West Edmonton Mall. I can probably get a video camera there.
So yeah, I`m trying to think of some ideas.

Oh, I just remembered, I just got back from the movies, I saw Grown Ups. It was hilarious! I would strongly recomend going to see it.

All right, here is a list of my favorite songs, in no order

1. Last Child by Aerosmith
2. Can`t Stop by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
3. Under The Bridge by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
4. My Sharona by The Knack
5. Around The World by Daft Punk

All right guys. Thats it for now

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Schools Out

Hi everyone,
Well, I am now done school for summer. I`m done grade 7 and my first year at SAC.
My last day was yesterday, Friday. And we were at Wonderland, it was really fun. It was also my first time ever at Wonderland, which shocks a lot of people.
Yesterday I also went to the movies, I saw The A-Team. It was really good, I saw two episodes of the original show. But yeah, that was good. This morning at my drum lesson, my teacher gave me two tickets to a drum workshop, and The Black Page is going to be there, in case you don`t know who that is, he was the drummer for Frank Zappa. When Zappa was holding auditions for drummers this guy came in, he was only seventeen at the time. He played everything they told him to perfectly. They call him The Black Page because in drumming, when you write something, everything is a black circle except for symbals, he had so much crazy stuff going on with the drums that the page was covered with black, hence, The Black Page.
So they are gonna write stuff for these people to play and they are gonna play it. Good luck to them!

So, lately I have been asking myself this question a lot. What is my main instrument, guitar or drums? I have been consentrating on drums so much lately I`ve been neglecting guitar lately.
Today in guitar lessons my teacher brought her dog, it was a really cute pug. We started working on some blues. So we just made a quick blues rythm chord thing, and I had to make some little fills with different blues scales. It was really fun.

So, I`m back at my old school on Monday for some volunteer work, I`m there Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday is Prize Day.

All right, guys. Time for the song of the day, I think you know what it is gonna be...

Song of the Day: Schools Out by Alice Cooper

Monday, June 7, 2010

Almost There...

Hey everyone,
Just like everyone, I`m almost done school. I have Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. And on Friday we are going to Wonderland. So, tomorrow I have a French test, Wednesday I have a Music thoery test and a Math Exam. Thursday I don`t have any tests. So, one thing that shocks most people, is that I have never been to Wonderland! Thats right, never been. So I am looking forward to going there. Basically, we go there as Grade 7, then we go around the park in groups of four, so I made a group with some friends today. One of them I have known since I was two years old. So, I have absolutely loved this year, it has been great!

So, now comes the topic of... Summer!!! I can`t wait till summer break. I am travelling around some of Cananda with my dad, covering places like Edmenton, Yellowknife, and much more! So I am gonna be travelling for around 10 days-two weeks. Then I am living at my dads house in the city for like another week. Which is gonna be awesome, 10 minutes away from my favorite music store, Steve`s Music Store. It is awesome... And that reminded me of my guitar deal, 70% in math and overall. I need to do good on the math exam. If I do good on the French (hopefully I will), the music and the math then I will definetely get the Telecaster, ah, The Telecaster... Such a beatutiful guitar, it has been played by people such as Keith Richards, Pete Townshed, and many others.
Other than travelling, I am gonna be consuntrating on music.

Anyway, here is a video my brother had to make for an assignment, and I was camera man, here is a link
Two of the vids I posted last time didn`t work, so if this doesn`t work, just type in montypython2011

So lately I decided to make a list of the sadest songs I can find, here is what I have so far.

1. Hurt by Johnny Cash
2. Samstone by John Prine
3. Creep by Radiohead

Yeah, thats all I`ve got.

Anyway, gotta go, quick list of favorite songs

1. Travelling Riverside Blues by Led Zeppelin
2. Misery by Soul Asylum
3. We Made You by Eminem
4. We Didn`t Start The Fire by Billy Joel
5. Its Only Rock N Roll by The Rolling Stones

Thursday, June 3, 2010

First Year

Hey guys,
So, school is almost done. I have six days left and on the last day we are at Wonderland. So, today I played in a recital at school. Basically, in Music class we have two final evaluations. A playing test, and a theory test. The playing test was on Tuesday, I did OK, could`ve done better, but... I was the best in class. And the best from each class plays in a recital at school, that was today, and I played in it. It was... Amazing!!! We played in front of all Middle School, I was the second person to play. I was backstage and I was freeking out. I was nervous, and then the teacher announced me, I walked on stage and everyone in grade 7 started yelling my name, which was cool. I started playing and I did it perfectly! I loved every second of it! And, right after it, I was offered to join a band, so far we have me on drums, we have a bassist, guitarist and maybe a singer! Hell Yeah!!!
So, that inspired me to make a list of my favorite moments of my first year at this school.

So, here is that list...

Getting an award/certificate for leadership quality`s at the Beyond the Gates trip
Being accepted into the Honour Band
Making it into Middle School Jazz Band
Playing in Honour Band at the Cadet Inspection
Bringing my French average up a total of 21%
Becoming possibly the best drummer in Grade 7
Playing in the Recital
Winning every game in the Rugby season

For now, I can`t think of any more. Oh, I almost forgot. The song I played in the Recital was Time Is Running Out by Muse. Here is the link for the music video, and a bunch of there music videos. Listen to the drums, their drummer is amazing. Time Is Running Out Neutron Star Collision Starlight Uprising Resistance

They are a great band, and their drummer is intense.
So in the last 6 days of school, I have like 6 tests and one exam. I would usually hate that, but surprising I am happy at this, because... It gives me a chance to improve my marks.

I have two tests tomorrow, Language Arts and Science. Language is gonna be easy, Science is gonna be kinda hard, I still got to study a bit.

So, on that note, I will leave you.

Song of the Day
Time Is Running Out by Muse

Bye guys

Monday, May 24, 2010

Long Weekend

Hey everyone,
So, today is the last day of the long weekend :(
Which sucks, but it has been pretty damn good. Lets see, on Friday, I just relaxed. Saturday, I had drum and guitar lessons, Hell YEAH!!! I hadn`t had one in three weeks cause of Rugby and stuff, so it was good to get back. My teacher is teaching me a lot of guitar work by Slayer, I hate the band, but now that I know some of the guitar, its impressive! She tought me the main riff for Angels Of Death, and now she is teaching me Spill The Blood, the song is ok, but the guitar work is great. Anyway, after music, I went to my dads house in the city. Which I love! I was there Saturday and Sunday and came back today. On Saturday we had a party with a bunch of friends and some family. That was really fun, on Sunday he said he had a surprise for us... I was wondering what it was for a long time. So we started driving, and... Mamma Mia!!! Yeah, we went to see Mamma Mia the Musical. It was actually awesome! And one of the best parts about it was that my brother hated every second! He hates ABBA and hates the story.
Then today, me and my brother took the bus back down here from Toronto.
Oh, I almost forgot, when I was down there, I recorded a two video`s. So they are up on youtube, here is a link.
So I now have four vids up, I am gonna make a video every time I`m at my dads house.

So I just got back from the movies, I saw Shrek 4. It was actually pretty good. Better than the 3rd one.

So, I have 14 days left of school... Hell YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!
I finish on the Friday, and I am back at my old school on the Monday for volunteer work. I am there until they finish which is on the 25th, I finish on the 11th. I am there eery school day except one, because its Prize Day at my school. So overall, I am at my old school for 7 days.
Which I am looking forward too.

All right, I just started writing a story today. I`m not gonna tell you what its about, not yet.
I also decided that I am gonna make a recording of myself playing drums. A collage of drums. I don`t know when I am gonna start recording it, as soon as tomorrow mabye.

All right, now for my faorite songs, here you go.

1. Moving In Stereo by The Cars
2. Over The Hills And Far Away by Led Zeppelin
3. Woman From Tokyo by Deep Purple
4. In Spite Of Ourselves by John Prine
5. Black Knight by Deep Purple
6. Its Raining Again by Supertramp
7. Limelight by Rush
8. Surrender by Cheap Trick

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Songs To Get

Hey guys,
So everynow and then I send myself e-mails, telling myself to get certain songs for my IPod. I haven`t done this in a while, so I decided to go on YouTube and look up best rock songs. I found a video called 100 Best Classical Rock Songs, I watched it and listed around 30 songs in an e-mail, I also watched another video and got more songs from that, here is the list of songs I made.

1. Hold The Line by Toto
2. Gypsy Road by Cinderella
3. Two Tickets To Paradise by Eddie Money
4. Burnin For You by Blue Oyster Cult
5. Hold On Loosely by .38 Special
6. Take The Money And Run by The Steve Miller Band
7. American Girl by Tom Petty
8. Time Of The Season by The Zombies
9. Gimme All Your Lovin by ZZ Top
10. Still Loving You by The Scorpians
11. Take It On The Run by REO Speedwagon
12. Lady by Little River Band
13. Down By The River by Neil Young
14. Time by Pink Floyd
15. Piano Man by Billy Joel

And many more, like 20 more.
I just don`t feel like writing it all out.
Anyway, on Tuesday I had the Middle School Music Night, I played in two different bands, I was supposed to do a duet with a freind but he kicked me out because he was always very far behind in the song, so when I was playing it right I had to slow down and go back and that messed him up, so he kicked me out.
Oh well, I was in Jazz Band and the Beginning Band.
So it was pretty fun.
And now it is a long weekend.

All right guys, Talk to you later

Monday, May 17, 2010

Volunteer Work

So last week I went into my old school so I could volunteer. They said yes, I got an e-mail from the principal talking about when I could go and all that stuff. So I am going there on Monday June 14. I will be there the last 8 days of thei school year.
The thing is, you know what? I don`t even want to talk about it, I will tell you, one thing, it might be kinda akward.
Some good news is, I wrote a song. Its not done yet, but so far its pretty good. I recorded what I have so far on my laptop. Its pretty good, I found out I`m not the greatest singer, but oh well. I don`t care.
One thing that sucks, is that I haven`t had a guitar lesson in like the last almost month. Because of Rugby, I couldn`t even play tonight cause I messed my back up in the last game, the next game is on Wednesday, if we win, then our last game is on Saturday.

Tomorrow is the Middle School Music Night. And I just found out not one minute ago that I am kicked out of the duet I am doing with a freind. Jazz Band isn`t playing anymore, now all I`m in is Beggining Band which sucks.

The end of this day has really sucked.
As you can tell, I`m not in the greatest of moods.

Anyway, song of the day is
Its Raining Again by Supertramp

Friday, May 14, 2010


Hey everyone,
So this week at school was something called FOCUS, let me tell you what that is, well you don`t really have a choice cause I`m gonna tell you. So it started on Wednesday and it finished tonight. FOCUS is a Drama festival that has been going on at my school for quite a while. There were around 10-20 plays this year I think, oh and it is only on at this time once a year. I saw 6 plays but I saw three again. The reason I saw those three again is because my brother is in them. He was actually really good. So, the plays he was in were called Therapy In The Park, There Shall Be No Bottom, and Up Up And Away To Broadway. The first one is about this guy in therapy, he is told to go to the park and meet fiver people. My brother plays a gay guy he meets.
The second one is about three bad actors in a play, and it was pretty funny. The last one is a musical, they took like 6 or 7 songs from different plays and performed them. One of my favorite things about that play was the...Girls. There were I think like 10 girls and yeah, it was nice, I saw it yesterday and needles to say, I saw it again today. One of the best plays I saw was called Breast Men. It was hilarious! It was about these two guys, one of them just got dumped, and the other one has a medical condition, he grew breast`s. And the other guy starts falling for him, well for his breasts actually. But yeah, it was hilarious.
I know you shouldn`t wish your life away, but I can`t wait till Upper School, I just have the rest of Grade 7 and Grade 8. Then I am in Upper School, I can be in FOCUS and a whole lot of other stuff. I actually might be able to be in FOCUS next year, my brother said he would talk to the Drama teacher.

Oh well, this is gonna be a quick post so, here is my song of the day, yes, I am going back to song of the day.
This one is because of the girls in Up Up And Away To Broadway.
Song of the Day: Girls, Girls, Girls by Motley Crue

All right, talk to you guys soon.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Hey guys,
Today`s post is called "Stuff" because that is what it is about, just stuff that been going on lately, nothing too big.
So in Drama today we presented our play for the first time to the other Drama group, we messed up cause we didn`t know our lines perfectly but it was just for fun today, we are probably gonna actually perform it around The Middle School Music Night on May 18th.
Today I had an awesome morning and a pretty bad afternoon, just because of the classes I had. In the morning I had my two favorte classes, here is my schedule for today.
Period 1-Music
Period 2-Language Arts
Period 3-Math
Period 4-Geography

I love the first two classes, don`t like the last classes, but then the afternoon was saved because of Drama.
After Drama I was maybe gonna go to Starbucks with a freind cause Rugby was cancelled. But I decided not to.

So yesterday, my brother was at bass lessons and I decided to go into the store and look around, so I played some guitars, impressed a little girl and her mother, literrely, that actually happened.
Then I picked up this book called Hal Leonard Guitar Method Book 3, I have the first two. I looked at it, picked up a really cool acoustic guitar, and started rocking out. And one thing that was really cool, there was one song in it, it was really hard, it was using some cool finger pickking techniques, I messed up a lot and then I decided just to mess around using the same technique and stuff, and right there, in that store, I made a song. Not a full song, but a lot of one, and it is good.
I need to write some lyrics, but as usual, I can`t think of anything to write about!!!
I hate that! I can never think of anything to write about, and even if I do, I can`t think of good lyrics.

Anyway, I have a French project due tomorrow, I am mostly done. It`s cool though because we are using a program called Photo Story. It is cool, what you do is you take a picture, then write what you want, then you record yourself saying it, so I don`t at all in this project. And I just noticed something, this is part of our Summative`s.
One thing that sucks, is that in Grade 7, we don`t have any exams except one, Math.
I am not looking forward to that.

So here is a list of my favorite bands right now,

1. The Rolling Stones
2. Muse
3. The Cars
4. Eric Clapton
5. The Red Hot Chili Peppers

All right, bye guys.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Rugby, Rolling Stones, and Pick-Up Lines

Hey guys,
So, I`m slowly getting back into blogging, haven`t done as much as I would like to, but oh well, I am back!
So this weekend I was in a Rugby tournement for my school team. We had two games on Friday and two games on Saturday. We destroyed every team, we were awesome. We faced two teams from Montreal, we faced Country Day (the tournement was at Country Day) and we faced one other team, which we are playing again on Wednesday. And one thing that was surprising was that Country Day`s team had a girl on it, which is cool, but this girl was scary, she was mean, competitive and she complained a lot. And she was pretty strong, so that shocked us for a bit but we still destroyed them.
So that was the Rugby part of the post, here is the Rolling Stones part.
Today I saw the Rolling Stones Movie, Shine A Light. It is a concert of their and a bit of a documentury. It was actually really good. I heard some songs in it that I hadn`t heard before, like She Was Hot, Tumbling Dice, Shattered, All Down The Line, Loving Cup, Some Girls, Just My Imagination, Far Away Eyes, You Got The Silver, Connection, and Live With Me. There was alos a song they did with Buddy Guy called Champaigne And Reefer by Muddy Waters. That was good, Buddy Guy is really good at guitar.
I would love to see The Rolling Stones in concert, they are my favorite band.

So anyway, I was on FaceBook earlier and I found this page, its called Hilarious Pick-Up Lines. There is like 70 of them, but here are some of my favorites.
1. Have I seen you before? Oh yeah, I saw you in the Dictionary next to the word KABLAM!!!
2. Are you are a parking ticket? Cause you have fine written all over you.
3. Excuse me, did you happen to find my Nobel Peace Prize?
4. Here`s $10, drink until I look good then come talk to me.
5. You know what? Your eyes are the same colour as my Porsche.
6. Are you from Tennessea? Cause you`re the only 10 I see.
7. Screw me if I`m wrong, but haven`t we met before?
8. Do you sleep on your belly at night? If no, then can I?

So yeah, those are some of my favorite one`s, there is a lot more though.
So I finally picked what song to play for the final playing exam in music class. I picked Time Is Running Out by Muse. My music teacher transposed it cause I couldn`t find any books for it, so he wrote it out for me. So it is a really good song, and I went on YouTube and looked up drum covers for the song, so here is one I found that is really good.
If that doesn`t work then just look up Time Is Running Out Drum Cover, it is the 4th one, it is by benpowellfforddlas

Oh, and another cool thing is I had a major French test a couple days ago, and I got it back on Friday, and I got 94% on it. Hell YEAH!!!!!!!!! It brought my French average up 6% and my overall average up 1%. For me in French that is awesome!!! I also gto pretty good on a History Test and it brought history up 2%
That is awesome.
Right now I am addicted to one mission in Modern Warfare 2. I forget what it is called but this is what it is. You are in Favela and its you and 4 other people. Basically all you do is run around guns a blazin, killing all the militia people, then you have to jump from one rooftop to another and everyone makes it except you, and you fall and wake up a couple minutes later. You have to run through a bunch of buildings with no weapons and a bunch of people chasing you, then you have to run across a bunch or rooftops and jump on to the helicopter. Anyway, its a really fun mission, I`ve done it like three times today.
All right, time for my favorite songs, here you go

1. Tumbling Dice by The Rolling Stones
2. Tales by Wolfmother
3. Time Is Running Out by Muse
4. Shine A Light by The Rolling Stones
5. She Was Hot by The Rolling Stones
6. Kids by MGMT
7. Uprising by Muse
8. Cocaine by Eric Clapton
9. Wonderfull Tonight by Erci Clapton
10. You Got The Silver by The Rolling Stones

Actually I just thought of something, here is a list of my favorite movies at the time
1. Help!
2. Shine A Light
3. Grease

I can`t think of any more right now.
So all right guys, thats it
Talk to you soon


Monday, April 19, 2010

Oh Hormones...

Hey guys,
So I quickly want to apologize for not updating this in quite a while.
So the last two week or so have been interesting, to say the least...
As you know, I am a teenager now, and I have been going through puberty for around two years already, but now the hormones have kicked in. So far, it is the only bad thing about puberty. And it definitely bad. And the thing is, I cope with things, including hormones, with music. I listen and play music, and around a week ago, my IPod broke. That sucks!!! So my dads girlfreind gave me her old IPod (Thank you very much!!!) its pretty good, its an old nano. The bad thing is it doesn`t nearly all my songs, I have just over 2,000, this IPod is suppossed to hold around 2,000. It is only holding around 400. That sucks, I should have just kept the music she had on it, cause she had a lot of good music on it, some songs I listened to on it a lot were Cocaine by Eric Clapton, Wonderfull Tonight by Eric Clapton, My Best Freinds Girl by The Cars and some other stuf by The Cars and The Rolling Stones.
But I have gotten into a lot of music lately, right now my favorite band is The Rolling Stones.
Here is a list of my favorite songs by them, there is quite a few. These are not in order.
1. Shine A Light
2. Streets Of Love
3. Time Is On My Side
4. 19th Nervous Breakdown
5. Waiting For A Freind
6. Beast Of Burden
7. Under My Thumb
8. Start Me Up
9. Angie
10. Honky Tonk Woman
11. Miss You
12. Saint Of Me
13. Rough Justice
14. This Place Is Empty
15. Rain Fall Down
16. Sympathy For The Devil
17. Ruby Tuesday
18. Brown Sugar
19. Gimme Shelter
20. You Can`t Always Get What You Want

Yeah, I love them. And in French class we got a project,we have to pick a place that we have always wanted to go. Then we basically make a slide show of pictures and sentances in the future tense in french. I picked... London, England. I have always wanted to go to London.

I just noticed I was going to start talking about my last week, and then started talking about a bunch of other stuff.
So yeah, I liked Rugby then I hated it, now I like it again. And I didn`t go to the dance, and a bunch of other stuff, and it just piled up and lead to an akward meal with my dad.
I had Rugby today and it really fun. I am in a Rugby tournement on Friday and Saturday. I have to games each day.

And I just started assembling a band. So far I have me and one other person in it, and I e-mailed another guy to play base, just the thing is, the basist lives pretty far away. So if he joins, then there will be Lead Guitarist, Rythm Guitaris and Basist, and I might play drums sometimes.

Al right, guys, thats it for now. See you

Friday, April 9, 2010

Last Dance

Hey guys,
So today is the last dance of the school year, and I am not there.
I was going, my name was on the list, but then I decided not to go. I have been feeling sick for the last couple days, and I just didn`t want to go, I don`t know why, I just didn`t want to go.
The bad thing is everybody has been giving me shit because of it, and I`m sick of it.
So now I have to wait till like October or something. Hopefully there are more dances next year, there were only five this year.
Another bad thing is that I can`t write anything, musically. I can`t write anything for guitar, lyrics or anything. The thing is I have a bunch of lyrics I have made for different songs but none of them are what I am trying to write right now.
Also today I had to present a project for French. We had to either make a pizza (fake or real) with our favorite ingredients. So yeah, I presented that today, that went ok.
I also had Jazz Band today, that was fun, we played Take The "A" Train and Play That Funky Music. Out of those songs, Play That Funky Music Is My Favorite. We are also doing Thriller but we didn`t practise it today.

And also I don`t know if I want to stick with rugby, I just don`t like it that much anymore, I like the sport but not playing it, so I don`t know what I should do, the only other sport available is Soft Ball. Should I stay with Rugby or go to Soft Ball. So yeah, I`m not to happy right now, with everything going on.
On a brighter note, I had an awesome long weekend. I went over to my moms best freinds house, it was awesome, my brother paid her nine year old daughter to chase me around and try to kill me, so it was fun hangin out there for the day.
Two days ago I watched a movie I have wanted to see for a long time, The Shining, based on the book by Stephen King. It was really good, scary, but not nearly as scary as I thought it would be. Jack Nicholsan (I don`t know if that is the way it is spelled) is such a great actor.

And apperently because of my moms freind, there were five girls there going to be looking for me. Wonderfull. I am pissed off.

People talk about me as if I`m not in the room, and I am sick of it.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Its Been A While

Hey guys,
So yeah, this is the first blog post I have done in quite a long time. So yeah, I am back at school, March Break is over, I have had rugby every day of the week so far.
But right now I am pretty damn frustrated. One of the main reasons is that I bought some blank CD`s, I have a freind at school who wants to get into a lot of music, so I asked him what type of music he is into, so he said AC/DC, Aerosmith, KISS and some other stuff. So I made some playlists and I got the CD`s today, after I got home and started putting the songs on them I noticed that they weren`t blank CD`s, but they were blank DVD`s. So yeah I don`t know if it will work, I think it should work but yeah, that sucks.
On top of that, my headphones just broke, and I can`t go without music, so yeah, that sucks too. The best things that have happened today were probably rugby and I got a call from my dad.
Today I got my Cadet uniform, but I never have to go to Cadets cause I am in Honour Band.

All right, so here is the lsit of songs on those CD`s for that kid.

1. Gone Shootin
2. Money Talks
3. Can I Sit Next To You Girl
4. Little Lover
5. Love At First Feel
6. Touch Too Much
7. Lets Make It
8. Are You Ready
9. Stiff Upper Lip
10. Hold Me Back
11. Can`t Stand Still


1. Full Circle
2. Nobody`s Fault
3. Same Old Song And Dance
4. Sweet Emotion
5. Mama Kin
6. Lord Of The Thighs
7. Beyond Beautiful
8. Crazy
9. Angel
10. Deuces Are Wild
11. Love In An Elevator

Aerosmith Part 2
1. Walk On Water
2. Crying
3. Amazing
4. Linvin On The Edge
5. You See Me Crying
6. Walk This Way
7. Big 10 Inch Record
8. Back In The Saddle
9. Rag Doll
10. Dude Looks Like A Lady
11. Shut Up And Dance

1. Lit Up
2. Riding
3. For The Movies
4. Don`t Go Away
5. Sorry
6. Crazy Bitch
7. Check Your Head
8. Rescue Me

1. I Was Made For Loving You
2. Hotter Than Hell
3. Lick It Up
4. Heacens On Fire
5. Detroit Rock City
6. Shout It Out Loud
7. God Of Thunder
8. Crazy Crazy Nights
9. Forever
10. Calling Dr. Love
11. Love Gun
12. Creatures Of The Nights

Then I made a list of awesome songs I think he would like, so here is that
Awesome Songs
1. You Love The Thunder by Jackson Brown
2. Little Willy by Sweet
3. Bicycle Race by Queen
4. Have You Ever Seen The Rain by Creedance Cleerwater Revival
5. Jump Jive and Wail by The Brian Setzer Orchestra
6. Romeo Had Juliette by Lou Reed
7. The Jean Genie by David Bowie
8. Fall To Pieces by Velvet Revolver
9. Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd
10. Hash Pipe by Weezer
11. Wild America by Iggy Pop
12. Fashion by David Bowie
13. Hang On To Yourself by David Bowie

So yeah and here is a list of my favorite bands,

1. David Bowie
2. AC/DC
3. Buckcherry
5. Aerosmith

All right, guys talk to you later

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Music Lists

Hey guys,
So in this post I am gonna list my favorite bands, then my favorite songs by those bands, and I am also gonna give some music video`s by those bands. So gonna jump right into it, so enjoy.

Favorite Bands
1. Buckcherry
2. Aerosmith
4. Iggy Pop
5. The Ramones
6. David Bowie
7. Creedance Cleerwater Revival
8. The Darkness
9. The Beatles
10. Pink Floyd

All right, here are my favorite songs by those bands, and there are different amount of songs I will put down,

1. Riding
2. Too Drunk
3. Check Your Head
4. Crazy Bitch
5. Sorry
6. Lit Up
7. Rescue Me
8. Don`t Go Away
9. Talk To Me
10. For The Movies

1. Angel
2. Girls Of Summer
3. Lay Down
4. Nobody`s Fault
5. Lord Of The Thighs
6. Deuces Are Wild
7. Line Up
8. Beyond Beautiful
9. Full Circle
10. Devils Got A New Disguise

1. Take It Off
2. Hotter Than Hell
3. Cold Gin
4. Ladies Room
5. Shout It Out Loud
6. Christine Sixteen
7. Secretly Cruel
8. Get All You Can Take
9. Heavens On Fire
10. Lick It Up

Iggy Pop
1. Wild America
2. Candy
3. Little Know It All
4. Success
5. Lust For Life
6. The Passenger

The Ramones
1. Rock N Roll High School
2. I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend
3. My Brain Is Hangin Upside Down (Bonzo Goes To Bitzburg)
4. Calirfornia Sun
5. I Wanna Be Sedated
6. Blitzgrieg Bop
7. Baby I Love You
8. Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue

David Bowie
1. The Jean Jeanie
2. Modern Love
3. Blue Jean
4. Fashion
5. Ziggy Stardust
6. Changes
7. Suffragate City
8. Rebel Rebel
9. Underground
10. Heroes

Creedance Cleerwater Revival
1. Have You Ever Seen The Rain
2. Hey Tonight
3. Bad Moon Rising
4. Fortuante Son
5. Up Around The Bend
6. I Heard It Through The Grape Vine
7. Travelin Band

The Darkness
1. Is It Just Me
2. Girlfriend
3. I Believe In A Thing Called Love
4. Knockers
5. Love Is Only A Feeling
6. Growing On Me
7. Get Your Hands Off My Woman

The Beatles
1. I Am The Walrus
2. Hey Bull Dog
3. Maxwell`s Silver Hammer
4. Revolution
5. Everybody`s Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey
6. Baby`s In Black
7. You`re Gonna Lose That Girl
8. I Me Mine
9. Hey Jude
10. Eleanor Rigby

Pink Floyd
1. Wish You Were Here
2. Brain Damage
3. Another Brick In The Wall (Part 1)
4. Another Brick In The Wall (Part 2)
5. Another Brick In The Wall (Part 3)
6. Eclipse
7. Comfortably Numb

Yeah so those are my favorite bands and my favorite songs, and I want to talk a bit more so here is a list of my favorite guitars,

1. Fender Telecastor
2. Gibson Les Paul
3. Gibson SG
4. Fender Stratocaster
5. Gibson ES
6. B.C. Rich Mockingbird

So yeah, and uh... Here is a list of my favorite guitarists

1. Keith Nelson of Buckcherry
2. Ritchie Blackmore of Deep Purple
3. Brian Setzer of The Brian Setzer Orchestra and Stray Cats
4. Bruce Kulick of KISS
5. Jimmy Paige of Led Zeppelin

All right guys, talk to you later.

Monday, March 22, 2010


Hey everyone,
So today I got back from my dads house, I was there for the weekend. So it was fun, we hung out at the Distillary Disrtict in the city, that was pretty fun, we went to some art gallery`s, had some lunch and went back home. Me and my dad went for a run also, it was ok for the first little while, then it turned into hell. Then when we got back we worked out for a while, we did 20 prisoner squats, then 20 lateral pull downs, we did that three or four times.
On Saturday we had some guests, my dad`s business partner and his girl friend came over.
So that was fun, hung out, had some food, watched some TV.
So yeah, it was a pretty fun weekend, and now its over.

So I have a YouTube channel that my friend helped make for me, he made it in like October or November. Yeah so he put two video`s on it, and last night at my dads house I used my dads IPhone to record a video, so my dad put that on my channel today, and today I used my brothers webcam on his Mac, and I made five video`s on it, then he found out and he deleted them, so I only had three vids again. They are still on Youtube, like you can type in my channel and in the results there are those video`s, but when you click on them they don`t work. So yeah, I am gonna save up for a camera and hopefully I will be getting a Ipod touch soon, and I can use the camera on that. So hopefully I should have some more video`s up soon enough, but don`t hold your breath for it. Here is a link for my channel, be sure to subscribe. Oh, and I don`t know if this will happen to you, but sometimes it won`t show all my video`s on my channel, like right now it says I only have two video`s, but that might just be doing that for me, but if it happens for you just type in my channel, so here it is. Actually, I just checked it and I only have two video`s up, one of them was deleted, so yeah, that sucks cause earlier everytime I uploaded one the oldest vid was deleted, which is messed up, so yeah here is my channel

So on Saturday my dads business partner said that I should pick a song to learn for guitar that I can play well, and sing it too, and play it for people and stuff. So my brother said I should learn a song called Wonderwall by Oasis. So I checked that song out and it was really good, here is the music video for it.
So yeah, check it out, it is an awesome song. Before I heard that song I had only heard one song by them, its called Some Might Say, pretty good song.

So right now in guitar lessons I was learning Angel by Aerosmith, but we kinda dropped it cause it is kinda annoying to learn, so we started soloing techniques and stuff, so my teacher gave me the A minor scale and I have to make it into a solo using a lot of cool techniques. Next song I wanted to learn was Mary Jane`s Last Dance by Tom Petty, but now I am gonna learn Wonderwal by Oasis.

So here is a list of my favorite songs, enjoy!

1. Wonderwall by Oasis
2. Crazy Bitch by Buckcherry
3. Cha Ching by Hedley
4. Lit Up by Buckcherry
5. I Don`t Feel Like Dancin by Scissor Sisters
6. Just Feel Better by Carlos Santana Ft. Steven Tyler
7. Tik Tok by Ke$ha
8. Sorry by Buckcherry
9. You Love The Thunder by Jackson Brown
10. Cocaine by Jackson Brown
11. Cocaine by Eric Clapton

All right guys thats it for now, talk to you later

Friday, March 19, 2010

Good Day

Hi guys,
So I just got back from the movies, I saw The Bounty Hunter. It was pretty good, it had Gerad Butler and Jennifer Aniston in it. It was much better than I thought it would be, it was pretty funny.
Other than that, I have just hung out around the house, reading and listening to music, watching TV. Pretty normal day, right now I am watching Boston Legal and drinking Hot Chocolate, it is a nice thing. I have also been looking up Stephen King and his books, he has around 87 books, and then he has the Richard Bochamn books, with them he has around 95 books, that is amazing. He had around 3-5 books a year, that is a lot, normal people have around 1 book every year to two years.

Two movies that I am really looking forward to are Hot Tub Time Machine and Grown Ups. They look hilarious, here are the trailers for them, here is Hot Tub Time Machine,
Here is Grown Ups,

They are hilarious.
So I don`t really know what to talk about now, um... I have guitar and drum lessons tomorrow, I am learning Angel by Aerosmith, it is proving to be kinda of annoying to learn, but it does have some cool licks in it and stuff. Drum lessons are kinda boring but cool, I get to show off at school with it. After music lessons I am going to my dads house for the weekend, I can`t wait.

So I actually don`t know what to talk about so I think I am gonna end this post now, so yeah, its a pretty short post.
So yeah, talk to you guys later.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

This Weekend

Hi everyone,
So today is Thursday, it has been a pretty normal day, I had to go down to the doctors for an allergy shot. Tomorrow is gonna be pretty normal too, then on Saturday I am going to my dads house, and spending Saturday night, Sunday night and Monday night and coming back like 2:00 on Tuesday or something. I can`t wait, I`m pretty damn excited.
So I just heard this thing on the news today and I think its pretty cool, this guy in Britain won the lottery one day after he got divorced, That is really lucky, and pretty funny too.

So in my last post I said I am looking for three authors to read some of their stuff, I had the first two authors and was looking for another author. So I found it, I had two options, Stephen King and Orson Scott Card. I picked Stephen King, so I went out to Chapters and got two books, I got Stephen King`s third book, Carrie. I also got another book by Darren Shan, I got the ninth book in a ten book series, I had the first 6 books, and they didn`t have the 7th or 8th, so I got the ninth, and the final came out in October 2009 I think.
So Carrie is awesome, but very messed up and sick. It is about a girl called Carrie White, she is hated at school, she is intensely bullied and its all because of her mom, her mom won`t teach her anything, she thinks everything is a sin, and when she was pregnant with Carrie she didn`t even know what pregnancy was, she thought she had "a cancer of the womanly parts" Yeah but the mom has estranged her so much that she is bullied so bad, and she can move things and make things happen with her mind, so eventually she goes insane and starts to kill everyone in the high school. One thing that was messed up was when the mom was pregnant and she didn`t know, and when she started to give birth she didn`t know what was going on and her neighbors heard her screaming and they wouldn`t call the police because they hated her. Eventually someone did call the police and they found the mom and they thought she was attacked, but then they saw a butcher knife and they find out that she cut herself to help get the baby out, it was messed up. The dad was killed in a car crash before Carrie was born, he always carried two things to work, a bible and a gun. The bible was because he was a religious freek, and the gun was in case he saw the Antichrist. So yeah, they are one messed up family. But the book is really good so far, I would suggest you read it, he early books were his best, his newer books aren`t that good, but apperently his most recent book is actually really good, its called Under The Domn. For a while Stephen King changed his name so he could write more books, no one would publish his books anymore because he made to many, he made around three or four a year. So he changed his name to Richard Bochman, but then after a couple books he went back to Stephen King.

So right now I am downstairs watching Rush Hour with my mom, it is an awesome movie.
So I gotta go now so here is a list of my favorite songs,

1. Have You Ever Seen The Rain by Creedance Cleerwater Revival
2. I Wanna Sniff Some Glue by The Ramones (I haven`t actually heard it, I just saw it on a CD and I loved it)
3. Just Feel Better by Carlos Santana Ft. Steven Tyler
4. Sunday Morning by The Velvet Underground
5. Rebel Rebel by David Bowie
6. Shout It Out Loud by KISS

All right guys, thats it for now, I should have a new post either tomorrow or on Saturday

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Plans

Hey everyone,
So I am feeling a bit better right now than last night, but if I start to feel bad again I can just watch something on my IPod. But I have a feeling I won`t have to.
So I am gonna be talking about my plans for March Break, cause the 3rd term at SAC is gonna be really busy, especially with rugby, and I need to get in shape. So I was sitting in bed last night trying to think of something I can write a song about, because I have been trying to write a song for a very long time. So I couldn`t think of anything, but eventually I thought of one line of lyrics, I thought it sounded good, so I made another line, and another. It was surprisingly easy, which is strange cause I could never write lyrics. So yeah, I thought of an entire verse, and I didn`t want to forget it so I went to the washroom with a piece of paper and started writing things down (now un-common for me, its a thinking room, and that sounds kinda strange).
So I decided to call it You`re The Only One, so far I have one verse (which is 8 lines) and the first chorus.
So once I got back into bed I started thinking of plans for March Break. So for tomorrow my plan is,
Morning: just hang out, do whatever
1:00-2:00: Work out
2:00-2:30: just hang out
2:30-3:30: work on You`re The Only One, and music in general
3:30-4:00: hang out
4:00-5:00: memorize my lines for Drama

The rest of the day is really just relaxing, and I plan to do that everyday for March Break, or almost. Hopefully I can stick to it, I don`t think I have ever been very good with routine.

Ok, I just stumbled across this on YouTube, it is Selena Gomez, that actress/musician on Family Channel, she is doing a cover of Magic Carpet Ride by Steppenwolf. It is actually a really good cover, she does it well. Here it is,
For some reason I couldn`t copy and paste that, so I just wrote that down, so hopefully that will work, but if it doesn`t, just tipe in Selena Gomez Magic Carpet Ride.

So lately I have been showing intrest in writing, so I have been trying to write some short stories and stuff. So far I have started one, its about a zombie apocolypse, ever since I saw Zombieland I have been really interested in Zombie stuff. My dad gave some advice on writing, he told me to pick a couple authors, and read a couple books by each of them. So I am going to pick three authors, I have all ready picked two, they are Darren Shan and Arthor Conan Doyle. I have read a couple books by Darren Shan and I really like them, he has these series of books called The Demonata. There are ten books, here is a list of them,
1. Lord Loss
2. Demon Thief
3. Slawter
4. Bec
5. Blood Beast
6. Demon Apocolypse
7. Death`s Shadow
8. Wolf Island
9. Dark Calling
10. Hell`s Hero`s

I have read the first three of them, I read some of Bec, right now it is in my locker at school, I am reading 5th one right now, and I read a bit of the 6th one.
I have the first six of them, tomorrow I am probably gonna buy more of them.
I have read one of Arthor Conan Doyle`s books, it is Sherlock Holmes The Hound Of The Baskervilles. I read it for a book report in grade five or six. It was pretty good.
I don`t know any other authors I should pick, I really don`t know, I will probably e-mail some people asking for some suggesstions.

All right now for my favorite songs, here they are.
1. Have You Ever Seen The Rain by Creedance Cleerwater Revival
2. Magic Carpet Ride by Steppenwolf
3. Classical Gas by Mason Williams
4. Just Like You by FM
5. Little Know It All by Iggy Pop and Sum 41
6. Living After Midnight by Judas Priest
7. Wild America by Iggy Pop
8. Take A Walk On The Wild Side by Lou Reed
9. Candy by Iggy Pop
10. Cha Ching by Hedley

All right guys, talk to you later.

Monday, March 15, 2010

March Break

Hi everyone,
So I would have done this post on Thursday night, since that was when March Break started, but I just wasn`t in the mood and I was to lazy I guess.
So right now I am feeling some sort of guilt or something, well I don`t know if its guilt but I feel kinda bad and I don`t know why, all I know is that I hate it.
On a lighter note, I got my old acoustic guitar re-strung, so thats good, sounds much better and it has six strings againg becuase one of the strings broke off a couple weeks ago. So the last couple days have been pretty normal and quiet, just relaxing. Today I have pretty much just been playing video games, Left For Dead 2 and Modern Warfare 2.

So right in guitar lessons I am learning the song Angel by Aerosmith, the next song I am gonna learn or hopefully learn, is Mary Jane`s Last Dance by Tom Petty. It is an awesome song, awesome guitar song and has some awesome Harmonica parts.
A couple days ago one of my final molars started growing, it was hurting yesterday, today it is fine.

All right, I am actually not feeling good right now at all, not sickness, just feeling bad and I don`t know why. This has happened the last two nights as well, I have been getting agitated and anxious. I delt with it the last two nights by buying TV shows for my IPod and watching it in bed. The first night it bugged my I watched two episodes of Gene Simmons Family Fewel`s. Last night I watched two more episodes of Gene Simmons Family Jewel`s and one episode of Rick Mercer Report. The thing is, not everything I buy on ITunes will go on my IPod now. I don`t know why, some shows will, no movies will go on anymore, and usually all the songs go on but sometimes they don`t.

All right, now for some of my favorite songs,
1. Mary Jane`s Last Dance by Tome Petty
2. Cha Ching by Hedley
3. Just Feel Better by Carlos Santana Ft. Steven Tyler

Sunday, March 7, 2010

My Birthday

Hey guys
So today is my birthday, and it has been pretty awesome!
So the party started on Friday, and it has been really cool. So on Friday my Dad picked me up from school, and we went back to his house and relaxed and watched a bunch of music video`s which is what we like to do. Then on Saturday we got up early and went to St. Lawrence Market, we hung out there, and we had this thing that apperently is pretty famous there, Pemeal Bacon On A Bun. It was actually awesome. Then we went and visited my grandmother, so that was pretty cool. Then we picked up my 16 year old uncle and went back to the house, then my dads business partner and his girlfriend came over, and we watched some movies and stuff and then went out for dinner at a place called Taps And Tales. It was good, then we dropped my uncle off at the subway and we went home and relaxed, then we went to bed. I couldn`t really sleep so I watched a movie on my IPod, I watched the movie The Longest Yard, the 2005 version, I hated the origianal movie.

Here is what I got for presents. I got an awesome, authentic, german harmoica in the key of G, which is awesome for blues. The way that was given to me was when we where at the resturant my dad gave me and my brother these hand made leather and wood boxes he got from Nigeria. He told me to open mine and there was something wrapped in paper, I opened it and there was this white box with the harmoice in it. I also got a book on how to play the harmonica, so I have started learning that. I also now have just under 200 dollars on ITunes, I`m happy about that.
My mom got me some cool clothes and she got me two Aerosmith CDs I have been looking for, Get Your Wings and Rocks. Then with my birthday money I got some more awesome clothes.

So today for the first time instead of my dad driving me and my brother home, we took the bus back from Toronto, it was actually reall cool. So when we got back we just hang out a bit, I played my harmonica and then we went out for dinner and then saw Alice In Wonderland.
It was actually reall good, but it felt like it was so short.
So now I am watching The Oscars, just started. At my dads house we had these sheets to vote for all the catagories so I hope I win. I think I came 2nd last year, I`m not sure.

So I am trying to decide what song to learn next, so here are the candidates,
1. Angel by Aerosmith
2. We Weren`t Born To Follow by Bon Jovi
3. By The Way by The Red Hot Chili Peppers

So once again instead of a song of the day, I am gonna list a bunch of my favorite songs, so here it is

1. Knockers by The Darkness
2. We Weren`t Born To Follow by Bon Jovi
3. Nobody`s Fault by Aerosmith
4. Lord Of The Thighs by Aerosmith
5. Angel by Aerosmith
6. Just Like You by FM
7. Scandel by Queen

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Hey guys
So just wanted to say that this post was gonna be up yesterday but when I published it, it said there was an error publishing and I lost all of the post.
So yeah, that sucked, so now I have to do it all over again.
So on Friday in Advisory we picked our 3rd term sport. The choices were
1. Rugby
2. Tennis
3. Badminton
4. Cricket
5. Track and Field
6. Lacross
7. Soft Ball

So the sports I was considering were Rugby, Tennis, Badminton and Soft Ball.
So I decided to go with Rugby, yesterday was the first practise and it was awesome!
I loved it, there is around 25-30 people on the team, most of them grade 7 and 8s, some are grade 6. We have four coaches, one main coach and three assistant coaches.
My next practise is tomorrow and I can`t wait! and because of rugby my schedule is a bit different. So here is my new schedule, well its just when I finish school

Moday- 4:30 finish at 3:15 then have rugby
Tuesday- 5:30 or 6:00 finish at 3:15 the have Drama and then rugby
Wednesday- 2:30 finish at 1:15 then have rugby
Thursday- 4:30 finish at 3:15 then have Honour band, I also have Jazz Band from 11:45 till 12:30
Friday- 4:30 finish at 3:15 than have rugby

So yeah, thats my schedule now.
Another cool thing thats coming up is my birthday! March 7 and I will be a teenager. On Friday my dad is picking me up from school which I am looking forward to, then a weekend in the city which I love. And then back here for my birthday, we are going to see Alice In Wonderland.
Then it is March Break soon after that, next Thursday is the last day and its only half a day.
Not really doing anything over March Break, I might be going to Rock Band Camp but my mom doesn`t really want me too, she thinks its not proffesional enough but I love it and it is good.
We were going to paint our living room but we deicded not to.
So the Science Fair at my school is coming up, March 9th, next Tuesday. My topic is What Paper Towel Brand Holds The Most Weight When Wet. I am kinda nervous, kinda excited. Its being graded by the Upper School teachers, so they are a bit harder to impress.

All right, for the song of the day I can`t think of one, so I am just gonna list a couple of my favorite songs.

1. Scandal by Queen
2. Cha Ching by Hedley
3. Hotter Than Hell by KISS
4. If You Want Blood (You Got It) by AC/DC
5. Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd
6. Police On My Back by The Clash
7. I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend by The Ramones

Monday, February 22, 2010


Hey guys,
So today is clearly Monday, and I hate Monday`s.
Its more the school day part of Monday than actual Monday. But yeah, I hate Monday`s.
One good thing is that last week ended, I was really sick of a major test everyday. And these tests were pretty hard, they were the final tests before Report Cards. This week I only have one test, and I should do great on this, it is a music theory test.
So at my school once you get past Monday it is pretty cool. Tomorrow I have two arts, which is either music, art or gym. Tomorrow I have art and gym, and I also have drama which is really cool. Wednesday I finish at 2:30, I have short classes so that is good. Thursday I used to think are just ok, but now I really like them, except for one thing. The thing I don`t like about Thursday is I have Honour Band, which I really don`t like. But now that I have Jazz Band on Thursday`s at lunch which I absolutely love!!! Yeah, Jazz Band is awesome!!! And the cool thing is I have to make little fills and solo`s for the drums because in the songs the drummer is doing lots of cool things so I get to make some fun stuff. Friday is good because... Its Friday!!! The best day of the week, well at least the best day of the school week.

As for that whole GLC+ thing you read about in my last post, well I`m so happy. Instead of giving me a gating which she actually should have, she just made me go to it today and on this Friday. So I`m happy I don`t have to spend five hours at school this weekend doing work.

I had guitar lessons on Saturday, one of my favorite things of the week. So I couldn`t find the proper tab for Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd, I know the entire song except the acoustic solo at the begginning. But we were able to make a plan for the next couple songs to learn. So first we think we are gonna finish Wish You Were Here, then probably By The Way by The Red Hot Chili Peppers, then Sharp Dressed Man by ZZ Top.
Unfortunatley I can`t put By The Way on my IPod so I can`t bring it in. I have the song on my ITunes but it won`t go on my IPod, my brother looked at it and said it is probably because of Vista. So now I have another reason to hate Windows Vista. None of the songs I but now will go on my IPod, which sucks!!!

So one thing I am looking forward to is that my dad gets back from a business trip on Sunday, I won`t see him until next Friday but oh well, I can wait.
So another cool thing is that my birthday is coming up, March 7. Yep, I`m looking forward to it, turning into a teenager, even though in some ways I have been a teenager for years, in my mind and some ways I act and all that fun stuff. One kinda cool thing is that there is this kid in my school and his birthday is on the exact same day, but he is turning 12. He should be in grade 6 but he is pretty smart and he skipped a grade. So yeah, thats kinda cool. Anyway, on to other stuff.

On top of that ITunes stuff, I have been e-mailing myself songs so I can put it onto my laptop, because I couldn`t transfer songs any other way. But I can only e-mail something that is under 10 mb, which is quite small. So I got a four gigabite flash drive, and for some strange reason no songs will go onto that which sucks.
So I really can`t wait till Jazz Band, its so fun. We are doing sone cool songs, we are doing a more jazz version of Thriller by Michael Jackson, we are playing Play That Funky Music, and we are doing a song called Take The "A" Train. So far we have only played Thriller and Play That Funky Music.

Over the weekend I saw Avatar for the first time. It was AMAZING!!! It was actually really good. I loved it, I actually almost went back and saw it the next day again. I might go see it tomorrow again cause it is half price night at the movie theatres, either tomorrow or next weekend. And that new movie, Cop Out comes out on Friday, that looks pretty good.

Anyway, thats it for today, come back soon and uh, here is the song of the day
Actually I can`t pick one, so here is a list of some of my favorite songs right now

1. Friday I`m In Love by The Cure
2. Thriller (Instruental Jazz Band version)
3. By The Way by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
4. Creatures Of The Night by KISS
5. Sharp Dressed Man by ZZ Top
6. Heart Of Gold by Neil Young

All right guys, that is it for today, see you soon

Friday, February 19, 2010


Hi guys,
So let me start out with my school schedule, cause you have to know most of it so I can tell you this. Monday I finish at 3:15 and then I have sports to 4:30, Tuesday I finish at 3:15 and then I have the Arts program till 5:00, Wednesday I finish at 1;15 and have sports till 2:30, Thursday I finish at 3:15 and have Honour Band till 4:30, Friday I finish at 3:15 and have sports till 4:30.
At my school there is something called GLC, it stands for Guidance Learning Center, you go there after school instead of going to sports, anyway you go there and finish work if you are not done it and stuff like that. Now there is something called GLC+ it is something you go to a certain day every week. At the beginning I was told to go in to it, every Friday. So today I was supposed to go to it, but... I forgot, and I went to sports instead... Yeah, bad. So eventually after I got home, I found out that I forgot it. So immediatly checked my school e-mail and I saw she already e-mailed me. So I e-mailed her back saying I was sorry and that I will make up for it and everything. She said in the e-mail that I will meet her on Monday to talk about the consequences.
So yeah, that sucks!!!
So I might get a gating, might, I`m not sure but I might.
There are two type of gating`s, a Tier 1 Gating, and a Tier 2 Gating. Tier 1 is when you have to go to school on either Saturday or Sunday for 5 hours. Tier 2 is you go on both Saturday and Sunday for 5 hours.
I really hope she doesn`t give me a gating, I don`t care if she give`s me a couple demerits but I don`t want a gating. I can`t believe I forgot it.

Anyway, on a lighter note, I am so happy that it is the weekend, I was getting sick of a test everyday, but one good thing is I now have no averages below 60%.
My average is 68.88% It has went up a little bit, and after all the marking is done it should be going up a bit more.,

Ok, I just decided to make a list of my favorite bands right now, here it is

1. The Red Hot Chili Peppers
2. U2
3. ZZ Top
4. Pink Floyd
5. Creedance Cleerwater Revival

All right, today instead of the song of the day, I am gonna do the question of the day, I`m gonna do the song too.

Question of the Day: What do you like to with your friends?

Song of the Day: Sweetest Thing by U2

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Test Week

Hey guys,
So this week has been Test Week. We have a test every day of the week, there is only four days this week cause of the long weekend last weekend. On Tuesday we had a Math test, Wednesday we had a Science test, today we had a Geography test, and tomorrow we have a French test.
The Math test was not hard but not easy, it was neutral. Science was kind of hard, but it brought my science mark by 5%. Today was the Geo test, I am never worried about tests, some people get all scared but I usually don`t care about worrying. But today I was a little bit worried, I found out some of the stuff we had to know and it was hard!!! And everyone else kept saying how hard it is was. It was surprisingly easy, I am gonna check my marks right... All right, here is a list of my marks

Art: 68% (it went down from a 76%)
Gym: 80% (it has always been that)
French: 59% (I used to be failing it, and it should go up soon, I have a test tomorrow)
History: 60% (used to be 53%)
Music: 88% (used to be 98%)
Language Arts: 68%
Math: 64% (used to be 73, the 63)
Geography: 61% (will be going up soon because I did really good on the test today)
Science: 68% (it was 73, then 63)
Total average: 68%
Average after test week (probably) 69.9

That leads me to me next topic, yesterday I was going to tell you but my computer randomly shut off and I lost the post. You know that deal I had with my dad? If I get scholars for this year and next year I get a Gibson Les Paul. Well, we both know that that won`t happen this year, next year I think it could happen. So yeah, we made a new deal, if I get a 70% in math and an overall average of 70% I get my favorite guitar, at least right now. A Fender Telecaster Crimson Red Thinline Hollow Body. It was designed by the guitarist for a band called Jimmy Eat World, they are an ok band. I only know two songs by them, The Middle and Hear You Me. Their guitarist is called Jim Adkins, he is a pretty good guitarist. So yeah, he teamed up with Fender and designed his guitar, the Jim Adkins JA-90 Thinline Hollow Body Crimson Red Fender Telecaster, it is amazing. In my opinion Fender is one of the best if not THE best. I can switch between Fender and Gibson, right now my favorite is Fender.

So today was also the very first Jazz Band rehearsal. It was awesome, so much fun!!! There is only like 8-11 people in it. So I am happy that this was fun because I kinda hate Honour Band, I like it, just I hate being in it. So far we are doing three songs, today we only did two of them, we are doing Thriller by Michael Jackson, Play That Funky Music (I don`t know who that is by) and we are doing a song called Take The "A" Train, I don`t know who that is by either.
Today we did Thriller and Play That Funky Music. They were really fun. And the cool thing is, in both of those songs there are little fills, more in Play That Funky Music. So in that one I get to make little solo`s and fills for the drums. And in Thriller for the recording we are playing he is doing lots of cool stuff with the high hat peddle`s so I get to fiddle with that, so yeah it is really fun.

Now for today I don`t know what to put as the song of the day, so I am going to list a bunch of my favorite songs right now. Here they are

1. By The Way by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
2. Dance The Night Away by Van Halen
3. I Still Haven`t Found What I`m Looking For by U2
4. Snow (Hey Oh) by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
5. Empire State Of Mind by Jay-Z
6. Bad Moon Rising by Creedance Cleerwater Revival
7. Sharp Dressed Man by ZZ Top

All right guys, thats it for today.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Health Plan

Hi guys,
So today I decided I was going to start working out and eating more healthy.
I finished a workout a while ago, so here is what I did in that workout

3 minutes of running (warm up)
3 sets of 20 squats (30 second break between them)
3 sets of 20 push ups (30 second break bewteen them)
3 sets of 20 toes to the sky (30 second break between them)
2 sets of 40 jumping jacks (30 second break between them)
I did that two times

Walk for 30 seconds
Jog for 30 seconds
Sprint for 30 seconds
I did that last past part for 45 minutes.

It was a good workout, the only bad thing was that I forgot to put on music, that reminds me, here are my favorite music video`s and what bands they are by

The Red Hot Chili Peppers
Can`t Stop

By The Way


Neil Young
Heart Of Gold

So yeah, those are my favorite video`s right now and songs.

So yesterday I got out my old acoutstic guitar out. I was so surprised it was still playable, except for the fact that it was missing a string. But yeah, still in tune, the strings are old and dead, but still playable. Guitar strings are supposed to be renewed every three months, new strings every three months. All of my three guitars are very late for new strings. My SG hasn`t been restrung in around five or six months. My Stratocaster is around one year overdue. My acoustic is around four years overdue.
Yeah, I need new strings.
So, I still have one more day off, I love long weekends!
Here is the game plan for tomorrow so far. I am going to get up, have breakfast, play guitar, do some homework, some other stuff, workout and just relaxing.

All right, now for the song of the day

By The Way by The Red Hot Chili Peppers

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Songs To Learn Part 2

Hey all,
So a while ago I did a post about the songs I could play, and the songs I wanted to learn how to play. Today I am going to do another one of those.
All right, first off I want to say that in the list of full song I could play I forgot one song, so here is that list again with all the songs I can play now.

1. Into The Void by KISS
2. Heavens On Fire by KISS
3. Lick It Up by KISS
4. Who Made Who by AC/DC
5. Lucky Man by Emmerson Lake and Palmer
6. Runnin With Devil by Van Halen
7. Eye Of The Tiger by Survivor
8. Suck My Kiss by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
9. Slow Ride by Foghat

So yeah, that is the new list, and soon enough another song will be on it. Right now I am learning Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd. It is truly an amazing song.If you haven`t heard it here is the link for it
It is an amazing song, and that reminds me, my dad showed me thsi song today, it is called Classical Gas by Mason Williams. It is an instrumental song, just guitar but this guy is an amazing guitarist, so here that is
It is amazing, just guitar.

So you know how I was supposed to be doing a song with that kid for the Middle School Music Night, and then I quit cause we kept fighting. Yeah well, me and one of my other friends are now doing something for it, we don`t know what we are doing yet, we don`t know if we are going to write something or do a cover. So far some of our ideas are Know Your Enemy by Green Day, and that is all we have thought of so far, but we have plenty options and we have loads of time, well actually if you think about it we don`t have that much.

My birthday is in 22 days, I think, I might have counted it wrong. But yeah, so I decided to make a playlist a long time ago for it, called 13 For 13. So here are the songs on that playlist

1. Hey Tonight by Creedance Cleerwater Revival
2. November Rain by Guns N Roses
3. Gates Of Steel by DEVO
4. Sweet Child O Mine by Guns N Roses
5. Crazy by Aerosmith
6. Holiday by Green Day
7. I Wanna Rock by Twisted Sister
8. Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd
9. Deuces Are Wild by Aerosmith
10. Who Made Who by AC/DC
11. Come Dancing by The Kinks
12. God Gave Rock N Roll To You by KISS
13. Live To Win by Paul Stanley

Oh, I just remembered, I wanted to show you guys a music video I love right now. It is the music video for Can`t Stop by The Red Hot Chili Peppers (which I know how to play most of).
It is a really cool music video and a really good song.

All right, now here is a short list of songs I want to learn

1. Snow (Hey Oh) by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
2. Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd
3. Bad Moon Rising by Creedance Cleerwater Revival
4. Can`t Stop by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
5. Deuces Are Wild by Aerosmith
6. Hey Tonight by Creedance Cleerwater Revival
7. Police On My Back by The Clash
8. Rock N Roll High School by The Ramone
9. You Could Be Mine by Guns N Roses
10. The Last Fight by Velvet Revolver

All right, I gotta go so here is the song of the day

Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd

Friday, February 12, 2010

Long Weekend

Hey guys,
So yesterday was my last day of school for the long weekend. Four day`s of pure relaxation.
So today my friend was supposed to come over but there was once again a lack of communication. He is very forgetful and amazingly gullable, so yeah he was supposed to come over but he didn`t because of lack of communication. But oh well, gotta relax, do some work that needed to be done, personal work for fun not school work.
I got an ITunes card, a movie. The movie is awesome, its called Little Miss Sunshine, I saw it a couple years ago and it was awesome.
I just got back from The Keg, the meal was amazing!!! I had filet mignion, it was awesome, it was wrapped in bacon. I had some fries with it, some asperagaus, grilled beats, which were much better than I thought.

And on the way back we stopped off at a store to get some random stuff, our mom went in and this guy came out and was looking at something and I thought he was looking at me, and I told my brother and he said sarcasticly "Cause you`re hot... not" and then I shouted "I AM F***ING GORGEOUS!!!" He burst out in laughter for like five minutes. He said at my funeral he will get up for a speech and he will say "One time we were in a car and he shouted I AM F***ING GORGEOUS, I will always remember that".

Now we are watching Boston Legal and soon we are going to watch Little Miss Sunshine. And for once in a VERY long time... My brother is sitting with us watching it. He is usually up in is room on his computer or playing video games, but never with us.

Tomorrow I have music lessons, I might finish Suck My Kiss by The Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Sunday just relaxing and Friday some home work.
Now for the song of the day, I have two again

Baby`s In Black by The Beatles

Lit Up by Buckcherry

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Costa Rica!

Hey everyone,
So today in Chapel at school I found out that not this summer but next summer, summer of 2011. When I finish grade 8, I have the chance to go to Costa Rica with who ever wants to go in Grade 7 or 8 at the time. I`m not sure if I can go, but if I can, that would be awesome.
It is an 8 day trip, we would stay in four different hotels, and tour around. Costa Rica has been cutting down a lot of vegatation and they have found that the soil is much less richer and furtile because of that so they are trying to backstep that. So we would go and help with that, we would be hiking, go to an active volcano, go to some families that make chocolate, and a bunch of other really cool stuff. If I can go that would be so fun!!!

And another good thing is my History average went up 6%, it still sucks, but its better. My History was 53%, now, if you can do any math, it is 59%.
My French should go up too, I had a big test and for the first time, I was actually ready for it, I have been getting a tutor for a while now and it is helping.

In Language Arts we presented our speeches, well at least four people did. Two of them were interesting, one was on Why Labs Are The Best Dogs (one of the good one`s), there was one on Why Abortion Should Be Legal (the other good one), the other two were Airport Security (which wasn`t that good and some of the stuff he said in it were wrong) and then there was Why Smoking Is Bad (that one was ok). But I know what some of the other topics are and listened to them practise and there are a lot of really cool one`s. There is Why Video Games Are Good For You (which I don`t believe but he brings some valid points), Why The Death Penalty Should Be Re-instated (I don`t agree but I have heard some of it and its a good speech).

Today I also found out that I didn`t make it for guitar in Jazz Band, I did just as good if not better than him on the notes and all the riffs, but he beat me on the chords, I am still in the band but as the drummer.
And you know how I quit the Middle School Music Night with that kid I have talked about, well I was talking to one of my friends about music and some other stuff, and we decided we would do something for the Middle School Music Night. So far one of our ideas for songs is that we could play Know Your Enemy by Green Day, here is the music video for it.
It is an awesome song and video.
Green Day makes awesome songs, but amazingly simple songs. The only other band I know that can do that is AC/DC, well, some of their stuff gets kinda complicated.

Here is a video I found of my favorite song, Sharp Dressed Man by ZZ Top, the video is footage from the original Dukes Of Hazzard with Sharp Dressed Man playing. Ok, never mind, that video is not working, so here is another video with that song.
That is them perorming it live, which usually wouldn`t be as good, but they are awesome live.
And that brings me to my song of the day
Sharp Dressed Man by ZZ Top

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Big Time Musicians

Today I am gonna talk about some bands that have hit it huge and have became very famous for it. So here is a short list of those people, in my opinion there are not a lot of people who have it that big.
1. Elvis Presley
2. The Beatles
3. Michael Jackson
5. Aerosmith

For number 5 I don`t fully agree with it, I mean they did hit it really big, they are a very famous and very good band, but I don`t think they made it as big as the other people on the list.

Right now none of those people are my favorite bands/musicians, right now my favorite band is ZZ Top. They are awesome and my favorite guitarist is the guitarist for ZZ Top, his name is Billy Gibbons. If you don`t know who he is, which at first I didn`t but then I saw a picture of him.
So here is a picture,
I couldn`t actually paste the picture, I don`t know why but it wouldn`t let me, so look at that picture, Billy Gibbons is the one on the right.
Here is a video if them live playing my favorite song, the song is Legs.
It is an awesome song. Its got my favorite lyrics too, I don`t know why but I love them, well actually I know exactly why but oh well, I won`t say for now.
Here are some of my other favorite vids right now, That is 21st Century Breakdown by Green Day. That is Love In An Elevator by Aerosmith

So yeah, those are two of my favorite video`s.
So either tomorrow or Tuesday is the tryouts for guitar for Jazz Band, and I am thinking it would be better if I didin`t do guitar in it, cause everything will be in normal notes, and I am not used to that anymore, I have used tab for like two years now. So I would have trouble playing the songs, so it would be better if I played drums.

And then on Tuesday I might be presenting my speech on Why Gibson Is The Best Guitar Company. It has actually been pretty fun making that, I get to do research on my favorite thing... Guitars.
That reminds me, a new Gibson guitar was released three days ago, there is this musician called Sammy Hagar, he was a pretty good solo artist, his most famous song was I Can`t Drive 55, now he is the songer for Van Halen. He just made his own Les Paul with Gibson and it is awesome, it is called the Gibson Sammy Hagar Red Rocker Les Paul. that is the site, check it, its a really cool guitar.
Another really cool Gibson guitar is the Gibson Billy Gibbons Pearly Gates Les Paul, its got that old fashioned look and feel to it and it is just awesome. that is the Billy Gibbons guitar.
All right, for the song of the day I have lots of candidates, so I am gonna make a list of some of them and then pick one to be the actuall song of the day.
1. Legs by ZZ Top
2. 21st Century Breakdown by Green Day
3. Last Of The American Girls by Green Day
4. I Still Haven`t Found What I`m Looking For by U2

All right, now to pick one. I think I am gonna have to go with...
Legs by ZZ Top